require 'rubygems' require 'chronic' require 'sequel' require 'Getopt/Declare' # connect to database. This will create one if it doesn't exist DB_NAME = defined?(TEST_MODE) ? nil : "#{ENV['HOME']}/.timetrap.db" DB = Sequel.sqlite DB_NAME module Timetrap extend self module CLI attr_accessor :args extend self COMMANDS = { "alter" => "alter the description of the active period", "backend" => "open an the backend's interactive shell", "display" => "display the current timesheet", "format" => "export a sheet to csv format", "in" => "start the timer for the current timesheet", "kill" => "delete a timesheet", "list" => "show the available timesheets", "now" => "show the status of the current timesheet", "out" => "stop the timer for the current timesheet", "running" => "show all running timesheets", "switch" => "switch to a new timesheet" } def parse arguments args.parse arguments end def invoke invoke_command_if_valid end def invoke_command_if_valid command = args.unused.shift case (valid ={|name| name =~ %r|^#{command}|}).size when 0 then say "Invalid command: #{command}" when 1 then send valid[0] else; say "Ambigous command: #{command}"; end end def alter Timetrap.active_entry.update :note => args.unused.join(' ') end def backend exec "sqlite3 #{DB_NAME}" end def in Timetrap.start args.unused.join(' '), args['--at'] end def out Timetrap.stop args['--at'] end def kill sheet = args.unused.join(' ') unless (sheets ={|e| e.sheet }.uniq).include?(sheet) say "ain't no sheet #{sheet.inspect}", 'sheets:', *sheets return end victims = Entry.filter(:sheet => sheet).count print "are you sure you want to delete #{victims} entries on sheet #{sheet.inspect}? " if $stdin.gets =~ /\Aye?s?\Z/i Timetrap.kill sheet say "killed #{victims} entries" else say "will not kill" end end def display sheet = sheet_name_from_string(args.unused.join(' ')) sheet = (sheet =~ /.+/ ? sheet : Timetrap.current_sheet) say "Timesheet: #{sheet}" say " Day Start End Duration Notes" last_start = nil from_current_day = [] (ee = Timetrap.entries(sheet)).each_with_index do |e, i| from_current_day << e e_end = e.end || say "%27s%11s -%9s%10s %s" % [ format_date_if_new(e.start, last_start), format_time(e.start), format_time(e.end), format_duration(e.start, e_end), e.note ] nxt = Timetrap.entries(sheet).map[i+1] if nxt == nil or !same_day?(e.start, nxt.start) say "%59s" % format_total(from_current_day) from_current_day = [] else end last_start = e.start end say <<-OUT --------------------------------------------------------- OUT say " Total%43s" % format_total(ee) end def format say "Sorry not implemented yet :-(" end def switch sheet = args.unused.join(' ') if not sheet then say "No sheet specified"; return end say "Switching to sheet " + Timetrap.switch(sheet) end def list sheets ={|e|e.sheet} do |sheet| sheet_atts = {:total => 0, :running => 0, :today => 0} DB[:entries].filter(:sheet => sheet).inject(sheet_atts) do |m, e| e_end = e[:end] || m[:name] ||= sheet m[:total] += (e_end.to_i - e[:start].to_i) m[:running] += (e_end.to_i - e[:start].to_i) unless e[:end] m[:today] += (e_end.to_i - e[:start].to_i) if same_day?(, e[:start]) m end end width = sheets.sort_by{|h|h[:name].length }.last[:name].length + 4 say " %-#{width}s%-12s%-12s%s" % ["Timesheet", "Running", "Today", "Total Time"] sheets.each do |sheet| star = sheet[:name] == Timetrap.current_sheet ? '*' : ' ' say "#{star}%-#{width}s%-12s%-12s%s" % [ sheet[:running], sheet[:today], sheet[:total] ].map(&method(:format_seconds)).unshift(sheet[:name]) end end def now if Timetrap.running? out = "#{Timetrap.current_sheet}: #{format_duration(Timetrap.active_entry.start,}".gsub(/ /, ' ') out << " (#{Timetrap.active_entry.note})" if Timetrap.active_entry.note =~ /.+/ say out else say "#{Timetrap.current_sheet}: not running" end end def running say "Sorry not implemented yet :-(" end private def format_time time return '' unless time.respond_to?(:strftime) time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') end def format_date time return '' unless time.respond_to?(:strftime) time.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y') end def format_date_if_new time, last_time return '' unless time.respond_to?(:strftime) same_day?(time, last_time) ? '' : format_date(time) end def same_day? time, other_time format_date(time) == format_date(other_time) end def format_duration stime, etime return '' unless stime and etime secs = etime.to_i - stime.to_i format_seconds secs end def format_seconds secs "%2s:%02d:%02d" % [secs/3600, (secs%3600)/60, secs%60] end def format_total entries secs = entries.inject(0){|m, e|e_end = e.end ||; m += e_end.to_i - e.start.to_i if e_end && e.start;m} "%2s:%02d:%02d" % [secs/3600, (secs%3600)/60, secs%60] end def sheet_name_from_string string return "" unless string =~ /.+/ DB[:entries].filter("#{string}%")).first[:sheet] rescue "" end public def say *something puts *something end end def current_sheet= sheet m = Meta.find_or_create(:key => 'current_sheet') m.value = sheet end def current_sheet unless Meta.find(:key => 'current_sheet') Meta.create(:key => 'current_sheet', :value => 'default') end Meta.find(:key => 'current_sheet').value end def invoked_as_executable? $0 == __FILE__ end def entries sheet = nil Entry.filter(:sheet => sheet).order_by(:start) end def running? !!active_entry end def active_entry Entry.find(:sheet => Timetrap.current_sheet, :end => nil) end def stop time = nil while a = active_entry time ||= a.end = time end end def start note, time = nil raise AlreadyRunning if running? time ||= Entry.create(:sheet => Timetrap.current_sheet, :note => note, :start => time).save rescue => e CLI.say e.message end def switch sheet self.current_sheet = sheet end def kill sheet Entry.filter(:sheet => sheet).destroy end class AlreadyRunning < StandardError def message "Timetrap is already running" end end class Entry < Sequel::Model plugin :schema def start= time self[:start]= Chronic.parse(time) || time end def end= time self[:end]= Chronic.parse(time) || time end # do a quick pseudo migration. This should only get executed on the first run set_schema do primary_key :id column :note, :string column :start, :timestamp column :end, :timestamp column :sheet, :string end create_table unless table_exists? end class Meta < Sequel::Model(:meta) plugin :schema set_schema do primary_key :id column :key, :string column :value, :string end create_table unless table_exists? end CLI.args =<<-EOF) Usage: #{File.basename $0} COMMAND [OPTIONS] [ARGS...] where COMMAND is one of: alter - alter the description of the active period backend - open an the backend's interactive shell display - display the current timesheet format - export a sheet to csv format in - start the timer for the current timesheet kill - delete a timesheet list - show the available timesheets now - show the status of the current timesheet out - stop the timer for the current timesheet running - show all running timesheets switch - switch to a new timesheet COMMAND OPTIONS -a, --at Use this time instead of now EOF end