// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey // Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/json/ #ifndef TAO_JSON_CONTRIB_SCHEMA_HPP #define TAO_JSON_CONTRIB_SCHEMA_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "reference.hpp" #include "../events/compare.hpp" #include "../events/from_value.hpp" #include "../events/hash.hpp" #include "../pointer.hpp" #include "../value.hpp" #include "../external/pegtl/contrib/uri.hpp" #include "../external/pegtl/parse.hpp" namespace tao::json { namespace internal { // TODO: Check if these grammars are correct. struct local_part_label : pegtl::plus< pegtl::sor< pegtl::alnum, pegtl::one< '!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '*', '+', '-', '/', '=', '?', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~' > > > {}; struct local_part : pegtl::list_must< local_part_label, pegtl::one< '.' > > {}; struct hostname_label : pegtl::seq< pegtl::alnum, pegtl::rep_max< 62, pegtl::ranges< 'a', 'z', 'A', 'Z', '0', '9', '-' > > > {}; struct hostname : pegtl::list_must< hostname_label, pegtl::one< '.' > > {}; struct email : pegtl::seq< local_part, pegtl::one< '@' >, hostname > {}; template< typename Rule > [[nodiscard]] bool parse( const std::string_view v ) { pegtl::memory_input in( v.data(), v.size(), "" ); return pegtl::parse< pegtl::seq< Rule, pegtl::eof > >( in ); } [[nodiscard]] inline bool parse_date_time( const std::string_view v ) { static std::regex re( "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d(\\.\\d+)?(Z|[+-]\\d{2}:[0-5]\\d)$" ); if( !std::regex_search( v.begin(), v.end(), re ) ) { return false; } const unsigned year = ( v[ 0 ] - '0' ) * 1000 + ( v[ 1 ] - '0' ) * 100 + ( v[ 2 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( v[ 3 ] - '0' ); const unsigned month = ( v[ 5 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( v[ 6 ] - '0' ); const unsigned day = ( v[ 8 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( v[ 9 ] - '0' ); if( month == 0 || month > 12 ) { return false; } if( day == 0 || day > 31 ) { return false; } if( month == 2 ) { const bool is_leap_year = ( year % 4 == 0 ) && ( year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0 ); if( day > ( is_leap_year ? 29U : 28U ) ) { return false; } } else if( day == 31 ) { switch( month ) { case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: return false; default:; } } const unsigned hour = ( v[ 11 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( v[ 12 ] - '0' ); if( hour >= 24 ) { return false; } if( *v.rbegin() != 'Z' ) { const auto s = v.size(); const unsigned tz_hour = ( v[ s - 5 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( v[ s - 4 ] - '0' ); if( tz_hour >= 24 ) { return false; } } return true; } enum schema_flags { NONE = 0, HAS_TYPE = 1 << 0, NULL_ = 1 << 1, BOOLEAN = 1 << 2, INTEGER = 1 << 3, NUMBER = 1 << 4, STRING = 1 << 5, ARRAY = 1 << 6, OBJECT = 1 << 7, HAS_ENUM = 1 << 8, HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_UNSIGNED = 1 << 9, HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_DOUBLE = 1 << 10, HAS_MULTIPLE_OF = 3 << 9, HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED = 1 << 11, HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED = 1 << 12, HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE = 3 << 11, HAS_MAXIMUM = 3 << 11, EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM = 1 << 13, HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED = 1 << 14, HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED = 1 << 15, HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE = 3 << 14, HAS_MINIMUM = 3 << 14, EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM = 1 << 16, HAS_MAX_LENGTH = 1 << 17, HAS_MIN_LENGTH = 1 << 18, HAS_MAX_ITEMS = 1 << 19, HAS_MIN_ITEMS = 1 << 20, HAS_UNIQUE_ITEMS = 1 << 21, HAS_MAX_PROPERTIES = 1 << 22, HAS_MIN_PROPERTIES = 1 << 23, NO_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES = 1 << 24, HAS_DEPENDENCIES = 1 << 25 }; enum class schema_format { none, date_time, email, hostname, ipv4, ipv6, uri }; [[nodiscard]] inline constexpr schema_flags operator|( const schema_flags lhs, const schema_flags rhs ) noexcept { return static_cast< schema_flags >( static_cast< std::underlying_type< schema_flags >::type >( lhs ) | static_cast< std::underlying_type< schema_flags >::type >( rhs ) ); } union schema_limit { std::int64_t i; std::uint64_t u; double d; }; template< template< typename... > class Traits > class schema_container; template< template< typename... > class Traits > struct schema_node { const schema_container< Traits >* m_container; const basic_value< Traits >* m_value; const basic_value< Traits >* m_all_of = nullptr; const basic_value< Traits >* m_any_of = nullptr; const basic_value< Traits >* m_one_of = nullptr; const basic_value< Traits >* m_not = nullptr; const basic_value< Traits >* m_items = nullptr; const basic_value< Traits >* m_additional_items = nullptr; const basic_value< Traits >* m_properties = nullptr; const basic_value< Traits >* m_additional_properties = nullptr; std::map< std::string, std::set< std::string > > m_property_dependencies; std::map< std::string, const basic_value< Traits >* > m_schema_dependencies; std::vector< std::pair< std::regex, const basic_value< Traits >* > > m_pattern_properties; std::set< const basic_value< Traits >* > m_referenced_pointers; // number schema_limit m_multiple_of; schema_limit m_maximum; schema_limit m_minimum; // string std::uint64_t m_max_length; std::uint64_t m_min_length; std::unique_ptr< std::regex > m_pattern; // array std::uint64_t m_max_items; std::uint64_t m_min_items; // object std::uint64_t m_max_properties; std::uint64_t m_min_properties; std::set< std::string > m_required; schema_flags m_flags = NONE; schema_format m_format = schema_format::none; void add_type( const schema_flags v ) { if( ( m_flags & v ) != 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: duplicate primitive type" ); } m_flags = m_flags | v; } void add_type( const std::string& v ) { if( !v.empty() ) { switch( v[ 0 ] ) { case 'n': if( v == "number" ) { return add_type( NUMBER ); } else if( v == "null" ) { return add_type( NULL_ ); } break; case 'b': if( v == "boolean" ) { return add_type( BOOLEAN ); } break; case 'i': if( v == "integer" ) { return add_type( INTEGER ); } break; case 's': if( v == "string" ) { return add_type( STRING ); } break; case 'a': if( v == "array" ) { return add_type( ARRAY ); } break; case 'o': if( v == "object" ) { return add_type( OBJECT ); } break; } } throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: invalid primitive type '" + v + '\'' ); } [[nodiscard]] const basic_value< Traits >* find( const char* s ) const { const auto* p = m_value->find( s ); if( p != nullptr ) { p = &p->skip_value_ptr(); } return p; } schema_node( const schema_container< Traits >* c, const basic_value< Traits >& v ) : m_container( c ), m_value( &v ) { // general if( !m_value->is_object() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: a schema must be of type 'object'" ); } // title if( const auto* p = find( "title" ) ) { if( !p->is_string() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"title\" must be of type 'string'" ); } } // description if( const auto* p = find( "description" ) ) { if( !p->is_string() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"description\" must be of type 'string'" ); } } // type if( const auto* p = find( "type" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::STRING: add_type( p->get_string() ); break; case type::ARRAY: for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { if( !e.is_string() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: elements in array \"type\" must be of type 'string'" ); } add_type( e.get_string() ); } break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"type\" must be of type 'string' or 'array'" ); } m_flags = m_flags | HAS_TYPE; } // enum if( const auto* p = find( "enum" ) ) { if( !p->is_array() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"enum\" must be of type 'array'" ); } m_flags = m_flags | HAS_ENUM; } // allOf if( const auto* p = find( "allOf" ) ) { if( !p->is_array() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"allOf\" must be of type 'array'" ); } if( p->get_array().empty() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"allOf\" must have at least one element" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( &e.skip_value_ptr() ); } m_all_of = p; } // anyOf if( const auto* p = find( "anyOf" ) ) { if( !p->is_array() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"anyOf\" must be of type 'array'" ); } if( p->get_array().empty() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"anyOf\" must have at least one element" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( &e.skip_value_ptr() ); } m_any_of = p; } // oneOf if( const auto* p = find( "oneOf" ) ) { if( !p->is_array() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"oneOf\" must be of type 'array'" ); } if( p->get_array().empty() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"oneOf\" must have at least one element" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( &e.skip_value_ptr() ); } m_one_of = p; } // not if( const auto* p = find( "not" ) ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( p ); m_not = p; } // definitions if( const auto* p = find( "definitions" ) ) { if( !p->is_object() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"definitions\" must be of type 'object'" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_object() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( &e.second.skip_value_ptr() ); } } // multipleOf if( const auto* p = find( "multipleOf" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: { const auto i = p->get_signed(); if( i <= 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"multipleOf\" must be strictly greater than zero" ); } m_multiple_of.u = i; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_UNSIGNED; } break; case type::UNSIGNED: { const auto u = p->get_unsigned(); if( u == 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"multipleOf\" must be strictly greater than zero" ); } m_multiple_of.u = u; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_UNSIGNED; } break; case type::DOUBLE: { const auto d = p->get_double(); if( d <= 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"multipleOf\" must be strictly greater than zero" ); } m_multiple_of.d = d; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_DOUBLE; } break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"multipleOf\" must be of type 'number'" ); } } // maximum if( const auto* p = find( "maximum" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: m_maximum.i = p->get_signed(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED; break; case type::UNSIGNED: m_maximum.u = p->get_unsigned(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED; break; case type::DOUBLE: m_maximum.d = p->get_double(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"maximum\" must be of type 'number'" ); } } // exclusiveMaximum if( const auto* p = find( "exclusiveMaximum" ) ) { if( !p->is_boolean() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"exclusiveMaximum\" must be of type 'boolean'" ); } if( ( m_flags & HAS_MAXIMUM ) == 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"exclusiveMaximum\" requires presence of \"maximum\"" ); } if( p->get_boolean() ) { m_flags = m_flags | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM; } } // minimum if( const auto* p = find( "minimum" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: m_minimum.i = p->get_signed(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED; break; case type::UNSIGNED: m_minimum.u = p->get_unsigned(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED; break; case type::DOUBLE: m_minimum.d = p->get_double(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"minimum\" must be of type 'number'" ); } } // exclusiveMinimum if( const auto* p = find( "exclusiveMinimum" ) ) { if( !p->is_boolean() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"exclusiveMinimum\" must be of type 'boolean'" ); } if( ( m_flags & HAS_MINIMUM ) == 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"exclusiveMinimum\" requires presence of \"minimum\"" ); } if( p->get_boolean() ) { m_flags = m_flags | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM; } } // maxLength if( const auto* p = find( "maxLength" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: { const auto i = p->get_signed(); if( i < 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"maxLength\" must be greater than or equal to zero" ); } m_max_length = i; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAX_LENGTH; } break; case type::UNSIGNED: m_max_length = p->get_unsigned(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAX_LENGTH; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"maxLength\" must be of type 'integer'" ); } } // minLength if( const auto* p = find( "minLength" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: { const auto i = p->get_signed(); if( i < 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"minLength\" must be greater than or equal to zero" ); } if( i > 0 ) { m_min_length = i; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MIN_LENGTH; } } break; case type::UNSIGNED: { const auto u = p->get_unsigned(); if( u > 0 ) { m_min_length = u; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MIN_LENGTH; } } break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"minLength\" must be of type 'integer'" ); } } // pattern if( const auto* p = find( "pattern" ) ) { if( !p->is_string() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"pattern\" must be of type 'string'" ); } try { m_pattern = std::make_unique< std::regex >( p->get_string() ); } catch( const std::regex_error& e ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"pattern\" must be a regular expression: " + std::string( e.what() ) ); } } // format // TODO: offer an option to disable "format" support? if( const auto* p = find( "format" ) ) { if( !p->is_string() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"format\" must be of type 'string'" ); } const auto& s = p->get_string(); if( s == "date-time" ) { m_format = schema_format::date_time; } else if( s == "email" ) { m_format = schema_format::email; } else if( s == "hostname" ) { m_format = schema_format::hostname; } else if( s == "ipv4" ) { m_format = schema_format::ipv4; } else if( s == "ipv6" ) { m_format = schema_format::ipv6; } else if( s == "uri" ) { m_format = schema_format::uri; } // unknown "format" values are ignored } // items if( const auto* p = find( "items" ) ) { if( p->is_array() ) { for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( &e.skip_value_ptr() ); } } else if( p->is_object() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( p ); } else { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"items\" must be of type 'object' or 'array'" ); } m_items = p; } // additionalItems if( const auto* p = find( "additionalItems" ) ) { if( p->is_object() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( p ); } else if( !p->is_boolean() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"additionalItems\" must be of type 'boolean' or 'object'" ); } m_additional_items = p; } // maxItems if( const auto* p = find( "maxItems" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: { const auto i = p->get_signed(); if( i < 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"maxItems\" must be greater than or equal to zero" ); } m_max_items = i; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAX_ITEMS; } break; case type::UNSIGNED: m_max_items = p->get_unsigned(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAX_ITEMS; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"maxItems\" must be of type 'integer'" ); } } // minItems if( const auto* p = find( "minItems" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: { const auto i = p->get_signed(); if( i < 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"minItems\" must be greater than or equal to zero" ); } m_min_items = i; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MIN_ITEMS; } break; case type::UNSIGNED: m_min_items = p->get_unsigned(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MIN_ITEMS; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"minItems\" must be of type 'integer'" ); } } // uniqueItems if( const auto* p = find( "uniqueItems" ) ) { if( p->get_boolean() ) { m_flags = m_flags | HAS_UNIQUE_ITEMS; } } // maxProperties if( const auto* p = find( "maxProperties" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: { const auto i = p->get_signed(); if( i < 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"maxProperties\" must be greater than or equal to zero" ); } m_max_properties = i; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAX_PROPERTIES; } break; case type::UNSIGNED: m_max_properties = p->get_unsigned(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MAX_PROPERTIES; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"maxProperties\" must be of type 'integer'" ); } } // minProperties if( const auto* p = find( "minProperties" ) ) { switch( p->type() ) { case type::SIGNED: { const auto i = p->get_signed(); if( i < 0 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"minProperties\" must be greater than or equal to zero" ); } m_min_properties = i; m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MIN_PROPERTIES; } break; case type::UNSIGNED: m_min_properties = p->get_unsigned(); m_flags = m_flags | HAS_MIN_PROPERTIES; break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"minProperties\" must be of type 'integer'" ); } } // required if( const auto* p = find( "required" ) ) { if( !p->is_array() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"required\" must be of type 'array'" ); } if( p->get_array().empty() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"required\" must have at least one element" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { if( !m_required.insert( e.get_string() ).second ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: duplicate required key" ); } } } // properties if( const auto* p = find( "properties" ) ) { if( !p->is_object() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"properties\" must be of type 'object'" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_object() ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( &e.second.skip_value_ptr() ); } m_properties = p; } // patternProperties if( const auto* p = find( "patternProperties" ) ) { if( !p->is_object() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"patternProperties\" must be of type 'object'" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_object() ) { try { m_pattern_properties.emplace_back( std::regex( e.first ), &e.second.skip_value_ptr() ); } catch( const std::regex_error& ex ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: keys in object \"patternProperties\" must be regular expressions: " + std::string( ex.what() ) ); } m_referenced_pointers.insert( &e.second.skip_value_ptr() ); } } // additionalProperties if( const auto* p = find( "additionalProperties" ) ) { const type t = p->type(); if( t == type::OBJECT ) { m_referenced_pointers.insert( p ); } else if( t != type::BOOLEAN ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"additionalProperties\" must be of type 'boolean' or 'object'" ); } m_additional_properties = p; } // dependencies if( const auto* p = find( "dependencies" ) ) { if( !p->is_object() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: \"dependencies\" must be of type 'object'" ); } for( const auto& e : p->get_object() ) { const auto* p2 = &e.second.skip_value_ptr(); if( p2->is_object() ) { m_schema_dependencies.emplace( e.first, p2 ); m_referenced_pointers.insert( p2 ); } else if( p2->is_array() ) { if( p2->get_array().empty() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: values in object \"dependencies\" of type 'array' must have at least one element" ); } std::set< std::string > s; for( const auto& r : p2->get_array() ) { if( !r.is_string() ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: values in object \"dependencies\" of type 'array' must contain elements of type 'string'" ); } if( !s.emplace( r.get_string() ).second ) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: values in object \"dependencies\" of type 'array' must contain unique elements of type 'string'" ); } } m_property_dependencies.emplace( e.first, std::move( s ) ); } else { throw std::runtime_error( "invalid JSON Schema: values in object \"dependencies\" must be of type 'object' or 'array'" ); } } if( !p->get_object().empty() ) { m_flags = m_flags | HAS_DEPENDENCIES; } } // default if( const auto* p = find( "default" ) ) { // TODO: the value should validate against the JSON Schema itself } } schema_node( const schema_node& ) = delete; schema_node( schema_node&& ) = delete; ~schema_node() = default; void operator=( const schema_node& ) = delete; void operator=( schema_node&& ) = delete; [[nodiscard]] const std::set< const basic_value< Traits >* >& referenced_pointers() const noexcept { return m_referenced_pointers; } }; template< template< typename... > class Traits > class schema_consumer { private: const std::shared_ptr< const schema_container< Traits > > m_container; const schema_node< Traits >* const m_node; std::vector< std::unique_ptr< events_compare< Traits > > > m_enum; std::unique_ptr< events::hash > m_hash; std::set< std::string > m_unique; std::set< std::string > m_keys; std::vector< std::size_t > m_count; std::vector< std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer > > m_properties; std::vector< std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer > > m_all_of; std::vector< std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer > > m_any_of; std::vector< std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer > > m_one_of; std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer > > m_schema_dependencies; std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer > m_not; std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer > m_item; bool m_match = true; void validate_type( const schema_flags t ) { if( !m_count.empty() ) { return; } if( ( m_node->m_flags & HAS_TYPE ) == 0 ) { return; } if( ( m_node->m_flags & t ) == 0 ) { m_match = false; } } // note: lambda returns true if validation failure detected template< typename F > void validate_enum( F&& f ) { assert( m_match ); if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_ENUM ) { m_enum.erase( std::remove_if( m_enum.begin(), m_enum.end(), [&]( const std::unique_ptr< events_compare< Traits > >& p ) { return f( *p ); } ), m_enum.end() ); if( m_enum.empty() ) { m_match = false; } } } template< typename F > void validate_item( F&& f ) { if( m_item ) { if( f( m_item ) ) { m_match = false; } } } template< typename F > void validate_properties( F&& f ) { for( auto& p : m_properties ) { if( f( p ) ) { m_match = false; break; } } } template< typename F > void validate_schema_dependencies( F&& f ) { auto it = m_schema_dependencies.begin(); while( it != m_schema_dependencies.end() ) { if( f( it->second ) ) { it = m_schema_dependencies.erase( it ); } else { ++it; } } } template< typename F > void validate_all_of( F&& f ) { for( auto& p : m_all_of ) { if( f( p ) ) { m_match = false; break; } } } template< typename F > void validate_any_of( F&& f ) { if( !m_any_of.empty() ) { m_any_of.erase( std::remove_if( m_any_of.begin(), m_any_of.end(), f ), m_any_of.end() ); if( m_any_of.empty() ) { m_match = false; } } } template< typename F > void validate_one_of( F&& f ) { if( !m_one_of.empty() ) { m_one_of.erase( std::remove_if( m_one_of.begin(), m_one_of.end(), f ), m_one_of.end() ); if( m_one_of.empty() ) { m_match = false; } } } template< typename F > void validate_not( F&& f ) { if( m_not ) { if( f( m_not ) ) { m_not.reset(); } } } // note: lambda returns true if validation failure detected template< typename F > void validate_collections( F&& f ) { assert( m_match ); const auto f2 = [&]( const std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer >& p ) { return f( *p ); }; if( m_match ) { validate_item( f2 ); } if( m_match ) { validate_properties( f2 ); } if( m_match ) { validate_all_of( f2 ); } if( m_match ) { validate_any_of( f2 ); } if( m_match ) { validate_one_of( f2 ); } if( m_match ) { validate_not( f2 ); } if( m_match ) { validate_schema_dependencies( f2 ); } } [[nodiscard]] static bool is_multiple_of( const double v, const double d ) { const auto r = std::fmod( v, d ); if( std::fabs( r ) < std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon() ) { return true; } if( std::fabs( r - d ) < std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon() ) { return true; } return false; } void validate_multiple_of( const std::int64_t v ) { switch( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MULTIPLE_OF ) { case HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_UNSIGNED: if( v < 0 ) { if( ( -v % m_node->m_multiple_of.u ) != 0 ) { m_match = false; } } else { if( ( v % m_node->m_multiple_of.u ) != 0 ) { m_match = false; } } break; case HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_DOUBLE: if( !is_multiple_of( double( v ), m_node->m_multiple_of.d ) ) { m_match = false; } break; } } void validate_multiple_of( const std::uint64_t v ) { switch( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MULTIPLE_OF ) { case HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_UNSIGNED: if( ( v % m_node->m_multiple_of.u ) != 0 ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_DOUBLE: if( !is_multiple_of( double( v ), m_node->m_multiple_of.d ) ) { m_match = false; } break; } } void validate_multiple_of( const double v ) { switch( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MULTIPLE_OF ) { case HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_UNSIGNED: if( !is_multiple_of( v, double( m_node->m_multiple_of.u ) ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MULTIPLE_OF_DOUBLE: if( !is_multiple_of( v, m_node->m_multiple_of.d ) ) { m_match = false; } break; } } void validate_number( const std::int64_t v ) { validate_multiple_of( v ); switch( m_node->m_flags & ( HAS_MAXIMUM | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM ) ) { case HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED: if( v > m_node->m_maximum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= m_node->m_maximum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED: if( v >= 0 && static_cast< std::uint64_t >( v ) > m_node->m_maximum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= 0 && static_cast< std::uint64_t >( v ) >= m_node->m_maximum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE: if( v > m_node->m_maximum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= m_node->m_maximum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; } switch( m_node->m_flags & ( HAS_MINIMUM | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM ) ) { case HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED: if( v < m_node->m_minimum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v <= m_node->m_minimum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED: if( v < 0 || static_cast< std::uint64_t >( v ) < m_node->m_minimum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v < 0 || static_cast< std::uint64_t >( v ) <= m_node->m_minimum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE: if( v < m_node->m_minimum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v <= m_node->m_minimum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; } } void validate_number( const std::uint64_t v ) { validate_multiple_of( v ); switch( m_node->m_flags & ( HAS_MAXIMUM | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM ) ) { case HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED: if( m_node->m_maximum.i < 0 || v > static_cast< std::uint64_t >( m_node->m_maximum.i ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( m_node->m_maximum.i < 0 || v >= static_cast< std::uint64_t >( m_node->m_maximum.i ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED: if( v > m_node->m_maximum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= m_node->m_maximum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE: if( v > m_node->m_maximum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= m_node->m_maximum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; } switch( m_node->m_flags & ( HAS_MINIMUM | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM ) ) { case HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED: if( m_node->m_minimum.i >= 0 && v < static_cast< std::uint64_t >( m_node->m_minimum.i ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( m_node->m_minimum.i >= 0 && v <= static_cast< std::uint64_t >( m_node->m_minimum.i ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED: if( v < m_node->m_minimum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v <= m_node->m_minimum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE: if( v < m_node->m_minimum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v <= m_node->m_minimum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; } } void validate_number( const double v ) { validate_multiple_of( v ); switch( m_node->m_flags & ( HAS_MAXIMUM | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM ) ) { case HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED: if( v > m_node->m_maximum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_SIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= m_node->m_maximum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED: if( v > m_node->m_maximum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_UNSIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= m_node->m_maximum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE: if( v > m_node->m_maximum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MAXIMUM_DOUBLE | EXCLUSIVE_MAXIMUM: if( v >= m_node->m_maximum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; } switch( m_node->m_flags & ( HAS_MINIMUM | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM ) ) { case HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED: if( v < m_node->m_minimum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_SIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v <= m_node->m_minimum.i ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED: if( v < m_node->m_minimum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_UNSIGNED | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v <= m_node->m_minimum.u ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE: if( v < m_node->m_minimum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; case HAS_MINIMUM_DOUBLE | EXCLUSIVE_MINIMUM: if( v <= m_node->m_minimum.d ) { m_match = false; } break; } } void validate_string( const std::string_view v ) { if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MAX_LENGTH && v.size() > m_node->m_max_length ) { m_match = false; } if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MIN_LENGTH && v.size() < m_node->m_min_length ) { m_match = false; } if( m_match && m_node->m_pattern ) { if( !std::regex_search( v.begin(), v.end(), *m_node->m_pattern ) ) { m_match = false; } } if( m_match && m_node->m_format != schema_format::none ) { switch( m_node->m_format ) { case schema_format::date_time: if( !internal::parse_date_time( v ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case schema_format::email: if( ( v.size() > 255 ) || !internal::parse< internal::email >( v ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case schema_format::hostname: if( ( v.size() > 255 ) || !internal::parse< internal::hostname >( v ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case schema_format::ipv4: if( !internal::parse< pegtl::uri::IPv4address >( v ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case schema_format::ipv6: if( !internal::parse< pegtl::uri::IPv6address >( v ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case schema_format::uri: // TODO: What rule exactly should we apply here?? JSON Schema is not exactly the best spec I've ever read... if( !internal::parse< pegtl::uri::URI >( v ) ) { m_match = false; } break; case schema_format::none:; } } } void validate_elements( const std::size_t v ) { if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MAX_ITEMS && v > m_node->m_max_items ) { m_match = false; } if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MIN_ITEMS && v < m_node->m_min_items ) { m_match = false; } } void validate_members( const std::size_t v ) { if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MAX_PROPERTIES && v > m_node->m_max_properties ) { m_match = false; } if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_MIN_PROPERTIES && v < m_node->m_min_properties ) { m_match = false; } } public: schema_consumer( const std::shared_ptr< const schema_container< Traits > >& c, const schema_node< Traits >& n ) : m_container( c ), m_node( &n ) { if( m_node->m_flags & HAS_ENUM ) { const auto& a = m_node->m_value->at( "enum" ).get_array(); m_enum.reserve( a.size() ); for( const auto& e : a ) { m_enum.emplace_back( std::make_unique< events_compare< Traits > >() ); m_enum.back()->push( &e ); } } if( const auto* p = m_node->m_all_of ) { for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { m_all_of.push_back( m_container->consumer( &e.skip_value_ptr() ) ); } } if( const auto* p = m_node->m_any_of ) { for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { m_any_of.push_back( m_container->consumer( &e.skip_value_ptr() ) ); } } if( const auto* p = m_node->m_one_of ) { for( const auto& e : p->get_array() ) { m_one_of.push_back( m_container->consumer( &e.skip_value_ptr() ) ); } } if( const auto* p = m_node->m_not ) { m_not = m_container->consumer( p ); } for( const auto& e : m_node->m_schema_dependencies ) { m_schema_dependencies.emplace( e.first, m_container->consumer( e.second ) ); } } schema_consumer( const schema_consumer& ) = delete; schema_consumer( schema_consumer&& ) = delete; ~schema_consumer() = default; void operator=( const schema_consumer& ) = delete; void operator=( schema_consumer&& ) = delete; [[nodiscard]] bool finalize() { if( m_match && !m_all_of.empty() ) { for( auto& e : m_all_of ) { if( !e->finalize() ) { m_match = false; break; } } } if( m_match && !m_any_of.empty() ) { m_any_of.erase( std::remove_if( m_any_of.begin(), m_any_of.end(), []( const std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer >& c ) { return !c->finalize(); } ), m_any_of.end() ); if( m_any_of.empty() ) { m_match = false; } } if( m_match && !m_one_of.empty() ) { m_one_of.erase( std::remove_if( m_one_of.begin(), m_one_of.end(), []( const std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer >& c ) { return !c->finalize(); } ), m_one_of.end() ); if( m_one_of.size() != 1 ) { m_match = false; } } if( m_match && m_not && m_not->finalize() ) { m_match = false; } if( m_match && m_node->m_flags & HAS_DEPENDENCIES ) { for( const auto& e : m_node->m_schema_dependencies ) { if( m_keys.count( e.first ) != 0 ) { const auto it = m_schema_dependencies.find( e.first ); if( it == m_schema_dependencies.end() ) { m_match = false; break; } if( !it->second->finalize() ) { m_match = false; break; } } } } return m_match; } [[nodiscard]] bool match() const noexcept { return m_match; } void null() { if( m_match ) { validate_type( NULL_ ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( []( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.null(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( []( schema_consumer& c ) { c.null(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->null(); } } void boolean( const bool v ) { if( m_match ) { validate_type( BOOLEAN ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( [=]( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.boolean( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( [=]( schema_consumer& c ) { c.boolean( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->boolean( v ); } } void number( const std::int64_t v ) { if( m_match ) { validate_type( INTEGER | NUMBER ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( [=]( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.number( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( [=]( schema_consumer& c ) { c.number( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_count.empty() ) { validate_number( v ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->number( v ); } } void number( const std::uint64_t v ) { if( m_match ) { validate_type( INTEGER | NUMBER ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( [=]( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.number( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( [=]( schema_consumer& c ) { c.number( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_count.empty() ) { validate_number( v ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->number( v ); } } void number( const double v ) { if( m_match ) { validate_type( NUMBER ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( [=]( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.number( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( [=]( schema_consumer& c ) { c.number( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_count.empty() ) { validate_number( v ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->number( v ); } } void string( const std::string_view v ) { if( m_match ) { validate_type( STRING ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( [&]( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.string( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( [&]( schema_consumer& c ) { c.string( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_count.empty() ) { validate_string( v ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->string( v ); } } void binary( const tao::binary_view /*unused*/ ) { // TODO: What? } void begin_array( const std::size_t /*unused*/ = 0 ) { if( m_match ) { validate_type( ARRAY ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( []( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.begin_array(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( []( schema_consumer& c ) { c.begin_array(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { if( m_hash ) { m_hash->begin_array(); } else if( m_count.empty() && ( ( m_node->m_flags & HAS_UNIQUE_ITEMS ) != 0 ) ) { m_hash = std::make_unique< events::hash >(); } } if( m_match && m_count.empty() ) { if( const auto* p = m_node->m_items ) { if( p->is_object() ) { m_item = m_container->consumer( p ); } else { const auto& a = p->get_array(); if( !a.empty() ) { m_item = m_container->consumer( &a[ 0 ].skip_value_ptr() ); } } } if( !m_item ) { if( const auto* p = m_node->m_additional_items ) { if( p->is_object() ) { m_item = m_container->consumer( p ); } } } } m_count.push_back( 0 ); } void element() { if( m_match ) { validate_enum( []( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.element(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_item ) { if( m_count.size() == 1 ) { if( !m_item->finalize() ) { m_match = false; } m_item.reset(); } } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( []( schema_consumer& c ) { c.element(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { if( m_count.size() == 1 ) { if( !m_unique.emplace( m_hash->value() ).second ) { m_match = false; } m_hash->reset(); } else { m_hash->element(); } } const auto next = ++m_count.back(); if( m_match && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) ) { if( const auto* p = m_node->m_items ) { if( p->is_object() ) { m_item = m_container->consumer( p ); } else { const auto& a = p->get_array(); if( next < a.size() ) { m_item = m_container->consumer( &a[ next ].skip_value_ptr() ); } } } if( !m_item ) { if( const auto* p = m_node->m_additional_items ) { if( p->is_object() ) { m_item = m_container->consumer( p ); } } } } } void end_array( const std::size_t /*unused*/ = 0 ) { if( m_match ) { validate_enum( []( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.end_array(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_item && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) ) { if( !m_item->finalize() ) { m_match = false; } m_item.reset(); } if( m_match && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) ) { if( m_node->m_items && m_node->m_items->is_array() ) { if( m_node->m_additional_items && m_node->m_additional_items->is_boolean() ) { if( !m_node->m_additional_items->get_boolean() ) { if( m_count.back() > m_node->m_items->get_array().size() ) { m_match = false; } } } } } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( []( schema_consumer& c ) { c.end_array(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->end_array(); } if( m_match && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) ) { validate_elements( m_count.back() ); } m_count.pop_back(); } void begin_object( const std::size_t /*unused*/ = 0 ) { if( m_match ) { validate_type( OBJECT ); } if( m_match ) { validate_enum( []( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.begin_object(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( []( schema_consumer& c ) { c.begin_object(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->begin_object(); } m_count.push_back( 0 ); } void key( const std::string& v ) { if( m_match ) { validate_enum( [&]( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.key( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( [&]( schema_consumer& c ) { c.key( v ); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->key( v ); } if( m_match && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) && ( m_node->m_flags & HAS_DEPENDENCIES || !m_node->m_required.empty() ) ) { if( !m_keys.insert( v ).second ) { // duplicate keys immediately invalidate! // TODO: throw? m_match = false; } } if( m_match && m_properties.empty() && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) ) { if( const auto* p = m_node->m_properties ) { const auto& o = p->get_object(); const auto it = o.find( v ); if( it != o.end() ) { m_properties.push_back( m_container->consumer( &it->second.skip_value_ptr() ) ); } } for( const auto& e : m_node->m_pattern_properties ) { if( std::regex_search( v, e.first ) ) { m_properties.push_back( m_container->consumer( e.second ) ); } } if( m_properties.empty() ) { if( const auto* p = m_node->m_additional_properties ) { if( p->is_boolean() ) { if( !p->get_boolean() ) { m_match = false; } } else { m_properties.push_back( m_container->consumer( p ) ); } } } } } void key( const std::string_view sv ) { key( std::string( sv ) ); } void key( const char* v ) { key( std::string( v ) ); } void member() { if( m_match ) { validate_enum( []( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.member(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && !m_properties.empty() && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) ) { for( auto& e : m_properties ) { if( !e->finalize() ) { m_match = false; break; } } m_properties.clear(); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( []( schema_consumer& c ) { c.member(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->member(); } ++m_count.back(); } void end_object( const std::size_t /*unused*/ = 0 ) { if( m_match ) { validate_enum( []( events_compare< Traits >& c ) { c.end_object(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match ) { validate_collections( []( schema_consumer& c ) { c.end_object(); return ! c.match(); } ); } if( m_match && m_hash ) { m_hash->end_object(); } if( m_match && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) ) { validate_members( m_count.back() ); } if( m_match && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) && !m_node->m_required.empty() ) { if( !std::includes( m_keys.begin(), m_keys.end(), m_node->m_required.begin(), m_node->m_required.end() ) ) { m_match = false; } } if( m_match && ( m_count.size() == 1 ) && m_node->m_flags & HAS_DEPENDENCIES ) { for( const auto& e : m_node->m_property_dependencies ) { if( m_keys.count( e.first ) != 0 ) { if( !std::includes( m_keys.begin(), m_keys.end(), e.second.begin(), e.second.end() ) ) { m_match = false; break; } } } } m_count.pop_back(); } }; template< template< typename... > class Traits > class schema_container : public std::enable_shared_from_this< schema_container< Traits > > { private: basic_value< Traits > m_value; using nodes_t = std::map< const basic_value< Traits >*, std::unique_ptr< schema_node< Traits > > >; nodes_t m_nodes; void make_node( const basic_value< Traits >* p ) { m_nodes.emplace( p, std::make_unique< schema_node< Traits > >( this, *p ) ); } public: explicit schema_container( const basic_value< Traits >& v ) : m_value( v.skip_value_ptr() ) { resolve_references( m_value ); make_node( &m_value ); while( true ) { std::set< const basic_value< Traits >* > required; for( const auto& e : m_nodes ) { auto s = e.second->referenced_pointers(); required.insert( s.begin(), s.end() ); } for( const auto& e : m_nodes ) { required.erase( e.first ); } if( required.empty() ) { break; } for( const auto& e : required ) { make_node( e ); } } } [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer< Traits > > consumer( const basic_value< Traits >* p ) const { const auto it = m_nodes.find( p ); if( it == m_nodes.end() ) { throw std::logic_error( "invalid node ptr, no schema registered" ); } return std::make_unique< schema_consumer< Traits > >( this->shared_from_this(), *it->second ); } [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< schema_consumer< Traits > > consumer() const { return consumer( &m_value ); } }; } // namespace internal template< template< typename... > class Traits > class basic_schema { private: const std::shared_ptr< const internal::schema_container< Traits > > m_container; public: explicit basic_schema( const basic_value< Traits >& v ) : m_container( std::make_shared< internal::schema_container< Traits > >( v ) ) { } [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr< internal::schema_consumer< Traits > > consumer() const { return m_container->consumer(); } [[nodiscard]] bool validate( const basic_value< Traits >& v ) const { // TODO: Value validation should be implemented independently, // as it could be more efficient than Events validation! const auto c = consumer(); events::from_value( *c, v ); return c->finalize(); } }; using schema = basic_schema< traits >; template< template< typename... > class Traits > [[nodiscard]] basic_schema< Traits > make_schema( const basic_value< Traits >& v ) { return basic_schema< Traits >( v ); } } // namespace tao::json #endif