# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx::AUI

  # Event used to indicate various actions taken with {Wx::AUI::AuiManager}.
  # See {Wx::AUI::AuiManager} for available event types.
  # === Events using this class
  # The following event-handler methods redirect the events to member method or handler blocks for {Wx::AUI::AuiManagerEvent} events.
  # Event handler methods:
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_aui_pane_button}(meth = nil, &block): Triggered when any button is pressed for any docked panes. 
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_aui_pane_close}(meth = nil, &block): Triggered when a docked or floating pane is closed. 
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_aui_pane_maximize}(meth = nil, &block): Triggered when a pane is maximized. 
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_aui_pane_restore}(meth = nil, &block): Triggered when a pane is restored. 
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_aui_pane_activated}(meth = nil, &block): Triggered when a pane is made 'active'. This event is new since wxWidgets 2.9.4. 
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_aui_render}(meth = nil, &block): This event can be caught to override the default renderer in order to custom draw your {Wx::AUI::AuiManager} window (not recommended). 
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Events}, Window Docking (wxAUI)
  # @see Wx::AUI::AuiManager
  # @see  Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo 
  class AuiManagerEvent < Event
    # Constructor.
    # @param type [Wx::CommandLinkButton::EventType] 
    # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiManagerEvent]
    def initialize(type=Wx::EVT_NULL) end
    # true if this event can be vetoed.
    # @see Wx::AUI::AuiManagerEvent#veto 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def can_veto; end
    alias_method :can_veto?, :can_veto
    # The ID of the button that was clicked.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_button; end
    alias_method :button, :get_button
    # TodoWhat is this?
    # @return [Wx::DC]
    def get_dc; end
    alias_method :dc, :get_dc
    # true if this event was vetoed.
    # @see Wx::AUI::AuiManagerEvent#veto 
    # @return [Boolean]
    def get_veto; end
    # The {Wx::AUI::AuiManager} this event is associated with.
    # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiManager]
    def get_manager; end
    alias_method :manager, :get_manager
    # The pane this event is associated with.
    # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo]
    def get_pane; end
    alias_method :pane, :get_pane
    # Sets the ID of the button clicked that triggered this event.
    # @param button [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_button(button) end
    alias_method :button=, :set_button
    # Sets whether or not this event can be vetoed.
    # @param can_veto [Boolean] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_can_veto(can_veto) end
    alias_method :can_veto=, :set_can_veto
    # TodoWhat is this?
    # @param pdc [Wx::DC] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_dc(pdc) end
    alias_method :dc=, :set_dc
    # Sets the {Wx::AUI::AuiManager} this event is associated with.
    # @param manager [Wx::AUI::AuiManager] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_manager(manager) end
    alias_method :manager=, :set_manager
    # Sets the pane this event is associated with.
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_pane(pane) end
    alias_method :pane=, :set_pane
    # Cancels the action indicated by this event if {Wx::AUI::AuiManagerEvent#can_veto} is true.
    # @param veto [Boolean] 
    # @return [void]
    def veto(veto=true) end
  end # AuiManagerEvent
