# lib/gemwarrior/constants.rb # List of constant values module Gemwarrior PROGRAM_NAME = 'Gem Warrior' SPLASH_MESSAGE = 'Welcome to Gem Warrior, where randomized fortune is just as likely as mayhem.' QUIT_MESSAGE = 'Thanks for playing the game. Until next time...' SEPARATOR = '=====================================================' CHANGE_PARAMS = 'Options: name' DANGER_LEVEL = {:none => 0, :low => 15, :moderate => 30, :high => 55, :assured => 100} module Errors ERROR_COMMAND_INVALID = 'That\'s not something the game yet understands.' ERROR_INVENTORY_EMPTY = '...and find you currently have diddly-squat, which is nothing.' ERROR_ITEM_LOC_INVALID = 'You don\'t see that there.' ERROR_ITEM_INVENTORY_INVALID = 'You don\'t possess that.' ERROR_TAKE_PARAM_MISSING = 'You can\'t just take. You gotta choose something.' ERROR_TAKE_ITEM_UNTAKEABLE = 'That would be great if you could take that thing, wouldn\'t it? Well, it\'s not so great for you right now.' ERROR_TAKE_ITEM_INVALID = 'That item doesn\'t exist here.' ERROR_GO_DIR_MISSING = 'Just wander aimlessly? A direction would be nice.' ERROR_GO_DIR_INVALID = 'The place in that direction is far, far, FAR too dangerous. You should try a different way.' ERROR_CHANGE_PARAM_MISSING = 'Ch-ch-changes...aren\'t happening because you didn\'t specify what to change.' ERROR_CHANGE_PARAM_INVALID = 'You can\'t change that...yet.' end module AttributePools # character pools CHAR_UPPER_POOL = (65..90).map{ |i| i.chr } CHAR_LOWER_POOL = (97..122).map{ |i| i.chr } CHAR_LOWER_VOWEL_POOL = ['a','e','i','o','u','y'] # attribute pools FACE_DESC = ['smooth', 'tired', 'ruddy', 'moist', 'shocked'] HANDS_DESC = ['worn', 'balled into fists', 'relaxed', 'cracked', 'tingly', 'mom\'s spaghetti'] MOOD_DESC = ['calm', 'excited', 'depressed', 'tense', 'lackadaisical', 'angry', 'positive'] PLYR_DESC_DEFAULT = 'Picked to do battle against a wizened madman for a shiny something or other for world-saving purposes, you\'re actually fairly able, as long as you\'ve had breakfast first.' PLYR_LEVEL_DEFAULT = 1 PLYR_XP_DEFAULT = 0 PLYR_HP_CUR_DEFAULT = 10 PLYR_HP_MAX_DEFAULT = 10 PLYR_STAM_CUR_DEFAULT = 20 PLYR_STAM_MAX_DEFAULT = 20 PLYR_ATK_LO_DEFAULT = 1 PLYR_ATK_HI_DEFAULT = 2 PLYR_ROX_DEFAULT = 0 end module Entities module Locations LOC_ID_HOME = 0 LOC_NAME_HOME = 'Home' LOC_DESC_HOME = 'The little, unimportant, decrepit hut that you live in.' LOC_CONNECTIONS_HOME = {:north => 4, :east => 1, :south => nil, :west => 3} LOC_ID_CAVE_ENTRANCE = 1 LOC_NAME_CAVE_ENTRANCE = 'Cave (Entrance)' LOC_DESC_CAVE_ENTRANCE = 'A nearby, dank cavern\'s entrance, surely filled with stacktites, stonemites, and rocksites.' LOC_CONNECTIONS_CAVE_ENTRANCE = {:north => nil, :east => 2, :south => nil, :west => 0} LOC_ID_CAVE_ROOM1 = 2 LOC_NAME_CAVE_ROOM1 = 'Cave (Room1)' LOC_DESC_CAVE_ROOM1 = 'Now inside the first cavernous room, you confirm that there are stacktites, stonemites, rocksites, and even one or two pebblejites.' LOC_CONNECTIONS_CAVE_ROOM1 = {:north => nil, :east => nil, :south => nil, :west => 1} LOC_ID_FOREST = 3 LOC_NAME_FOREST = 'Forest' LOC_DESC_FOREST = 'Trees exist here, in droves.' LOC_CONNECTIONS_FOREST = {:north => nil, :east => 0, :south => nil, :west => nil} LOC_ID_SKYTOWER = 4 LOC_NAME_SKYTOWER = 'Emerald\'s Sky Tower' LOC_DESC_SKYTOWER = 'The craziest guy that ever existed is around here somewhere amongst the cloud floors, snow walls, and ethereal vibe.' LOC_CONNECTIONS_SKYTOWER = {:north => nil, :east => nil, :south => 0, :west => nil} end module Monsters MOB_ID_ALEXANDRAT = 0 MOB_NAME_ALEXANDRAT = 'Alexandrat' MOB_DESC_ALEXANDRAT = 'Tiny, but fierce, color-changing rodent.' MOB_LEVEL_ALEXANDRAT = 1..2 MOB_ID_AMBEROO = 1 MOB_NAME_AMBEROO = 'Amberoo' MOB_DESC_AMBEROO = 'Fossilized and jumping around like an adorably dangerous threat from the past.' MOB_LEVEL_AMBEROO = 1..2 MOB_ID_AMETHYSTLE = 2 MOB_NAME_AMETHYSTLE = 'Amethystle' MOB_DESC_AMETHYSTLE = 'Sober and contemplative, it moves with purplish tentacles swaying in the breeze.' MOB_LEVEL_AMETHYSTLE = 1..3 MOB_ID_AQUAMARINE = 3 MOB_NAME_AQUAMARINE = 'Aquamarine' MOB_DESC_AQUAMARINE = 'It is but one of the few, the proud, the underwater.' MOB_LEVEL_AQUAMARINE = 2..4 MOB_ID_APATIGER = 4 MOB_NAME_APATIGER = 'Apatiger' MOB_DESC_APATIGER = 'Apathetic about most everything as it lazes around, save for eating you.' MOB_LEVEL_APATIGER = 3..5 MOB_ID_BLOODSTORM = 5 MOB_NAME_BLOODSTORM = 'Bloodstorm' MOB_DESC_BLOODSTORM = 'A literal swirling, maniacal vortex of human hemoglobin.' MOB_LEVEL_BLOODSTORM = 5..6 MOB_ID_CITRINAGA = 6 MOB_NAME_CITRINAGA = 'Citrinaga' MOB_DESC_CITRINAGA = 'Refreshing in its shiny, gleaming effectiveness at ending your life.' MOB_LEVEL_CITRINAGA = 3..4 MOB_ID_CORALIZ = 7 MOB_NAME_CORALIZ = 'Coraliz' MOB_DESC_CORALIZ = 'Small blue lizard that slithers around, nipping at your ankles.' MOB_LEVEL_CORALIZ = 2..3 MOB_ID_CUBICAT = 8 MOB_NAME_CUBICAT = 'Cubicat' MOB_DESC_CUBICAT = 'Perfectly geometrically cubed feline, fresh from its woven enclosure, claws at the ready.' MOB_LEVEL_CUBICAT = 4..5 MOB_ID_DIAMAN = 9 MOB_NAME_DIAMAN = 'Diaman' MOB_DESC_DIAMAN = 'Crystalline structure in the form of a man, lumbering toward you, with outstretched, edged pincers.' MOB_LEVEL_DIAMAN = 6..7 MOB_NAME_DEFAULT = 'Rocky' MOB_DESC_DEFAULT = 'It\'s a monster, and it\'s not happy.' end module Items ITEM_ID_STONE = 0 ITEM_NAME_STONE = 'stone' ITEM_DESC_STONE = 'A small, sharp mega pebble, suitable for tossing in amusement, and perhaps combat.' ITEM_ID_BED = 1 ITEM_NAME_BED = 'bed' ITEM_DESC_BED = 'The place where you sleep when you\'re not adventuring.' ITEM_ID_STALACTITE = 2 ITEM_NAME_STALACTITE = 'stalactite' ITEM_DESC_STALACTITE = 'Long protrusion of cave adornment, broken off and fallen to the ground, where the stalagmites sneer at it from.' ITEM_ID_FEATHER = 3 ITEM_NAME_FEATHER = 'feather' ITEM_DESC_FEATHER = 'Soft and tender, unlike the craven bird that probably shed it.' ITEM_ID_GUN = 4 ITEM_NAME_GUN = 'gun' ITEM_DESC_GUN = 'Pew pew goes this firearm you wield, ifn\'t it weren\'t unloaded.' ITEM_NAME_DEFAULT = 'thing' ITEM_DESC_DEFAULt = 'Something truly interesting and worth your time to look at and possess.' end end end