require 'spec_helper' require 'rspec/core/formatters/base_formatter' describe RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFormatter do let(:output) { } let(:formatter) { } describe "backtrace_line" do it "trims current working directory" do formatter.__send__(:backtrace_line, File.expand_path(__FILE__)).should == "./spec/rspec/core/formatters/base_formatter_spec.rb" end it "leaves the original line intact" do original_line = File.expand_path(__FILE__) formatter.__send__(:backtrace_line, original_line) original_line.should eq(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) end end describe "read_failed_line" do it "deals gracefully with a heterogeneous language stack trace" do exception = mock(:Exception, :backtrace => [ "at Object.prototypeMethod (foo:331:18)", "at Array.forEach (native)", "at a_named_javascript_function (/some/javascript/file.js:39:5)", "/some/line/of/ruby.rb:14" ]) example = mock(:Example, :file_path => __FILE__) lambda { formatter.send(:read_failed_line, exception, example) }.should_not raise_error end context "when String alias to_int to_i" do before do String.class_eval do alias :to_int :to_i end end after do String.class_eval do undef to_int end end it "doesn't hang when file exists" do pending("This issue still exists on JRuby, but should be resolved shortly:", :if => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java') exception = mock(:Exception, :backtrace => [ "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}"]) example = mock(:Example, :file_path => __FILE__) formatter.send(:read_failed_line, exception, example).should eql %Q{ exception = mock(:Exception, :backtrace => [ "\#{__FILE__}:\#{__LINE__}"])\n} end end end describe "#format_backtrace" do let(:rspec_expectations_dir) { "/path/to/rspec-expectations/lib" } let(:rspec_core_dir) { "/path/to/rspec-core/lib" } let(:backtrace) do [ "#{rspec_expectations_dir}/rspec/matchers/operator_matcher.rb:51:in `eval_match'", "#{rspec_expectations_dir}/rspec/matchers/operator_matcher.rb:29:in `=='", "./my_spec.rb:5", "#{rspec_core_dir}/rspec/core/example.rb:52:in `run'", "#{rspec_core_dir}/rspec/core/runner.rb:37:in `run'", RSpec::Core::Runner::AT_EXIT_HOOK_BACKTRACE_LINE, "./my_spec.rb:3" ] end it "removes lines from rspec and lines that come before the invocation of the at_exit autorun hook" do formatter.format_backtrace(backtrace, stub.as_null_object).should == ["./my_spec.rb:5"] end end end