require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper')) class MiniMagickTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase attachment_model MiniMagickAttachment if Object.const_defined?(:MiniMagick) def test_should_resize_image attachment = upload_file :filename => '/files/rails.png' assert_valid attachment assert attachment.image? # test MiniMagick thumbnail assert_equal 43, attachment.width assert_equal 55, attachment.height thumb = attachment.thumbnails.detect { |t| t.filename =~ /_thumb/ } geo = attachment.thumbnails.detect { |t| t.filename =~ /_geometry/ } # test exact resize dimensions assert_equal 50, thumb.width assert_equal 51, thumb.height # test geometry string assert_equal 31, geo.width assert_equal 40, geo.height end def test_should_crop_image(klass = ImageThumbnailCrop) attachment_model klass attachment = upload_file :filename => '/files/rails.png' assert_valid attachment assert attachment.image? # has_attachment :thumbnails => { :square => "50x50c", :vertical => "30x60c", :horizontal => "60x30c"} square = attachment.thumbnails.detect { |t| t.filename =~ /_square/ } vertical = attachment.thumbnails.detect { |t| t.filename =~ /_vertical/ } horizontal = attachment.thumbnails.detect { |t| t.filename =~ /_horizontal/ } # test excat resize assert_equal 50, square.width assert_equal 50, square.height assert_equal 30, vertical.width assert_equal 60, vertical.height assert_equal 60, horizontal.width assert_equal 30, horizontal.height end # tests the first step in resize, crop the image in original size to right format def test_should_crop_image_right(klass = ImageThumbnailCrop) @@testcases.collect do |testcase| image_width, image_height, thumb_width, thumb_height = testcase[:data] image_aspect, thumb_aspect = image_width/image_height, thumb_width/thumb_height crop_comand = klass.calculate_offset(image_width, image_height, image_aspect, thumb_width, thumb_height,thumb_aspect) # pattern matching on crop command if testcase.has_key?(:height) assert crop_comand.match(/^#{image_width}x#{testcase[:height]}\+0\+#{testcase[:yoffset]}$/) else assert crop_comand.match(/^#{testcase[:width]}x#{image_height}\+#{testcase[:xoffset]}\+0$/) end end end else def test_flunk puts "MiniMagick not loaded, tests not running" end end @@testcases = [ # image_aspect <= 1 && thumb_aspect >= 1 {:data => [10.0,40.0,2.0,1.0], :height => 5.0, :yoffset => 17.5}, # 1b {:data => [10.0,40.0,1.0,1.0], :height => 10.0, :yoffset => 15.0}, # 1b # image_aspect < 1 && thumb_aspect < 1 {:data => [10.0,40.0,1.0,2.0], :height => 20.0, :yoffset => 10.0}, # 1a {:data => [2.0,3.0,1.0,2.0], :width => 1.5, :xoffset => 0.25}, # 1a # image_aspect = thumb_aspect {:data => [10.0,10.0,1.0,1.0], :height => 10.0, :yoffset => 0.0}, # QUADRAT 1c # image_aspect >= 1 && thumb_aspect > 1 && image_aspect < thumb_aspect {:data => [6.0,3.0,4.0,1.0], :height => 1.5, :yoffset => 0.75}, # 2b {:data => [6.0,6.0,4.0,1.0], :height => 1.5, :yoffset => 2.25}, # 2b # image_aspect > 1 && thumb_aspect > 1 && image_aspect > thumb_aspect {:data => [9.0,3.0,2.0,1.0], :width => 6.0, :xoffset => 1.5}, # 2a # image_aspect > 1 && thumb_aspect < 1 && image_aspect < thumb_aspect {:data => [10.0,5.0,0.1,2.0], :width => 0.25, :xoffset => 4.875}, # 4 {:data => [10.0,5.0,1.0,2.0], :width => 2.5, :xoffset => 3.75}, # 4 # image_aspect > 1 && thumb_aspect > 1 && image_aspect > thumb_aspect {:data => [9.0,3.0,2.0,1.0], :width => 6.0, :xoffset => 1.5}, # 3a # image_aspect > 1 && thumb_aspect > 1 && image_aspect < thumb_aspect {:data => [9.0,3.0,5.0,1.0], :height => 1.8, :yoffset => 0.6} # 3a ] end