# Author:: Eric Crane (mailto:eric.crane@mac.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2020 Eric Crane. All rights reserved. # # Utilities related to words (strings). # module GlooLang module Utils class Stats DIR_NOT_FOUND_ERR = 'The folder was not found!'.freeze # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create a stats utility class for the given directory. # def initialize( engine, dir, types, skip = [] ) @engine = engine @dir = dir setup_loc types @skip = skip end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Is the stats utility valid? # Does it have a valid root directory. # def valid? return true if @dir && File.directory?( @dir ) @engine.err DIR_NOT_FOUND_ERR @engine.heap.it.set_to false return false end # # Show all stat data for the project. # def show_all return unless valid? generate puts "Showing All stats for #{@dir}".white puts "\n ** #{@dir_cnt} Total Folders ** " puts " ** #{@file_cnt} Total Files ** " busy_folders( 7 ) file_types loc end # # Get a list of the busiest folders. # Count is how many results we want. # def busy_folders( count = 17 ) return unless valid? generate puts "\nBusy Folders:".yellow @folders.sort! { |a, b| a[ :cnt ] <=> b[ :cnt ] } @folders.reverse! @folders[ 0..count ].each do |f| puts " #{f[ :cnt ]} - #{f[ :name ]}" end end # # Show file types and how many of each there are. # def file_types return unless valid? generate puts "\nFiles by Type:".yellow @types = @types.sort_by( &:last ) @types.reverse! @types.each do |o| puts " #{o[ 1 ]} - #{o[ 0 ]}" unless o[ 0 ].empty? end end # # Show Lines of Code # def loc return unless valid? generate total = 0 @loc.each do |k, v| puts "\n #{k} Lines of Code".yellow total += v[ :lines ] formatted = GlooLang::Utils::Format.number( v[ :lines ] ) puts " ** #{formatted} in #{v[ :files ].count} #{k} files ** " puts "\n Busy #{k} files:".yellow files = v[ :files ].sort! { |a, b| a[ :lines ] <=> b[ :lines ] } files.reverse! files[ 0..12 ].each do |f| puts " #{f[ :lines ]} - #{f[ :file ]}" end end formatted = GlooLang::Utils::Format.number( total ) puts "\n #{formatted} Total Lines of Code".white end # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Setup counters for lines of code by file type. def setup_loc( types ) @loc = {} types.split( ' ' ).each do |t| @loc[ t ] = { lines: 0, files: [] } end end # # Generate stat data unless we've already done so. # def generate return if @folders @engine.log.debug 'Generating...' @folders = [] @types = {} @file_cnt = 0 @dir_cnt = 0 generate_for Pathname.new( @dir ) end # # Generate data for the given path. # NOTE: this is a recursive function. # It traverses all sub-direcctories. # def generate_for( path ) return if @skip.include?( File.basename( path ) ) cnt = 0 path.children.each do |f| if f.directory? @dir_cnt += 1 generate_for( f ) else @file_cnt += 1 cnt += 1 handle_file( f ) inc_type( File.extname( f ) ) end end @folders << { name: path, cnt: cnt } end # # Increment the file count. # def inc_type( type ) if @types[ type ] @types[ type ] += 1 else @types[ type ] = 1 end end # # Consider code file types. # def handle_file( file ) ext = File.extname( file ) return unless ext ext = ext[ 1..-1 ] return unless @loc.key?( ext ) lines = count_lines( file ) @loc[ ext ][ :lines ] += lines @loc[ ext ][ :files ] << { lines: lines, file: file } end # # Count lines of code in file. def count_lines( file ) return `wc -l #{file}`.split.first.to_i end end end end