require 'credentials_manager' module Fastlane module Actions class RegisterDevicesAction < Action UDID_REGEXP = /^\h{40}$/ def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end def require 'spaceship' devices = params[:devices] devices_file = params[:devices_file] credentials = params[:username]) Spaceship.login(credentials.user, credentials.password) Spaceship.select_team if devices device_objs = do |k, v| UI.user_error!("Passed invalid UDID: #{v} for device: #{k}") unless UDID_REGEXP =~ v Spaceship::Device.create!(name: k, udid: v) end elsif devices_file require 'csv' devices_file =, col_sep: "\t") UI.user_error!("Please provide a file according to the Apple Sample UDID file (") unless devices_file.first == ['Device ID', 'Device Name'] UI.message("Fetching list of currently registered devices...") existing_devices = Spaceship::Device.all device_objs = devices_file.drop(1).map do |device| next if[0]) UI.user_error!("Invalid device line, please provide a file according to the Apple Sample UDID file (") unless device.count == 2 UI.user_error!("Passed invalid UDID: #{device[0]} for device: #{device[1]}") unless UDID_REGEXP =~ device[0] Spaceship::Device.create!(name: device[1], udid: device[0]) end else UI.user_error!("You must pass either a valid `devices` or `devices_file`. Please check the readme.") end UI.success("Successfully registered new devices.") return device_objs end def self.description "Registers new devices to the Apple Dev Portal" end def self.available_options user = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_dev_portal_id) user ||= CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id) [ :devices, env_name: "FL_REGISTER_DEVICES_DEVICES", description: "A hash of devices, with the name as key and the UDID as value", is_string: false, optional: true), :devices_file, env_name: "FL_REGISTER_DEVICES_FILE", description: "Provide a path to the devices to register", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Could not find file '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), :team_id, env_name: "REGISTER_DEVICES_TEAM_ID", default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_id), description: "The ID of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_TEAM_ID"] = value.to_s end), :team_name, env_name: "REGISTER_DEVICES_TEAM_NAME", description: "The name of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams", optional: true, default_value: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_name), verify_block: proc do |value| ENV["FASTLANE_TEAM_NAME"] = value.to_s end), :username, env_name: "DELIVER_USER", description: "Optional: Your Apple ID", default_value: user) ] end def self.details [ "This will register iOS devices with the Developer Portal so that you can include them in your provisioning profiles.", "This is an optimistic action, in that it will only ever add new devices to the member center, and never remove devices. If a device which has already been registered within the member center is not passed to this action, it will be left alone in the member center and continue to work.", "The action will connect to the Apple Developer Portal using the username you specified in your `Appfile` with `apple_id`, but you can override it using the `username` option, or by setting the env variable `ENV['DELIVER_USER']`." ].join("\n") end def "lmirosevic" end def self.example_code [ 'register_devices( devices: { "Luka iPhone 6" => "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "Felix iPad Air 2" => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstvuwxyzabcdefghijklmn" } ) # Simply provide a list of devices as a Hash', 'register_devices( devices_file: "./devices.txt" ) # Alternatively provide a standard UDID export .txt file, see the Apple Sample (', 'register_devices( devices_file: "./devices.txt", # You must pass in either `devices_file` or `devices`. team_id: "XXXXXXXXXX", # Optional, if you"re a member of multiple teams, then you need to pass the team ID here. username: "" # Optional, lets you override the Apple Member Center username. )' ] end def self.category :code_signing end end end end