en: plugins: ecommerce: currencies: usd: 'US dollars' eur: 'Euro' gbp: 'British Pound Sterling' jpy: 'Japanese Yen' aud: 'Australian Dollar' active: 'Active' add_shipping_methods: 'Add Shipping Method' not_active: 'Not Active' accepted: 'Accepted' coupons: 'Coupons' e_commerce: 'E-Commerce' e_commerce_settings: 'E-commerce Settings' e_mail_address: 'E-Mail Address' edit_tax_rate: 'Edit Tax Rate' edit_shipping_methods: 'Edit Shipping Method' edit_price: 'Edit Price' edit_payment_methods: 'Edit Payment Methods' edit_coupon: 'Edit Coupon' edit_order: 'Edit Order' all_products: 'All Products' add_new: 'Add New' add_tax_rate: 'Add Tax Rate' add_shipping_methods: 'Add Shipping Method' add_price: 'Add Price' add_coupons: 'Add Coupons' add_payment_method: 'Add Payment Method' billing_address: 'Billing Address' by_bank_transfer: 'By bank transfer' by_paypal: 'By Paypal' by_credit_card: 'By credit card (with paypal)' by_authorize_net: 'By credit card (Authorize.net)' by_on_delivery: 'Payment on delivery' details_shipping_methods: 'Shipping Method Details' details_payment_methods: 'Payment Methods Details' details_order: 'Details Order' details_user: 'User Details' form_tax_rate: 'Tax Rate Form' form_shipping_methods: 'Shipping Method Form' form_price: 'Price Form' form_payment_methods: 'Payment Methods Form' form_coupon: 'Coupon Form' form_settings: 'Settings Form' orders: 'Orders' order_received: 'Order Received' order_accepted: 'Order Accepted' order_shipped: 'Order Shipped' payment_methods: 'Payment Methods' info: 'Information' list_orders: 'List Orders' list_tax_rate: 'Tax Rate List' list_shipping_methods: 'Shipping Method List' shipping_methods: 'Shipping Methods' shipping_prices: 'Shipping Prices' list_price: 'Price List' list_payment_methods: 'Payment Methods List' list_coupons: 'Coupons List' mark_shipped: 'Mark as Shipped' message: consignment_number: 'Use {{consignment_number}} to insert the consignment number.' error_paypal_values: 'Error Paypal Values' not_shipped: 'Not Shipped' not_shipped_assigned: 'Not Shipped Assigned' order: 'Order %{status}' accepted: 'Accepted' shipped: 'Shipped' updated: 'Updated' not_deletable_product_variations: 'Some Product variations can not be deleted.' not_deletable_product: 'The product can not be deleted because there are orders related.' method_paypal: 'Method by Paypal' method_credit_card: 'Method by Credit Card' method_bank_transfer: 'Method Bank Transfer' method_shipped: 'Method Shipped' method_authorize_net: 'Method by Authorize.net' new: 'New' new_tax_rate: 'New Tax Rate' new_shipping_methods: 'New Shipping Method' new_payment_methods: 'New Payment Methods' new_coupon: 'New Coupon' options_payment_methods: 'Payment Options' payments: 'Payments' phone_number: 'Phone Number' product: featured: 'Featured' item: 'Item' photo: "Photos of product" box: "What's in the box" sku: "SKU" attrs: "Attributes" photos: "Photos" price: "Price" cost: "Cost" tax: "Tax rate" weight: "Weight" stock_status: 'Stock Status' stock: "Stock control?" qty: "Quantity" in_stock: 'In Stock' not_in_tock: 'Not In Stock' total_excluding_tax: 'Total (excluding Tax)' current_unit: 'Current unit: %{unit}' current_weight: 'Current weight: %{weight}' products: 'Products' shipping_address: 'Shipping Address' shipping_methods: 'Shipping Methods' shipped_date: 'Shipped Date' search_order_number: 'Search for order number' select: received: 'Received' unpaid: 'Unpaid' paid: 'Paid' accepted: 'Accepted' shipped: 'Shipped' closed: 'Closed' canceled: 'Canceled' pending: 'Pending' kilogram: 'Kilogram' pound: 'Pound' dram: 'Dram' grain: 'Grain' gram: 'Gram' hundredweight: 'Hundredweight' milligram: 'Milligram' ounce: 'Ounce' tonne: 'Tonne' table: address: 'Address' actions: 'Actions' amount: 'Amount' allowed_applications: 'Allowed applications' city: 'City' code: 'Code' country: 'Country' shipping_countries: 'Shipping Countries' system_currency_unit: 'System Currency Unit' available_currencies_unit: 'Visitor Available Currencies' currency_unit: 'Currency Unit' currency_weight: 'Currency Weight' customer: 'Customer' customer_info: 'Customer Info' description: 'Description' details: 'Details' discount: 'Discount' discount_type: 'Discount type' email: 'Email' expiration_date: 'Expiration date' expired: 'Expired' firstname: 'Firstname' id: 'ID' lastname: 'Lastname' login: 'Login' login_id: 'Login Id' max_weight: 'Max Weight' min_weight: 'Min Weight' min_cart_total: 'Min cart total' name: 'Name' not_paid: 'Not Paid' method: 'Method' number_account_bank: 'Number Account Bank' phone: 'Phone' paid: 'Paid?' password: 'Password' payment_method: 'Payment Method' percent: 'Percent' money: 'Money' free_shipping: 'Free Shipping' products: 'Products' rate: 'Rate' received_time: 'Received Time' created_at: 'Created At' sandbox: 'Sandbox' shipping: 'Shipping' signature: 'Signature' status: 'Status' slug: 'Slug' sub_total: 'Subtotal' state: 'State' total: 'Total' url_tracking: 'URL Tracking' username_login: 'Username / Login' used_applications: 'Used applications' code_zip: 'Code Zip' method_type: 'Method type' transaction_key: 'Transaction key' tax_rates: 'Tax Rates' add_to_cart: 'Add to cart' mail: order_received: welcome: "Hi" thanks: "Thank you for your purchase." reference: "For your reference, your order number is:" recovery_cart: body: "We noticed that you might be stuck." reference: "For your reference, your order number is:" email: order_received: subject: "Thank you for purchasing" recovery_cart: subject: "We noticed that you might be stuck" order_received_admin: subject: "New purchase"