require "net/ssh" require "thread" module Weave DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 10 # @private COLORS = { :red => 1, :green => 2 } # Create a connection pool for an array of hosts. Each host must have a user specified (e.g., # If a block is given, then the options are passed through to the underlying # ConnectionPool and the block is immediately run in the context of each connection. Otherwise, a pool is # returned. # # @see ConnectionPool#execute def self.connect(host_list, options = {}, &block) pool = if block_given? pool.execute(options, &block) pool.disconnect! else return pool end end # @private def self.color_string(string, color) return string unless STDOUT.isatty "\e[01;#{COLORS[color]+30}m#{string}\e[m" end # Spread work, identified by a key, across multiple threads. # @private def self.with_thread_pool(keys, thread_pool_size, &block) work_queue = mutex = keys.each { |key| work_queue << key } threads = (1..thread_pool_size).map do |i| do begin while (key = work_queue.pop(true)) yield key, mutex end rescue ThreadError # Queue is empty end end end threads.each(&:join) nil end # A pool of SSH connections. Operations over the pool may be performed in serial or in parallel. class ConnectionPool # @param [Array] host_list the array of hosts, of the form user@host def initialize(host_list) @connections = host_list.reduce({}) { |pool, host| pool.merge(host => } end # Run a command over the connection pool. The block is evaluated in the context of LazyConnection. # # @param [Hash] options the various knobs # @option options [Fixnum] :num_threads the number of concurrent threads to use to process this command. # Defaults to `DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE`. # @option options [Boolean] :serial whether to process the command for each connection one at a time. # @option options [Fixnum] :batch_by if set, group the connections into batches of no more than this value # and fully process each batch before starting the next one. def execute(options = {}, &block) options[:num_threads] ||= DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE if options[:serial] @connections.each_key { |host| @connections[host].self_eval &block } elsif options[:batch_by] @connections.each_key.each_slice(options[:batch_by]) do |batch| Weave.with_thread_pool(batch, options[:num_threads]) do |host, mutex| @connections[host].self_eval mutex, &block end end else Weave.with_thread_pool(@connections.keys, options[:num_threads]) do |host, mutex| @connections[host].self_eval mutex, &block end end end # Disconnect all open connections. def disconnect!() @connections.each_value(&:disconnect) end end # @private module NilMutex extend self def synchronize() yield end end # An SSH connection which isn't established until it's needed. class LazyConnection # The username for the ssh connection attr_reader :user # The hostname for the ssh connection attr_reader :host # @param [String] host_string the host of the form user@host def initialize(host_string) @user, @host = self.class.user_and_host(host_string) @connection = nil @mutex = NilMutex end # Run a command on this connection. This will open a connection if it's not already connected. The way the # output is presented is determined by the option `:output`. The default, `:output => :pretty`, prints # each line of output with the name of the host and whether the output is stderr or stdout. If `:output => # :raw`, then the output will be passed as is directly back to `STDERR` or `STDOUT` as appropriate. If # `:output => :capture`, then this method returns the output in a hash of the form # `{ :stdout => [...], :stderr => [...] }`. # # @param [Hash] options the output options # @option options [Symbol] :output the output format def run(command, options = {}) options[:output] ||= :pretty @connection ||= Net::SSH.start(@host, @user) output = { :stderr => [], :stdout => [] } @connection.exec(command) do |channel, stream, data| case options[:output] when :capture output[stream] << data when :raw out_stream = stream == :stdout ? STDOUT : STDERR out_stream.print data else stream_colored = case stream when :stdout then Weave.color_string("out", :green) when :stderr then Weave.color_string("err", :red) end lines = data.split("\n").map { |line| "[#{stream_colored}|#{host}] #{line}" }.join("\n") @mutex.synchronize { puts lines } end end @connection.loop(0.1) (options[:output] == :capture) ? output : nil end # @private def self.user_and_host(host_string) user, at, host = host_string.rpartition("@") if [user, host].any? { |part| part.nil? || part.empty? } raise "Bad hostname (needs to be of the form user@host): #{host_string}" end [user, host] end # @private def self_eval(mutex = nil, &block) @mutex = mutex || NilMutex instance_eval &block @mutex = NilMutex end # Disconnect, if connected. def disconnect() @connection.close if @connection @connection = nil end end end