Uses of Class

Packages that use Annotator

Uses of Annotator in lingscope.algorithms

Subclasses of Annotator in lingscope.algorithms
 class BaselineAnnotator
          The baseline annotator
 class BaselineCueAnnotator
 class BaselineScopeAnnotator
 class CrfAnnotator
          A CRF based annotator
 class NegexAnnotator
          Annotates negation using Negex
 class NegexCueAnnotator
 class NegexScopeAnnotator

Uses of Annotator in lingscope.drivers

Methods in lingscope.drivers that return Annotator
static Annotator SentenceTagger.getAnnotator(java.lang.String classifierType, java.lang.String markType)
          Gets the Annotator from the given classifier and mark type

Methods in lingscope.drivers with parameters of type Annotator
static java.util.List<AnnotatedSentence> SentenceTagger.annotateSentences(Annotator annotator, java.util.List<java.lang.String> inputSentences, boolean isTokenized)
static AnnotatedSentence SentenceTagger.tag(Annotator annotator, java.lang.String sentence, boolean isTokenized)
          Tags the given sentence with the given annotator
static void SentencePosTagger.tagSentence(java.lang.String sentence, java.lang.String grammarFile, boolean replaceCueWords, Annotator cueAnnotator, Annotator scopeAnnotator)
          Tags the given sentence