import { RenderingTest, moduleFor } from '../../utils/test-case'; import { Component, htmlSafe } from '../../utils/helpers'; import { set, computed } from 'ember-metal'; import { styles } from '../../utils/test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'Components test: attrs lookup', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test it should be able to lookup attrs without `attrs.` - template access']() { this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { template: '{{first}}' }); this.render(`{{foo-bar first=firstAttr}}`, { firstAttr: 'first attr', }); this.assertText('first attr'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); this.assertText('first attr'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'firstAttr', 'second attr')); this.assertText('second attr'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'firstAttr', 'first attr')); this.assertText('first attr'); } ['@test it should be able to lookup attrs without `attrs.` - component access'](assert) { let instance; let FooBarComponent = Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); instance = this; }, }); this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: FooBarComponent, template: '{{first}}', }); this.render(`{{foo-bar first=firstAttr}}`, { firstAttr: 'first attr', }); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'first attr'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'first attr'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'firstAttr', 'second attr')); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'second attr'); this.runTask(() => set(this.context, 'firstAttr', 'first attr')); this.assertText('first attr'); } ['@test should be able to modify a provided attr into local state #11571 / #11559'](assert) { let instance; let FooBarComponent = Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); instance = this; }, didReceiveAttrs() { this.set('first', this.get('first').toUpperCase()); }, }); this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: FooBarComponent, template: '{{first}}', }); this.render(`{{foo-bar first="first attr"}}`); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'FIRST ATTR', 'component lookup uses local state'); this.assertText('FIRST ATTR'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); assert.equal( instance.get('first'), 'FIRST ATTR', 'component lookup uses local state during rerender' ); this.assertText('FIRST ATTR'); // This is testing that passing string literals for use as initial values, // so there is no update step } ['@test should be able to access unspecified attr #12035'](assert) { let instance; let wootVal = 'yes'; let FooBarComponent = Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); instance = this; }, didReceiveAttrs() { assert.equal(this.get('woot'), wootVal, 'found attr in didReceiveAttrs'); }, }); this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: FooBarComponent }); this.render(`{{foo-bar woot=woot}}`, { woot: wootVal, }); assert.equal(instance.get('woot'), 'yes', 'component found attr'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); assert.equal(instance.get('woot'), 'yes', 'component found attr after rerender'); this.runTask(() => { wootVal = 'nope'; set(this.context, 'woot', wootVal); }); assert.equal(instance.get('woot'), 'nope', 'component found attr after attr change'); this.runTask(() => { wootVal = 'yes'; set(this.context, 'woot', wootVal); }); assert.equal(instance.get('woot'), 'yes', 'component found attr after reset'); } ['@test getAttr() should return the same value as get()'](assert) { assert.expect(33); let instance; let FooBarComponent = Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); instance = this; }, didReceiveAttrs() { let rootFirstPositional = this.get('firstPositional'); let rootFirst = this.get('first'); let rootSecond = this.get('second'); let attrFirstPositional = this.getAttr('firstPositional'); let attrFirst = this.getAttr('first'); let attrSecond = this.getAttr('second'); assert.equal( rootFirstPositional, attrFirstPositional, 'root property matches attrs value' ); assert.equal(rootFirst, attrFirst, 'root property matches attrs value'); assert.equal(rootSecond, attrSecond, 'root property matches attrs value'); }, }); FooBarComponent.reopenClass({ positionalParams: ['firstPositional'], }); this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: FooBarComponent }); this.render(`{{foo-bar firstPositional first=first second=second}}`, { firstPositional: 'firstPositional', first: 'first', second: 'second', }); assert.equal(instance.get('firstPositional'), 'firstPositional', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'first', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('second'), 'second', 'matches known value'); this.runTask(() => this.rerender()); assert.equal(instance.get('firstPositional'), 'firstPositional', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'first', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('second'), 'second', 'matches known value'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'first', 'third'); }); assert.equal(instance.get('firstPositional'), 'firstPositional', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'third', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('second'), 'second', 'matches known value'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'second', 'fourth'); }); assert.equal(instance.get('firstPositional'), 'firstPositional', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'third', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('second'), 'fourth', 'matches known value'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'firstPositional', 'fifth'); }); assert.equal(instance.get('firstPositional'), 'fifth', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'third', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('second'), 'fourth', 'matches known value'); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'firstPositional', 'firstPositional'); set(this.context, 'first', 'first'); set(this.context, 'second', 'second'); }); assert.equal(instance.get('firstPositional'), 'firstPositional', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('first'), 'first', 'matches known value'); assert.equal(instance.get('second'), 'second', 'matches known value'); } ['@test bound computed properties can be overridden in extensions, set during init, and passed in as attrs']() { let FooClass = Component.extend({ attributeBindings: ['style'], style: computed('height', 'color', function() { let height = this.get('height'); let color = this.get('color'); return htmlSafe(`height: ${height}px; background-color: ${color};`); }), color: 'red', height: 20, }); let BarClass = FooClass.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); this.height = 150; }, color: 'yellow', }); this.registerComponent('x-foo', { ComponentClass: FooClass }); this.registerComponent('x-bar', { ComponentClass: BarClass }); this.render('{{x-foo}}{{x-bar}}{{x-bar color="green"}}'); this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 20px; background-color: red;') }, }); this.assertComponentElement(this.nthChild(1), { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 150px; background-color: yellow;') }, }); this.assertComponentElement(this.nthChild(2), { tagName: 'div', attrs: { style: styles('height: 150px; background-color: green;') }, }); this.assertStableRerender(); // No U-R } } );