# Absorb LMS API Wrapper "Absorb LMS is a powerful, flexible, and visually stunning software platform teamed with expert implementation and support to help you build the training programs your business needs. Whether your old LMS is slowing you down or you’ve outgrown your current training model, Absorb can help. " All the available REST routes can be found [here](https://myabsorb.com/api/rest/v1/Help). Full documentation can be found at [http://npezza93.github.io/absorb_api/](http://npezza93.github.io/absorb_api/) ## Table of Contents 1. [Installation](#installation) 2. [Configuration](#configuration) 3. [Models](#models) * [User](#user) * [Course](#course) * [Category](#category) * [Certificate](#certificate) * [Chapter](#chapter) * [Curriculum](#curriculum) * [Department](#department) * [Role](#role) * [Tag](#tag) * [SessionSchedule](#sessionschedule) * [Resource](#resource) * [Prerequisite](#prerequisite) * [Lesson](#lesson) * [CourseEnrollment](#courseenrollment) * [LessonEnrollment](#lessonenrollment) 4. [Development](#development) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'absorb_api' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install absorb_api ## Configuration ```ruby AbsorbApi.configure do |c| c.absorbuser = absorb_username c.absorbpass = absorb_password c.absorbkey = absorb_privatekey c.url = absorb_url c.ignored_course_ids = [course_ids_to_ignore] c.ignored_lesson_types = [lesson_types_to_ignore] end ``` ## Models ### User ```ruby # To return a collection of all available users AbsorbApi::User.all # To find a single user by id: AbsorbApi::User.find(id) # To return a collection of users matching conditions AbsorbApi::User.where(conditions) # available conditions include email, username, modifiedSince, and externalId AbsorbApi::User.where(email: "email@gmail.com") # To return a collection of enrollments for a specific user: user.enrollments # Available filters for enrollments include status and modifiedSince user.enrollments(status: 0, modifiedSince: DateTime.new(2016, 1, 1).to_s) # To return a collection of all certificates awarded to a user user.certificates # To return a single certificate for a specific user user.find_certificate(id) # To return a collection of all resources available to an user user.resources # To return a collection of all courses available for enrollment for a user user.courses # To create a new user AbsorbApi::User.create(department_id: "department_id", first_name: "first_name", last_name: "last_name", user_name: "user_name", email_address: "email_address", password: "password") # or AbsorbApi::User.create do |user| user.department_id = "department_id" user.first_name = "first_name" user.last_name = "last_name" user.user_name = "user_name" user.email_address = "email_address" user.password = "password" end # To return a collection of courses available per user given a collection of users courses = AbsorbApi::User.courses_from_collection(users) ``` ### Course ```ruby # To return a collection of all available courses AbsorbApi::Course.all # To find a single course by id AbsorbApi::Course.find(id) # To return a collection of courses matching conditions AbsorbApi::Course.where(conditions) # available conditions include modifiedSince and externalId AbsorbApi::Course.where(modifiedSince: DateTime.new(2016,1,1).to_s) # To return a collection of enrollments for a specific course: course.enrollments # Available filters for enrollments include status and modifiedSince course.enrollments(status: 0, modifiedSince: DateTime.new(2016, 1, 1).to_s) # To return a collection of all certificates awarded in a course course.certificates # Available filters for certificates include includeExpired, acquiredDate, and expiryDate course.certificates(includeExpired: true) # To return a single certificate for a specific course course.find_certificate(id) # To return a collection of chapters for a specific course course.chapters # To return a single chapters for a specific course course.find_chapter(id) # To return a collection of all resources available to a course course.resources # To return a single resource for a specific course course.find_resource(id) # To return a collection of all prerequisites to a course course.prerequisites # To return a collection of all lessons available to a course course.lessons # To return a single lesson for a specific course course.find_lesson(id) # To return a collection of associated enrollments given a collection of courses # Available conditions include modifiedSince and status AbsorbApi::Course.enrollments_from_collection(courses, modifiedSince: DateTime.new(2016, 1, 1)) ``` ### Category ```ruby # To return a collection of all available categories AbsorbApi::Category.all # To find a single category by id: AbsorbApi::Category.find(id) ``` ### Certificate ```ruby # To find a single certificate by id AbsorbApi::Certificate.find(id) ``` ### Chapter ```ruby # To return a collection of all available chapters AbsorbApi::Chapter.all # To find a single chapter by id AbsorbApi::Chapter.find(id) ``` ### Curriculum ```ruby # To return a collection of all available curriculums AbsorbApi::Curriculum.all # To find a single curriculum by id AbsorbApi::Curriculum.find(id) ``` ### Department ```ruby # To return a collection of all available departments AbsorbApi::Department.all # To find a single department by id AbsorbApi::Department.find(id) # To return a collection of departments matching conditions AbsorbApi::Department.where(conditions) # available conditions include departmentName, and externalId AbsorbApi::Department.where(departmentName: "Technology") # To return the parent department department.parent # To create a new department AbsorbApi::Department.create(name: "Test Department", parent_id: 1) # or AbsorbApi::Department.create do |department| department.name = "Test Department" department.parent_id = 1 end ``` ### Role ```ruby # To return a collection of all available roles AbsorbApi::Role.all # To find a single role by id AbsorbApi::Role.find(id) ``` ### Tag ```ruby # To return a collection of all available tags AbsorbApi::Tag.all # To find a single tag by id AbsorbApi::Tag.find(id) # To create a new tag AbsorbApi::Tag.create(name: "example") # or AbsorbApi::Tag.create do |tag| user.name = "example" end ``` ### SessionSchedule ```ruby # To return a collection of all available session schedules AbsorbApi::SessionSchedule.all # To find a single session schedule by id AbsorbApi::SessionSchedule.find(id) ``` ### Resource ```ruby # To return a collection of all available resources AbsorbApi::Resource.all # To find a single resource by id AbsorbApi::Resource.find(id) ``` ### Prerequisite ```ruby # To return a collection of all available prerequisites AbsorbApi::Prerequisite.all # To find a single prerequisite by id AbsorbApi::Prerequisite.find(id) ``` ### Lesson ```ruby # To return a collection of all available lessons AbsorbApi::Lesson.all # To find a single lesson by id AbsorbApi::Lesson.find(id) ``` ### CourseEnrollment ```ruby # To return a collection of associated lessons matching conditions # Available conditions are modifiedSince and status course_enrollment.lessons # To return a collection of associated enrollments given a collection of courses # Available conditions include modifiedSince and status AbsorbApi::CourseEnrollment.lessons_from_collection(course_enrollments, modifiedSince: DateTime.new(2016, 1, 1)) ``` ### LessonEnrollment ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/npezza93/absorb_api. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).