require 'sinatra/base' require 'activesupport' module Sinatra module FormHelpers # FormHelpers are a suite of helper methods # built to make building forms in Sinatra # a breeze. # # link "jackhq", "" # # label :person, :first_name # text :person, :first_name # # area :person, :notes # # etc. def link(content, href, options={}) tag :a, content, options.merge(:href => href) end def label(obj,field, options={}) tag :label, field.to_s.titleize, options.merge(:for => "#{obj}_#{field}") end def text(obj, field="", options={}) content = @params[obj] ? @params[obj][field.to_s] : "" id = single_tag :input, options.merge(:type => "text", :id => field == "" ? obj : "#{obj}_#{field}", :name => field == "" ? obj : "#{obj}[#{field}]", :value => content) end def area(obj, field, options={}) content = @params[obj] ? @params[obj][field.to_s] : "" tag :textarea, content, options.merge(:id => "#{obj}_#{field}", :name => "#{obj}[#{field}]") end def image(src, options={}) single_tag :img, options.merge(:src => src) end def submit(obj, value="", options={}) single_tag :input, options.merge(:type => "submit", :value => value == "" ? obj : value) end def checkbox(obj, field, options={}) single_tag :input, options.merge(:type => "checkbox", :id => "#{obj}_#{field}", :name => "#{obj}[#{field}]") end def radio(obj, field, value, options={}) content = @params[obj] && @params[obj][field.to_s] == value ? "true" : "" tag :input, value, options.merge(:type => "radio", :id => "#{obj}_#{field}", :name => "#{obj}[#{field}]", :value => value, :checked => content) end def select(obj, field, items, options={}) content = "" items.each do |i| content = content + tag(:option, i, { :value => i }) end tag :select, content, options end def hidden(obj, field="", options={}) content = @params[obj] && @params[obj][field.to_s] == value ? "true" : "" single_tag :input, options.merge(:type => "hidden", :id => "#{obj}_#{field}", :name => "#{obj}[#{field}]") end # standard open and close tags # EX : tag :h1, "shizam", :title => "shizam" # =>