Then /^I (should|should not) be asked to confirm "([^"]*)" for "([^"]*)"$/ do |maybe, confirmation, title| selector = "#batch_actions_popover a.batch_action:contains('#{title}')" selector << "[data-confirm='#{confirmation}']" if maybe == 'should' page.send maybe.sub(' ', '_'), have_css(selector) end Then /^I (should|should not) see the batch action :([^\s]*) "([^"]*)"$/ do |maybe, sym, title| selector = "#batch_actions_selector a.batch_action:contains('#{title}')" selector << "[href='#'][data-action='#{sym}']" if maybe == 'should' page.send maybe.sub(' ', '_'), have_css(selector) end Then /^the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) batch action should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |index, title| page.all("#batch_actions_selector a.batch_action")[index.to_i - 1].text.should match title end When /^I check the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) record$/ do |index| page.all("table.index_table input[type=checkbox]")[index.to_i].set true end When /^I toggle the collection selection$/ do page.find("#collection_selection_toggle_all").click end Then /^I should see that the batch action button is disabled$/ do page.should have_css "#batch_actions_selector .dropdown_menu_button.disabled" end Then /^I (should|should not) see the batch action (button|selector)$/ do |maybe, type| selector = "div.table_tools #batch_actions_selector" selector << ' .dropdown_menu_button' if maybe == 'should' && type == 'button' page.send maybe.sub(' ', '_'), have_css(selector) end Then /^I should see the batch action popover exists$/ do page.should have_css "#batch_actions_selector" end Given /^I submit the batch action form with "([^"]*)"$/ do |action| page.find("#batch_action").set action form = page.find "#collection_selection" params = page.all("#main_content input").each_with_object({}) do |input, obj| key, value = input['name'], input['value'] if key == 'collection_selection[]' (obj[key] ||= []).push value if input.checked? else obj[key] = value end end page.driver.submit form['method'], form['action'], params end Then /^I should not see checkboxes in the table$/ do page.should_not have_css ".paginated_collection table input[type=checkbox]" end