module ClassUtils # ClassUitils is included in Rest- and Java-Api-classes =begin Returns a valid database-class name, nil if the class does not exists =end def classname name_or_class # :nodoc: name = case name_or_class when ActiveOrient::Model name_or_class.class.ref_name when Class name_or_class.ref_name # name_or_class.to_s.split('::').last else name_or_class.to_s.split(':').last #.to_s.camelcase # capitalize_first_letter end ## 16/5/31 : reintegrating functionality to check wether the classname is # present in the database or not if database_classes.include?(name) name elsif database_classes.include?(name.underscore) name.underscore else logger.progname = 'ClassUtils#Classname' logger.warn{ "Classname #{name_or_class.inspect} ://: #{name} not present in #{ActiveOrient.database}" } nil end end =begin create a single class and provide properties as well ORB.create_class( the_class_name as String or Symbol (nessesary) , properties: a Hash with property- and Index-descriptions (optional)){ {superclass: The name of the superclass as String or Symbol , abstract: true|false } (optional Block provides a Hash ) } =end def create_class classname, properties: nil, &b the_class= create_classes( classname, &b ) # if multible classes are specified, don't process properties # ( if multible classes need the same properties, consider a nested class-design ) if the_class.is_a?(Array) if the_class.size == 1 the_class = the_class.first else properties = nil end end create_properties( the_class.ref_name , properties ) if properties.present? the_class # return_value end =begin AllocateClassesInRuby acts as a proxy to OrientdbClass, takes a classes-array as argument =end def allocate_classes_in_ruby classes # :nodoc: generate_ruby_object = ->( name, superclass, abstract ) do begin # if the class is predefined, use specs from get_classes or_def = get_classes('name', 'superClass', 'abstract' ).detect{|x| x['name']== name.to_s } superclass, abstract = or_def.reject{|k,v| k=='name'}.values unless or_def.nil? #print "GENERATE_RUBY_CLASS: #{name} / #{superclass} \n" m= ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class name: name, superclass: superclass m.abstract = abstract m.ref_name = name.to_s #puts "--> #{m.object_id}" m rescue NoMethodError => w logger.progname = "ClassUtils#AllocateClassesInRuby" logger.error{ w.message } logger.error{ {|l| " #{l}\n"}.join } nil # raise end end superclass, abstract = if block_given? s = yield if s.is_a? Hash [s[:superclass],s[:abstract]] else [s,false] end else [nil,false] end #superclass_object = generate_ruby_object[superclass,nil,nil] if superclass.present? consts = case classes when Array next_superclass= superclass do |singleclass| if singleclass.is_a?( String) || singleclass.is_a?( Symbol) next_superclass = generate_ruby_object[singleclass,superclass,abstract] elsif singleclass.is_a?(Array) || singleclass.is_a?(Hash) allocate_classes_in_ruby( singleclass){ {superclass: next_superclass, abstract: abstract}} end end when Hash do| h_superclass | [ generate_ruby_object[h_superclass,superclass,abstract], allocate_classes_in_ruby(classes[ h_superclass ]){{ superclass: h_superclass, abstract: abstract }} ] end when String, Symbol generate_ruby_object[classes,superclass, abstract] end consts end =begin Creating a new Database-Entry (where is omitted) Or updating the Database-Entry (if present) The optional Block should provide a hash with attributes (properties). These are used if a new dataset is created. Based on the query specified in :where records are updated according to :set Returns an Array of updated documents =end def update_or_create_records o_class, set: {}, where: {}, **args, &b logger.progname = 'ClassUtils#UpdateOrCreateRecords' if where.blank? [create_record(o_class, attributes: set)] else set.extract!(where.keys) if where.is_a?(Hash) # removes any keys from where in set possible_records = get_records from: classname(o_class), where: where, **args if possible_records.empty? if block_given? more_where = yield # do Preparations prior to the creation of the dataset # if the block returns a Hash, it is merged into the insert_query. where.merge! more_where if more_where.is_a?(Hash) end [create_record(o_class, attributes: set.merge(where))] else{|doc| doc.update(set: set)} unless set.empty? end end end =begin create_edge connects two vertexes The parameter o_class can be either a class or a string if batch is specified, the edge-statement is prepared and returned else the statement is transmitted to the database The method takes a block as well. It must provide a Hash with :from and :to- Key's, e.g. Vertex1, Vertex2 are two vertex-classes and TheEdge is an edge-class record1 = ( 1 .. 100 ).map{ |y| Vertex1.create( testentry: y } } record2 = ( :a .. :z ).map{ |y| Vertex2.create( testentry: y } } edges = ORD.create_edge( TheEdge ) do | attributes | ('a'.ord .. 'z'.ord).map do |o| { from: record1.find{|x| x.testentry == o }, to: record2.find{ |x| x.testentry.ord == o }, attributes: attributes.merge{ key: o.chr } } end or edges = ORD.create_edge( TheEdge ) do | attributes | ('a'.ord .. 'z'.ord).map do |o| { from: Vertex1.where( testentry: o ).pop , to: Vertex2.where( testentry.ord => o).pop , attributes: attributes.merge{ key: o.chr } } end Benefits: The statements are transmitted as batch. The pure-ruby-solution minimizes traffic to the database-server and is prefered. =end def create_edge o_class, attributes: {}, from:nil, to:nil, unique: false, batch: nil logger.progname = "ClassUtils#CreateEdge" # ------------------------------- create_command = -> (attr, from, to ) do attr_string = attr.blank? ? "" : "SET #{generate_sql_list attr}" if from.present? && to.present? [from, to].each{|y| remove_record_from_hash y } { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: "CREATE EDGE #{classname(o_class)} FROM #{from.to_orient} TO #{to.to_orient} #{attr_string}" } end end # ------------------------------- if block_given? a = yield(attributes) command = if a.is_a? Array batch = nil command= do | record | # puts record.inspect this_attributes = record[:attributes].presence || attributes create_command[ this_attributes, record[:from], record[:to]] end else this_attributes = a[:attributes].presence || attributes command = create_command[ this_attributes, a[:from], a[:to]] end elsif from.is_a?( Array ) && to.is_a?(Array) command = while from.size >1 this_attributes = attributes.is_a?(Array) ? attributes.shift : attributes command << create_command[ this_attributes, from.shift, to.shift] end elsif from.is_a? Array command ={|f| create_command[ attributes, f, to] } elsif to.is_a? Array command ={|f| create_command[ attributes, from, f] } # puts "COMMAND: #{command.inspect}" elsif from.present? && to.present? # if unique # wwhere = {out: from.to_orient, in: to.to_orient }.merge(attributes.to_orient) # existing_edge = get_records(from: o_class, where: wwhere) # if existing_edge.size >1 # logger.error{ "Unique specified, but there are #{existing_edge.size} Records in the Database. returning the first"} # command = existing_edge.first # batch = true # elsif existing_edge.size ==1 && existing_edge.first.is_a?(ActiveOrient::Model) # #logger.debug {"Reusing edge #{classname(o_class)} from #{from.to_orient} to #{to.to_orient}"} # command= existing_edge.first # batch= true # else command = create_command[ attributes, from, to] # end # #logger.debug {"Creating edge #{classname(o_class)} from #{from.to_orient} to #{to.to_orient}"} # elsif from.to_orient.nil? || to.to_orient.nil? logger.error{ "Parameter :from or :to is missing"} else # for or to are not set return nil end # puts "RUNNING EDGE: #{command.inspect}" if command.present? begin response = execute(transaction: false, tolerated_error_code: /found duplicated key/) do command.is_a?(Array) ? command.flatten.compact : [ command ] end if response.is_a?(Array) && response.size == 1 response.pop # RETURN_VALUE else response # return value (the normal case) end rescue ArgumentError => e puts "ArgumentError " puts e.inspect end # begin end end =begin Deletes the specified vertices and unloads referenced edges from the cache =end def delete_vertex *vertex create_command = -> do { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: "DELETE VERTEX #{{|x| x.to_orient }.join(',')} " } end vertex.each{|v| v.edges.each{| e | remove_record_from_hash e} } execute{ create_command[] } end =begin Deletes the specified edges and unloads referenced vertices from the cache =end def delete_edge *edge create_command = -> do { type: "cmd", language: 'sql', command: "DELETE EDGE #{{|x| x.to_orient }.join(',')} " } end edge.each do |r| [, r.out].each{| e | remove_record_from_hash e} remove_record_from_hash r end execute{ create_command[] } end private def remove_record_from_hash r obj= ActiveOrient::Base.get_rid(r.rid) unless r.nil? ActiveOrient::Base.remove_rid( obj ) unless obj.nil? end end # module