module DataMapper module Migrations #integrated from module SimpledbAdapter module ClassMethods end def self.included(other) other.extend ClassMethods DataMapper.extend(::DataMapper::Migrations::SingletonMethods) [ :Repository, :Model ].each do |name| ::DataMapper.const_get(name).send(:include, Migrations.const_get(name)) end end # Returns whether the storage_name exists. # @param storage_name a String defining the name of a domain # @return true if the storage exists def storage_exists?(storage_name) domains = sdb.list_domains[:domains] domains.detect {|d| d == storage_name }!=nil end def create_model_storage(model) sdb.create_domain(@sdb_options[:domain]) end #On SimpleDB you probably don't want to destroy the whole domain #if you are just adding fields it is automatically supported #default to non destructive migrate, to destroy run #rake db:automigrate destroy=true def destroy_model_storage(model) if ENV['destroy']!=nil && ENV['destroy']=='true' sdb.delete_domain(@sdb_options[:domain]) end end end # module Migration end # module Migration end