/** * @license * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * Class constructor for Slider MDL component. * Implements MDL component design pattern defined at: * https://github.com/jasonmayes/mdl-component-design-pattern * * @constructor * @param {HTMLElement} element The element that will be upgraded. */ var MaterialSlider = function MaterialSlider(element) { this.element_ = element; // Browser feature detection. this.isIE_ = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled; // Initialize instance. this.init(); }; window['MaterialSlider'] = MaterialSlider; /** * Store constants in one place so they can be updated easily. * * @enum {string | number} * @private */ MaterialSlider.prototype.Constant_ = { // None for now. }; /** * Store strings for class names defined by this component that are used in * JavaScript. This allows us to simply change it in one place should we * decide to modify at a later date. * * @enum {string} * @private */ MaterialSlider.prototype.CssClasses_ = { IE_CONTAINER: 'mdl-slider__ie-container', SLIDER_CONTAINER: 'mdl-slider__container', BACKGROUND_FLEX: 'mdl-slider__background-flex', BACKGROUND_LOWER: 'mdl-slider__background-lower', BACKGROUND_UPPER: 'mdl-slider__background-upper', IS_LOWEST_VALUE: 'is-lowest-value', IS_UPGRADED: 'is-upgraded' }; /** * Handle input on element. * * @param {Event} event The event that fired. * @private */ MaterialSlider.prototype.onInput_ = function(event) { this.updateValueStyles_(); }; /** * Handle change on element. * * @param {Event} event The event that fired. * @private */ MaterialSlider.prototype.onChange_ = function(event) { this.updateValueStyles_(); }; /** * Handle mouseup on element. * * @param {Event} event The event that fired. * @private */ MaterialSlider.prototype.onMouseUp_ = function(event) { event.target.blur(); }; /** * Handle mousedown on container element. * This handler is purpose is to not require the use to click * exactly on the 2px slider element, as FireFox seems to be very * strict about this. * * @param {Event} event The event that fired. * @private * @suppress {missingProperties} */ MaterialSlider.prototype.onContainerMouseDown_ = function(event) { // If this click is not on the parent element (but rather some child) // ignore. It may still bubble up. if (event.target !== this.element_.parentElement) { return; } // Discard the original event and create a new event that // is on the slider element. event.preventDefault(); var newEvent = new MouseEvent('mousedown', { target: event.target, buttons: event.buttons, clientX: event.clientX, clientY: this.element_.getBoundingClientRect().y }); this.element_.dispatchEvent(newEvent); }; /** * Handle updating of values. * * @private */ MaterialSlider.prototype.updateValueStyles_ = function() { // Calculate and apply percentages to div structure behind slider. var fraction = (this.element_.value - this.element_.min) / (this.element_.max - this.element_.min); if (fraction === 0) { this.element_.classList.add(this.CssClasses_.IS_LOWEST_VALUE); } else { this.element_.classList.remove(this.CssClasses_.IS_LOWEST_VALUE); } if (!this.isIE_) { this.backgroundLower_.style.flex = fraction; this.backgroundLower_.style.webkitFlex = fraction; this.backgroundUpper_.style.flex = 1 - fraction; this.backgroundUpper_.style.webkitFlex = 1 - fraction; } }; // Public methods. /** * Disable slider. * * @public */ MaterialSlider.prototype.disable = function() { this.element_.disabled = true; }; MaterialSlider.prototype['disable'] = MaterialSlider.prototype.disable; /** * Enable slider. * * @public */ MaterialSlider.prototype.enable = function() { this.element_.disabled = false; }; MaterialSlider.prototype['enable'] = MaterialSlider.prototype.enable; /** * Update slider value. * * @param {number} value The value to which to set the control (optional). * @public */ MaterialSlider.prototype.change = function(value) { if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { this.element_.value = value; } this.updateValueStyles_(); }; MaterialSlider.prototype['change'] = MaterialSlider.prototype.change; /** * Initialize element. */ MaterialSlider.prototype.init = function() { if (this.element_) { if (this.isIE_) { // Since we need to specify a very large height in IE due to // implementation limitations, we add a parent here that trims it down to // a reasonable size. var containerIE = document.createElement('div'); containerIE.classList.add(this.CssClasses_.IE_CONTAINER); this.element_.parentElement.insertBefore(containerIE, this.element_); this.element_.parentElement.removeChild(this.element_); containerIE.appendChild(this.element_); } else { // For non-IE browsers, we need a div structure that sits behind the // slider and allows us to style the left and right sides of it with // different colors. var container = document.createElement('div'); container.classList.add(this.CssClasses_.SLIDER_CONTAINER); this.element_.parentElement.insertBefore(container, this.element_); this.element_.parentElement.removeChild(this.element_); container.appendChild(this.element_); var backgroundFlex = document.createElement('div'); backgroundFlex.classList.add(this.CssClasses_.BACKGROUND_FLEX); container.appendChild(backgroundFlex); this.backgroundLower_ = document.createElement('div'); this.backgroundLower_.classList.add(this.CssClasses_.BACKGROUND_LOWER); backgroundFlex.appendChild(this.backgroundLower_); this.backgroundUpper_ = document.createElement('div'); this.backgroundUpper_.classList.add(this.CssClasses_.BACKGROUND_UPPER); backgroundFlex.appendChild(this.backgroundUpper_); } this.boundInputHandler = this.onInput_.bind(this); this.boundChangeHandler = this.onChange_.bind(this); this.boundMouseUpHandler = this.onMouseUp_.bind(this); this.boundContainerMouseDownHandler = this.onContainerMouseDown_.bind(this); this.element_.addEventListener('input', this.boundInputHandler); this.element_.addEventListener('change', this.boundChangeHandler); this.element_.addEventListener('mouseup', this.boundMouseUpHandler); this.element_.parentElement.addEventListener('mousedown', this.boundContainerMouseDownHandler); this.updateValueStyles_(); this.element_.classList.add(this.CssClasses_.IS_UPGRADED); } }; /** * Downgrade the component * * @private */ MaterialSlider.prototype.mdlDowngrade_ = function() { this.element_.removeEventListener('input', this.boundInputHandler); this.element_.removeEventListener('change', this.boundChangeHandler); this.element_.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.boundMouseUpHandler); this.element_.parentElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.boundContainerMouseDownHandler); }; /** * Public alias for the downgrade method. * * @public */ MaterialSlider.prototype.mdlDowngrade = MaterialSlider.prototype.mdlDowngrade_; MaterialSlider.prototype['mdlDowngrade'] = MaterialSlider.prototype.mdlDowngrade; // The component registers itself. It can assume componentHandler is available // in the global scope. componentHandler.register({ constructor: MaterialSlider, classAsString: 'MaterialSlider', cssClass: 'mdl-js-slider', widget: true }); })();