module Effective class Datatable attr_accessor :display_records, :view, :attributes # These two options control the render behaviour of a datatable attr_accessor :table_html_class, :simple delegate :render, :controller, :link_to, :mail_to, :number_to_currency, :number_to_percentage, :to => :@view extend Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Dsl include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Dsl::BulkActions include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Dsl::Charts include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Dsl::Datatable include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Dsl::Scopes include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Ajax include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Charts include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Helpers include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Hooks include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Options include Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Rendering def initialize(*args) if args.present? && args.first != nil raise "#{}.new() can only be initialized with a Hash like arguments" unless args.first.kind_of?(Hash) args.first.each { |k, v| self.attributes[k] = v.presence } end if respond_to?(:initialize_scopes) # There was at least one scope defined in the scopes do .. end block initialize_scopes initialize_scope_options end if respond_to?(:initialize_datatable) initialize_datatable # This creates @table_columns based on the DSL datatable do .. end block initialize_datatable_options # This normalizes all the options end if respond_to?(:initialize_charts) initialize_charts initialize_chart_options end unless active_record_collection? || array_collection? raise "Unsupported collection type. Should be ActiveRecord class, ActiveRecord relation, or an Array of Arrays [[1, 'something'], [2, 'something else']]" end if @default_order.present? && !table_columns.key?((@default_order.keys.first rescue nil)) raise "default_order :#{(@default_order.keys.first rescue 'nil')} must exist as a table_column or array_column" end end def table_columns @table_columns end def scopes @scopes end def charts @charts end def aggregates @aggregates end # Any attributes set on initialize will be echoed back and available to the class def attributes @attributes ||= end def to_key; []; end # Searching & Filters # Instance method. In Rails 4.2 this needs to be defined on the instance, before it was on the class def model_name # Searching & Filters @model_name ||= end def self.model_name # Searching & Filters @model_name ||= end def to_param @to_param ||='effective/datatables/', '') end def collection raise "You must define a collection. Something like an ActiveRecord User.all or an Array of Arrays [[1, 'something'], [2, 'something else']]" end def collection_class @collection_class ||= (collection.respond_to?(:klass) ? collection.klass : self.class) end def to_json raise 'Effective::Datatable to_json called with a nil view. Please call render_datatable(@datatable) or @datatable.view = view before this method' unless view.present? @json ||= begin data = table_data { :draw => (params[:draw] || 0), :data => (data || []), :recordsTotal => (total_records || 0), :recordsFiltered => (display_records || 0), :aggregates => (aggregate_data(data) || []), :charts => (charts_data || {}) } end end def present? total_records > 0 end def empty? total_records == 0 end def total_records @total_records ||= (active_record_collection? ? active_record_collection_size(collection) : collection.size) end def view=(view_context) @view = view_context @view.formats = [:html] # 'Just work' with attributes @view.class.send(:attr_accessor, :attributes) @view.attributes = self.attributes # Delegate any methods defined on the datatable directly to our view @view.class.send(:attr_accessor, :effective_datatable) @view.effective_datatable = self unless @view.respond_to?(:bulk_action) @view.class.send(:include, Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Dsl::BulkActions) end Effective::EffectiveDatatable::Helpers.instance_methods(false).each do |helper_method| @view.class_eval { delegate helper_method, to: :@effective_datatable } end (self.class.instance_methods(false) - [:collection, :search_column, :order_column]).each do |view_method| @view.class_eval { delegate view_method, to: :@effective_datatable } end # Clear the search_terms memoization @search_terms = nil @order_name = nil @order_direction = nil end def view_context view end def table_html_class @table_html_class.presence || 'table table-bordered table-striped' end # When simple only a table will be rendered with # no sorting, no filtering, no export buttons, no pagination, no per page, no colReorder # default sorting only, default visibility only, all records returned, and responsive enabled def simple? @simple == true end protected def params view.try(:params) || end def table_tool @table_tool ||=, table_columns.reject { |_, col| col[:array_column] }) end def array_tool @array_tool ||=, { |_, col| col[:array_column] }) end # TODO # Check if collection has an order() clause and warn about it # Usually that will make the table results look weird. def active_record_collection? if @active_record_collection == nil @active_record_collection = (collection.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) rescue false) end @active_record_collection end def array_collection? if @array_collection == nil @array_collection = (collection.kind_of?(Array) && collection.first.kind_of?(Array)) end @array_collection end # Not every ActiveRecord query will work when calling the simple .count # Custom selects: #, :first_name).count will throw an error # .count(:all) and .size seem to work # Grouped Queries: # will return a Hash def active_record_collection_size(collection) count = (collection.size rescue nil) case count when Integer count when Hash count.size # This represents the number of displayed datatable rows, not the sum all groups (which might be more) else if collection.klass.connection.respond_to?(:unprepared_statement) collection_sql = collection.klass.connection.unprepared_statement { collection.to_sql } (collection.klass.connection.exec_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{collection_sql}) AS datatables_total_count").rows[0][0] rescue 1) else (collection.klass.connection.exec_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{collection.to_sql}) AS datatables_total_count").rows[0][0] rescue 1) end.to_i end end end end