module Inochi ## # Official name of this project. # PROJECT = 'Inochi' ## # Short single-line description of this project. # TAGLINE = 'Gives life to Ruby projects' ## # Address of this project's official home page. # WEBSITE = '' ## # Number of this release of this project. # VERSION = '6.0.1' ## # Date of this release of this project. # RELDATE = '2011-04-21' ## # Description of this release of this project. # def self.inspect "#{PROJECT} #{VERSION} (#{RELDATE})" end ## # Location of this release of this project. # INSTDIR = File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__) ## # RubyGems required by this project during runtime. # # @example # # GEMDEPS = { # # this project needs exactly version 1.2.3 of the "an_example" gem # 'an_example' => [ '1.2.3' ], # # # this project needs at least version 1.2 (but not # # version 1.2.4 or newer) of the "another_example" gem # 'another_example' => [ '>= 1.2' , '< 1.2.4' ], # # # this project needs any version of the "yet_another_example" gem # 'yet_another_example' => [], # } # GEMDEPS = { 'ember' => [ '>= 0.3.0' , '< 1' ], # for eRuby templates 'highline' => [ '>= 1.5' , '< 2' ], # for echoless password entry 'mechanize' => [ '>= 1' , '< 2' ], # for publishing announcements 'nokogiri' => [ '>= 1.4' , '< 2' ], # for parsing HTML and XML 'rake' => [ '>= 0.8.4' , '< 1' ], # for Inochi::Engine 'yard' => [ '>= 0.5.8' , '< 1' ], # for making API documentation } end