# StaticRecord Create models with static data provided by YAML file stored locally, is useful for models like categories to store data without have to access to database. Is based on ActiveRecord and it permits relations with native models. ## Usage You can create your own static model creating a ruby file in _app/models_. Remember name your model according to the rails convention. This is an example of static model for categories ```ruby # app/models/category.rb class Category < StaticRecord::Base end ``` Also you have to create the model data in *_db/static_*, the name of the YAML file is by default the name of the table for model. In other words, if your model name is category, you'll have to name your data file as categories.yml. You can see the rails convention [here](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_basics.html). ```yaml # db/static/categories.yml --- - id: 1 code: 84335d3f-18b8-4934-b1d2-92e2d5228684 name: Vehicles and Planes - id: 2 code: c4785f56-0a24-4405-9832-0092c7fd21d9 name: Dogs and Cats - id: 3 code: 8f0be8ed-5cf2-4170-8c96-207dc0193c9a name: Babies - id: 4 code: 2974eec1-54ad-4ed5-8f21-af8bc0d5b473 name: Technology # ... ``` Use the model like an ActiveRecord model, some functionalities doesn't work because it's a static model, but the main functionalities are the same. ```ruby # Get all categories Category.all # Find category 4 (Technology) Category.find 4 # Find category 4 (Technology) and 1 (Vehicles and Planes) Category.find 4, 1 ``` ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'static_record' ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```bash $ gem install static_record ``` ## Contributing Contribution directions go here. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).