# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord module TestFixtures extend ActiveSupport::Concern def before_setup # :nodoc: setup_fixtures super end def after_teardown # :nodoc: super teardown_fixtures end included do class_attribute :fixture_path, instance_writer: false class_attribute :fixture_table_names, default: [] class_attribute :fixture_class_names, default: {} class_attribute :use_transactional_tests, default: true class_attribute :use_instantiated_fixtures, default: false # true, false, or :no_instances class_attribute :pre_loaded_fixtures, default: false class_attribute :config, default: ActiveRecord::Base class_attribute :lock_threads, default: true end module ClassMethods # Sets the model class for a fixture when the class name cannot be inferred from the fixture name. # # Examples: # # set_fixture_class some_fixture: SomeModel, # 'namespaced/fixture' => Another::Model # # The keys must be the fixture names, that coincide with the short paths to the fixture files. def set_fixture_class(class_names = {}) self.fixture_class_names = fixture_class_names.merge(class_names.stringify_keys) end def fixtures(*fixture_set_names) if fixture_set_names.first == :all raise StandardError, "No fixture path found. Please set `#{self}.fixture_path`." if fixture_path.blank? fixture_set_names = Dir["#{fixture_path}/{**,*}/*.{yml}"].uniq fixture_set_names.map! { |f| f[(fixture_path.to_s.size + 1)..-5] } else fixture_set_names = fixture_set_names.flatten.map(&:to_s) end self.fixture_table_names |= fixture_set_names setup_fixture_accessors(fixture_set_names) end def setup_fixture_accessors(fixture_set_names = nil) fixture_set_names = Array(fixture_set_names || fixture_table_names) methods = Module.new do fixture_set_names.each do |fs_name| fs_name = fs_name.to_s accessor_name = fs_name.tr("/", "_").to_sym define_method(accessor_name) do |*fixture_names| force_reload = fixture_names.pop if fixture_names.last == true || fixture_names.last == :reload return_single_record = fixture_names.size == 1 fixture_names = @loaded_fixtures[fs_name].fixtures.keys if fixture_names.empty? @fixture_cache[fs_name] ||= {} instances = fixture_names.map do |f_name| f_name = f_name.to_s if f_name.is_a?(Symbol) @fixture_cache[fs_name].delete(f_name) if force_reload if @loaded_fixtures[fs_name][f_name] @fixture_cache[fs_name][f_name] ||= @loaded_fixtures[fs_name][f_name].find else raise StandardError, "No fixture named '#{f_name}' found for fixture set '#{fs_name}'" end end return_single_record ? instances.first : instances end private accessor_name end end include methods end def uses_transaction(*methods) @uses_transaction = [] unless defined?(@uses_transaction) @uses_transaction.concat methods.map(&:to_s) end def uses_transaction?(method) @uses_transaction = [] unless defined?(@uses_transaction) @uses_transaction.include?(method.to_s) end end def run_in_transaction? use_transactional_tests && !self.class.uses_transaction?(method_name) end def setup_fixtures(config = ActiveRecord::Base) if pre_loaded_fixtures && !use_transactional_tests raise RuntimeError, "pre_loaded_fixtures requires use_transactional_tests" end @fixture_cache = {} @fixture_connections = [] @@already_loaded_fixtures ||= {} @connection_subscriber = nil # Load fixtures once and begin transaction. if run_in_transaction? if @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] @loaded_fixtures = @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] else @loaded_fixtures = load_fixtures(config) @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] = @loaded_fixtures end # Begin transactions for connections already established @fixture_connections = enlist_fixture_connections @fixture_connections.each do |connection| connection.begin_transaction joinable: false, _lazy: false connection.pool.lock_thread = true if lock_threads end # When connections are established in the future, begin a transaction too @connection_subscriber = ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("!connection.active_record") do |_, _, _, _, payload| spec_name = payload[:spec_name] if payload.key?(:spec_name) setup_shared_connection_pool if spec_name begin connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.retrieve_connection(spec_name) rescue ConnectionNotEstablished connection = nil end if connection && !@fixture_connections.include?(connection) connection.begin_transaction joinable: false, _lazy: false connection.pool.lock_thread = true if lock_threads @fixture_connections << connection end end end # Load fixtures for every test. else ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] = nil @loaded_fixtures = load_fixtures(config) end # Instantiate fixtures for every test if requested. instantiate_fixtures if use_instantiated_fixtures end def teardown_fixtures # Rollback changes if a transaction is active. if run_in_transaction? ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(@connection_subscriber) if @connection_subscriber @fixture_connections.each do |connection| connection.rollback_transaction if connection.transaction_open? connection.pool.lock_thread = false end @fixture_connections.clear else ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache end ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end def enlist_fixture_connections setup_shared_connection_pool ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.connection_pool_list.map(&:connection) end private # Shares the writing connection pool with connections on # other handlers. # # In an application with a primary and replica the test fixtures # need to share a connection pool so that the reading connection # can see data in the open transaction on the writing connection. def setup_shared_connection_pool writing_handler = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handlers.values.each do |handler| if handler != writing_handler handler.connection_pool_list.each do |pool| name = pool.spec.name writing_connection = writing_handler.retrieve_connection_pool(name) return unless writing_connection handler.send(:owner_to_pool)[name] = writing_connection end end end end def load_fixtures(config) fixtures = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(fixture_path, fixture_table_names, fixture_class_names, config) Hash[fixtures.map { |f| [f.name, f] }] end def instantiate_fixtures if pre_loaded_fixtures raise RuntimeError, "Load fixtures before instantiating them." if ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.all_loaded_fixtures.empty? ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.instantiate_all_loaded_fixtures(self, load_instances?) else raise RuntimeError, "Load fixtures before instantiating them." if @loaded_fixtures.nil? @loaded_fixtures.each_value do |fixture_set| ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.instantiate_fixtures(self, fixture_set, load_instances?) end end end def load_instances? use_instantiated_fixtures != :no_instances end end end