# This configuration was generated by # `rubocop --auto-gen-config` # on 2020-12-30 04:27:41 UTC using RuboCop version 1.7.0. # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: AllowSafeAssignment. Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/album.rb' # Offense count: 1 Lint/RescueException: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' # Offense count: 1 Lint/ShadowedException: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' # Offense count: 2 Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: AllowComments. Lint/SuppressedException: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' # Offense count: 5 Lint/UselessAssignment: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/mpcinfo.rb' # Offense count: 7 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods, CountRepeatedAttributes. Metrics/AbcSize: Max: 177 # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne. Metrics/ClassLength: Max: 322 # Offense count: 4 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods. Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Max: 28 # Offense count: 8 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne, ExcludedMethods, IgnoredMethods. Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 116 # Offense count: 4 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMethods. Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Max: 23 # Offense count: 6 # Configuration parameters: MinNameLength, AllowNamesEndingInNumbers, AllowedNames, ForbiddenNames. # AllowedNames: at, by, db, id, in, io, ip, of, on, os, pp, to Naming/MethodParameterName: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/mpcinfo.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, ForbiddenPrefixes, AllowedMethods, MethodDefinitionMacros. # NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_ # ForbiddenPrefixes: is_, has_, have_ # AllowedMethods: is_a? # MethodDefinitionMacros: define_method, define_singleton_method Naming/PredicateName: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' # Offense count: 4 Style/Documentation: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' - 'test/**/*' - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/album.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/case_insensitive_hash.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/mpcinfo.rb' # Offense count: 4 # Configuration parameters: MaxUnannotatedPlaceholdersAllowed. # SupportedStyles: annotated, template, unannotated Style/FormatStringToken: EnforcedStyle: unannotated # Offense count: 8 # Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength. Style/GuardClause: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/album.rb' - 'lib/audioinfo/mpcinfo.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: AllowedMethods. # AllowedMethods: respond_to_missing? Style/OptionalBooleanParameter: Exclude: - 'lib/audioinfo/album.rb'