# this class' goal: # to boldly just run test after test # as they come in require 'drb' require 'timeout' require 'rinda/ring' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/ and RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.1' begin require 'win32/process' rescue LoadError puts "The 'win32-process' gem is required for windows Spork support with ruby 1.9.1 and lower. Install it, or if using bundler, add it to your Gemfile." exit 1 end end require 'rubygems' # used for Gem.ruby $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'magazine/magazine_slave' require 'magazine/rinda_ring_finger_patch' if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9.1' class Spork::RunStrategy::Magazine < Spork::RunStrategy Slave_Id_Range = 1..2 # Ringserver uses id: 0. Slave use: 1..MAX_SLAVES def slave_max Slave_Id_Range.to_a.size end def initialize(test_framework) @test_framework = test_framework this_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) @path = File.join(this_path, 'magazine') @pids = [] @pids << start_Rinda_ringserver sleep 1 fill_slave_pool rescue RuntimeError => e kill_all_processes raise e end def start_Rinda_ringserver app_name = "#{Gem.ruby} ring_server.rb" spawn_process(app_name) end def fill_slave_pool Slave_Id_Range.each do |id| start_slave(id) end puts " -- Starting to fill pool..." puts " Wait until at least one slave is provided before running tests..." puts " ** CTRL+BREAK to stop Spork and kill all ruby slave processes **" $stdout.flush end def start_slave(id) app_pwd = Dir.pwd # path running app in app = "#{Gem.ruby} magazine_slave_provider.rb #{id} '#{app_pwd}' #{@test_framework.short_name}" @pids[id] = spawn_process(app) end def spawn_process(app) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ # jruby 1.8 has no easy way to just spawn, so use a thread Dir.chdir(@path) do io = IO.popen app Thread.new { puts io.read } return io.pid end end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.1' Process.create( :app_name => app, :cwd => @path ).process_id else Process.spawn( app, :chdir => @path ) end end def self.available? true end def run(argv, stderr, stdout) DRb.start_service ts = Rinda::RingFinger.primary Timeout.timeout(60) {sleep 0.1 until ts.read_all([:name, :MagazineSlave, nil, nil]).size > 0} print ' <-- take tuple'; stdout.flush tuple = ts.take([:name, :MagazineSlave, nil, nil]) slave = tuple[2] id = tuple[3] puts "(#{slave.id_num}); slave.run..."; $stdout.flush begin slave.run(argv,stderr,stdout) puts " -- (#{slave.id_num});run done"; $stdout.flush ensure restart_slave(id) end end def restart_slave(id) pid = @pids[id] kill_slave(pid) start_slave(id) end def windows? ENV['OS'] == 'Windows_NT' end def kill_slave(pid) if windows? system("taskkill /f /t /pid #{pid} > nul") else Process.kill(9, pid) end end def kill_all_processes @pids.each {|pid| kill_slave(pid) } puts "\nKilling processes."; $stdout.flush end def slave_count DRb.start_service ts = Rinda::RingFinger.primary ts.read_all([:name, :MagazineSlave, nil, nil]).size end def abort kill_all_processes end def preload true # @test_framework.preload end def running? @running end def assert_ready! end end