When /^I ssh to "([^\"]*)" with the following credentials:$/ do |hostname, table| session = table.hashes.first lambda { @connection = ZTK::SSH.new @connection.config.proxy_host_name = $test_lab.labs_running.first.public_ip_address @connection.config.proxy_user = "ubuntu" @connection.config.proxy_keys = Cucumber::Chef.locate(:file, ".cucumber-chef", "id_rsa-#{@connection.config.proxy_user}") hostname and (@connection.config.host_name = hostname) session["username"] and (@connection.config.user = session["username"]) session["password"] and (@connection.config.password = session["password"]) session["keyfile"] and (@connection.config.keys = session["keyfile"]) }.should_not raise_error end And /^I run "([^\"]*)"$/ do |command| @output = @connection.exec(command, :silence => true).output end Then /^I should( not)? see "([^\"]*)" in the output$/ do |boolean, string| if (!boolean) @output.should =~ /#{string}/ else @output.should_not =~ /#{string}/ end end Then /^I should( not)? see the "([^\"]*)" of "([^\"]*)" in the output$/ do |boolean, key, name| if (!boolean) @output.should =~ /#{$servers[name][key.downcase.to_sym]}/i else @output.should_not =~ /#{$servers[name][key.downcase.to_sym]}/i end end Then /^(path|directory|file|symlink) "([^\"]*)" should exist$/ do |type, path| parent = File.dirname path child = File.basename path command = "ls %s" % [ parent ] @output = @connection.exec(command).output @output.should =~ /#{child}/ # if a specific type (directory|file) was specified, test for it command = "stat -c %%F %s" % [ path ] @output = @connection.exec(command).output types = { "file" => /regular file/, "directory" => /directory/, "symlink" => /symbolic link/ } if types.keys.include? type @output.should =~ types[type] end # if type == "file" # @output.should =~ /regular file/ # end # if type == "directory" # @output.should =~ /directory/ # end # if type == "symlink" # @output.should =~ /symbolic link/ # end end Then /^(?:path|directory|file) "([^\"]*)" should be owned by "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, owner| command = "stat -c %%U:%%G %s" % [ path ] @output = @connection.exec(command).output @output.should =~ /#{owner}/ end # we can now match multi-line strings. We want to match *contiguous lines* Then /^file "([^\"]*)" should( not)? contain/ do |path, boolean, content| command = "cat %s" % [ path ] # turn the command-line output and the expectation string into Arrays and strip # leading and trailing cruft from members @output = @connection.exec(command).output.split("\n").map{ |i| i.strip } content = content.split("\n").map{ |i| i.strip } # assume no match match = false count = 0 # step through the command output array while count < @output.length current = @output[count] # if we get a match with the start of the expectation if @output[count] == content[0] # take a slice of the same size as that expectation slice = @output[count..count + content.length - 1] # and see if they match if content == slice match = true end end count += 1 end # there's a neater way to express this logic, but it's 17:30 and I'm going home if (!boolean) match.should == true else match.should == false end end Then /^package "([^\"]*)" should be installed$/ do |package| command = "" if (dpkg = @connection.exec("which dpkg 2> /dev/null").output).length > 0 command = "#{dpkg.chomp} --get-selections" elsif (yum = @connection.exec("which yum 2> /dev/null").output).length > 0 command = "#{yum.chomp} -q list installed" # could easily add more cases here, if I knew what they were :) end @output = @connection.exec(command) @output.should =~ /#{package}/ end # This regex is a little ugly, but it's so we can accept any of these # # * "foo" is running # * service "foo" is running # * application "foo" is running # * process "foo" is running # # basically because I couldn't decide what they should be called. Maybe there's # an Official Cucumber-chef Opinion on this. Still, Rubular is fun :) # TiL that in Ruby regexes, "?:" marks a non-capturing group, which is how this # works Then /^(?:(?:service|application|process)? )?"([^\"]*)" should( not)? be running$/ do |service, boolean| command = "ps ax" @output = @connection.exec(command).output if (!boolean) @output.should =~ /#{service}/ else @output.should_not =~ /#{service}/ end end