# ocCaM'S [![Rails CI](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/actions/workflows/rubyonrails.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/actions/workflows/rubyonrails.yml) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/avonderluft/occams/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://coveralls.io/github/avonderluft/occams?branch=main) [![Gem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/occams.svg?style=flat)](http://rubygems.org/gems/occams) [![Gem Downloads](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/occams.svg?style=flat)](http://rubygems.org/gems/occams) [![GitHub Release Date - Published_At](https://img.shields.io/github/release-date/avonderluft/occams?label=last%20release&color=seagreen)](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/releases) ***Prefer Simplicity.*** ``` ____ __ __ _ ____ ___ ___ / ___|__ _| \/ ( ) ___| / _ \ / __| | / _` | |\/| |/\___ \ | (_) | (__| |__| (_| | | | | ___) | \___/ \___|\____\__,_|_| |_| |____/ ``` ## Raison d'etre ocCaM'S is a revival of [ComfortableMexicanSofa](https://github.com/comfy/comfortable-mexican-sofa), with all due thanks and acknowledgements to [Oleg Khabarov](https://github.com/GBH), and others. 'Comfy' is in my experience the simplest and cleanest of all Rails-based CMSes. Seeing that its last commit was in 2020, I was determined that it should not die on the vine as [RadiantCMS](https://github.com/radiant/radiant) did some years ago. ## The name ocCaM'S, pronounced "AH-kums" is a nod to [Occam's Razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor) - for this Rails-based Content Management System endeavors to follow the principle that unnecessarily complex models should not be preferred over simpler ones. ## Features * Simple drop-in integration with Rails 6.1+ apps with minimal configuration * The CMS keeps clear from the rest of your application * Powerful page templating capability using [Content Tags](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/wiki/Content-Tags) * [Multiple Sites](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/wiki/Sites) from a single installation * Multi-Language Support (i18n) (ca, cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, gr, hr, it, ja, nb, nl, pl, pt-BR, ru, sv, tr, uk, zh-CN, zh-TW) and page localization. * [CMS Seeds](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/wiki/CMS-Seeds) for initial content population * [Revision History](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/wiki/Revisions) to revert changes * [Extendable Admin Area](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/wiki/HowTo:-Reusing-Admin-Area) built with [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com) (responsive design). Using [CodeMirror](http://codemirror.net) for HTML and Markdown highlighing and [Redactor](http://imperavi.com/redactor) as the WYSIWYG editor. ## Dependencies * File attachments are handled by [ActiveStorage](https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/master/activestorage). Make sure that you can run appropriate migrations by running: `rails active_storage:install` and then `rake db:migrate` * Image resizing is done with [ImageMagick](http://www.imagemagick.org/script/download.php), so make sure it's installed ## Compatibility - [Test suite](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/actions/workflows/rubyonrails.yml) on Ruby >= 2.7 with Rails >= 6.1 - On Ruby 3.2, Rails 7.x + is recommended, since performance is noticably better than on 6.x - Sites do run on Rails 7.1, e.g. [GKNT](https://gknt.org/), but some tests fail in [Github Actions](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/actions). Your mileage may vary. ## Installation Add gem definition to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem "occams" ``` * From the Rails project's root run: `bundle install` * Then add the CMS: `rails generate occams:cms` * If you want to store files in your CMS with Active Storage: `rails active_storage:install` * Set up the database: `rails db:migrate` Now take a look inside your `config/routes.rb` file. You'll see where routes attach for the admin area and content serving. Make sure that content serving route appears as a very last item or it will make all other routes to be inaccessible. ```ruby occams_route :cms_admin, path: "/admin" occams_route :cms, path: "/" ``` ## Quick Start Guide After finishing installation you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:3000/admin Default username and password is 'user' and 'pass'. You probably want to change it right away. Admin credentials (among other things) can be found and changed in the cms initializer: [/config/initializers/occams.rb](https://github.com/avonderluft/occams/blob/main/config/initializers/occams.rb) Before creating pages and populating them with content we need to create a Site. Site defines a hostname, content path and its language. After creating a Site, you need to make a Layout. Layout is the template of your pages; it defines some reusable content (like header and footer, for example) and places where the content goes. A very simple layout can look like this: ```html