require 'spec_helper' describe Valvat::Utils do describe "#split" do it "returns country and rest on vat number as array" do Valvat::Utils.split("DE345889003").should eql(["DE", "345889003"]) Valvat::Utils.split("ESX4588900X").should eql(["ES", "X4588900X"]) end it "returns two nils on non-european iso codes as array" do Valvat::Utils.split("US345889003").should eql([nil, nil]) Valvat::Utils.split("RUX4588900X").should eql([nil, nil]) end it "returns two nils on non-sense input as array" do Valvat::Utils.split("DE").should eql([nil, nil]) Valvat::Utils.split("X345889003").should eql([nil, nil]) Valvat::Utils.split("").should eql([nil, nil]) Valvat::Utils.split("1234").should eql([nil, nil]) Valvat::Utils.split(" ").should eql([nil, nil]) end it "returns EL (language iso code) on greek vat" do Valvat::Utils.split("EL999999999").should eql(["EL", "999999999"]) end end describe "#normalize" do it "returns vat number with upcase chars" do Valvat::Utils.normalize("de345889003").should eql("DE345889003") Valvat::Utils.normalize("EsX4588900y").should eql("ESX4588900Y") end it "returns trimmed vat number" do Valvat::Utils.normalize(" DE345889003").should eql("DE345889003") Valvat::Utils.normalize(" DE345889003 ").should eql("DE345889003") Valvat::Utils.normalize("DE345889003 ").should eql("DE345889003") end it "does not change already normalized vat numbers" do Valvat::Utils.normalize("DE345889003").should eql("DE345889003") Valvat::Utils.normalize("ESX4588900X").should eql("ESX4588900X") end it "removes spaces" do Valvat::Utils.normalize("DE 345889003").should eql("DE345889003") Valvat::Utils.normalize("ESX 458 8900 X").should eql("ESX4588900X") end it "removes special chars" do Valvat::Utils.normalize("DE.345-889_00:3,;").should eql("DE345889003") end end describe "#vat_country_to_iso_country" do it "returns iso country code on greek iso language 'EL'" do Valvat::Utils.vat_country_to_iso_country("EL").should eql("GR") end Valvat::Utils::EU_COUNTRIES.each do |iso| it "returns unchanged iso country code '#{iso}'" do Valvat::Utils.vat_country_to_iso_country(iso).should eql(iso) end end end describe "#iso_country_to_vat_country" do it "returns vat country on greek iso country code 'GR'" do Valvat::Utils.iso_country_to_vat_country("GR").should eql("EL") end Valvat::Utils::EU_COUNTRIES.reject{|c| c == "GR"}.each do |c| it "returns unchanged vat country code '#{c}'" do Valvat::Utils.iso_country_to_vat_country(c).should eql(c) end end end end