Sucker ====== Sucker is a [Nokogiri-]( Ruby wrapper to the [Amazon Product Advertising API]( It's fast and supports __the entire API__. ![Electrolux]( 1.3.0.pre --------- This release has major changes under the hood. I replaced curb with Net::HTTP to make the library JRuby compatible and edited out some nonessential code. Check [here]( to see what's left. Usage ----- Set up. worker = :locale => :us, :key => 'API KEY', :secret => 'API SECRET') Build a request. worker << { "Operation" => 'ItemLookup', "IdType" => 'ASIN', "ItemId" => '0816614024', "ResponseGroup" => 'ItemAttributes' } Get a response. response = worker.get Consume. items = response.find('Item') if response.valid? Repeat ad infinitum. [Check the features]( [Read the API.]( Multiple local IPs ------------------ Amazon limits calls to a venue to one per second per IP. If you have multiple interfaces set up and want to use all to query Amazon, just do: worker.local_ip = '' worker.get # This request will route through the above IP More concise syntax ------------------- If you are on Ruby 1.9, try: worker << { operation: 'ItemLookup', id_type: 'ASIN', item_id: '0816614024' } Stubbing -------- Use [VCR]( Check out [this]( and [this]( Compatibility ------------- Specs pass against Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby 1.9.2, JRuby 1.5.6, and Rubinius 1.2.1. Morale of the story ------------------- Don't overabstract a spaghetti API.