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Eqbyebug/commandEqEqqqEqregexpqOq Eq descriptionEq save[ FILE] Eq# Byebug state is saved as a script file. This includes breakpoints, catchpoints, display expressions and some settings. If no filename is given, byebug will fabricate one. Use the "source" command in another debug session to restore the saved file. TqEqshort_descriptionEq&Saves current byebug session to a fileqEqexecuteqPEqwEqsave.messages.doneq7qEqsave_breakpointsEqblock in save_breakpointsEqbreak Eq:Eq if qEqsave_catchpointsEqblock in save_catchpointsEqcatch q"Eq save_displaysEqblock in save_displaysEqdisplay q&Eq save_settingsEqautoirbEqautolistEqbasenameEqblock in save_settingsEqset Eq EqByebugEqCommandEq SaveCommandEqto_sEqFileEq@matchEqSettingEqfileEq[]EqopenEqpathEqprintEqcloseEqprEqbEqsourceEqposEqexprEqputsEq breakpointsEqeachEqcEq catchpointsEqeach_keyEqdEqdisplaysEqsettingEqto_symEqallow_in_control=Eqallow_in_post_mortem=Eqcore#define_singleton_methodEqcore#define_methodEqprivateEqrequireEq!^\s* sa(?:ve)? (?:\s+(\S+))? \s*$Eqsavefile&&''A'd''''''''-(d)p)))))**=*I*U*y******+J+d+p+++++,,;,W,,,,,,--2-L-g------- .".<.S.k...... //;/V/p////0/0J00