require 'coveralls' Coveralls.wear! # Own code here. require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'active_record' require 'mongoid' require 'phony_rails' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:' ) ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :active_record_models do |table| table.column :phone_attribute, :string table.column :phone_number, :string table.column :phone_number_as_normalized, :string table.column :fax_number, :string table.column :country_code_attribute, :string table.column :symboled_phone, :string end end module SharedModelMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_accessor :phone_method, :phone1_method, :symboled_phone_method, :country_code, :country_code_attribute phony_normalized_method :phone_attribute # adds normalized_phone_attribute method phony_normalized_method :phone_method # adds normalized_phone_method method phony_normalized_method :phone1_method, default_country_code: 'DE' # adds normalized_phone_method method phony_normalized_method :symboled_phone_method, country_code: :country_code_attribute # adds phone_with_symboled_options method phony_normalize :phone_number # normalized on validation phony_normalize :fax_number, default_country_code: 'AU' phony_normalize :symboled_phone, default_country_code: :country_code_attribute end end class ActiveRecordModel < ActiveRecord::Base include SharedModelMethods end class RelaxedActiveRecordModel < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'active_record_models' attr_accessor :phone_number, :country_code phony_normalize :phone_number, enforce_record_country: false end class ActiveRecordDummy < ActiveRecordModel end class ActiveModelModel # in case you don't want a database for your model include ActiveModel::Model # this provides most of the interface of AR include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks # we use callbacks for normalization include SharedModelMethods # database columns don't give us free attributes, we have to define them attr_accessor :phone_number, :phone_attribute, :phone_number_as_normalized, :country_code_attribute, :fax_number, :symboled_phone end class ActiveModelDummy < ActiveModelModel end class MongoidModel include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Phony field :phone_attribute, type: String field :phone_number, type: String field :phone_number_as_normalized, type: String field :fax_number field :country_code_attribute, type: String field :symboled_phone, type: String include SharedModelMethods end class MongoidDummy < MongoidModel end I18n.config.enforce_available_locales = true # RSpec.configure do |config| # # some (optional) config here # end