en: headmin: views: devise: confirmations: new: resend: Resend confirmation instructions mailers: confirmation_instructions: welcome: Welcome %{email}! confirm: Confirm account confirm-email: You can confirm your account email through the link below":" email_changed: greeting: Hello %{email}! email_is_changing: We're contacting you to notify you that your email is being changed to %{email}. email_has_changed: We're contacting you to notify you that your email has been changed to %{email}. password_change: greeting: Hello %{email}! password_has_changed: We're contacting you to notify you that your password has been changed. reset_password_instructions: greeting: Hello %{email}! change: Change password someone_requested: Someone has requested a link to change your password. You can do this through the link below. not_requested: If you didn't request this, please ignore this email password_not_changed_until: Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one. unlock_instructions: greeting: Hello %{email}! account_locked: Your account has been locked due to an excessive number of unsuccessful sign in attempts click_link: Click the link below to unlock your account":" unlock_account: Unlock my account passwords: edit: changed_password: Change my password new: send_instructions: Send me reset password instructions registrations: edit: waiting_confirmation: Currently waiting confirmation for":" %{email} change: Change my profile unhappy: Unhappy? cancel: Cancel my account new: sign_up: Sign up sessions: new: title: Please sign in login: Sign in shared: links: confirmation: Didn't receive confirmation instructions? forgot_password: Forgot your password? omniauth: "Sign up with %{provider}" sign_in: Sign in sign_up: Sign up unlock: Didn't receive unlock instructions? unlock: new: resend: Resend unlock instructions