module Sequel module Plugins # The boolean_subsets plugin allows for the automatic creation of subsets for # for boolean columns, which can DRY up model classes that define such subsets # manually. By default, subsets are created for all columns of type :boolean, # with the subset name being the same as column name, and the conditions being # column IS TRUE (assuming the database supports that syntax). # # You can provide a block to the plugin, which will be called with column name # symbol, and should return an array of arguments to pass to +subset+. # Using this, you can change the method name and arguments for each column. # This block is executed in the context of the model class. # # Usage: # # # Add boolean subset methods for all columns of type :boolean # # in all model subclasses (called before loading subclasses) # Sequel::Model.plugin :boolean_subsets # # # Add subsets for all boolean columns in the Album class # Album.plugin(:boolean_subsets) # # # Remove is_ from the front of the column name when creating the subset # # method name, and use (column = 'Y') as the filter conditions # Sequel::Model.plugin :boolean_subsets do |column| # [column.to_s.sub(/\Ais_/, ''), {column=>'Y'}] # end module BooleanSubsets # Add the boolean_attribute? class method to the model, and create # attribute? boolean reader methods for the class's columns if the class has a dataset. def self.configure(model, &block) model.instance_eval do (class << self; self; end).send(:define_method, :boolean_subset_args, &block) if block send(:create_boolean_subsets) if @dataset end end module ClassMethods Plugins.after_set_dataset(self, :create_boolean_subsets) private # The arguments to use when automatically defining a boolean subset for the given column. def boolean_subset_args(c) [c, {c=>true}] end # Add subset methods for all of the boolean columns in this model. def create_boolean_subsets cs = columns rescue return cs.each{|c| subset(*boolean_subset_args(c)) if db_schema[c][:type] == :boolean} end end end end end