class Openall_time_applet::Gui::Win_worktime_overview #For Knj::Gtk2::Window#unique! attr_reader :gui def initialize(args) @args = args @gui ="../glade/") @gui.translate @gui.connect_signals{|h| method(h)} @date = self.build_week @gui["window"].show_all end def build_week date = @date stats = { :task_total => {}, :days_total => {}, :week_total => 0 } @gui["labWeek"].label = sprintf(_("Week %s"), date.time.strftime("%W")) @args[:oata].ob.list(:Worktime, {"timestamp_week" => date}) do |wt| task = wt.task date = wt.timestamp stats[:task_total][] = {:secs => 0} if !stats[:task_total].key?( stats[:task_total][][:secs] += wt[:worktime].to_i stats[:days_total][] = {:secs => 0, :tasks => {}} if !stats[:days_total].key?( stats[:days_total][][:secs] += wt[:worktime].to_i stats[:days_total][][:tasks][] = task #Generate first worktime of that date. if !stats[:days_total][].key?(:first_time) or stats[:days_total][][:first_time].to_i > wt.timestamp.to_i stats[:days_total][][:first_time] = wt.timestamp end stats[:week_total] += wt[:worktime].to_i end table =, 5) table.row_spacings = 3 table.column_spacings = 3 row = 0 #Draw top total-row. week_total_title = week_total_title.markup = "#{sprintf(_("Week total: %s hours"), Knj::Locales.number_out(stats[:week_total].to_f / 3600.0, 2))}" week_total_title.selectable = true table.attach(week_total_title, 0, 5, row, row + 1) row += 1 #Make empty label to make space between total row and days. table.attach(" "), 0, 5, row, row + 1) row += 1 #Draw all the days. stats[:days_total].keys.sort.each do |day_no| date =, date.month, day_no)) day_title = day_title.markup = "#{date.day_str(:short => true)} #{date.time.strftime("%d/%m")} - #{stats[:days_total][day_no][:first_time].time.strftime("%H:%M")}" day_title.xalign = 0 day_title.selectable = true day_sum_float = stats[:days_total][day_no][:secs].to_f / 3600.to_f day_sum = day_sum.markup = "#{Knj::Locales.number_out(day_sum_float, 2)}" day_sum.xalign = 1 day_sum.selectable = true table.attach(day_title, 0, 3, row, row + 1) table.attach(day_sum, 4, 5, row, row + 1) row += 1 stats[:days_total][day_no][:tasks].each do |task_id, task| uid_title =[:openall_uid].to_s) uid_title.xalign = 0 uid_title.selectable = true task_title = task_title.xalign = 0 task_title.selectable = true task_sum_float = stats[:task_total][task_id][:secs].to_f / 3600.to_f task_sum =, 2)) task_sum.xalign = 1 task_sum.selectable = true company_title = company_title.xalign = 0 company_title.selectable = true table.attach(""), 0, 1, row, row + 1) table.attach(uid_title, 1, 2, row, row + 1) table.attach(task_title, 2, 3, row, row + 1) table.attach(company_title, 3, 4, row, row + 1) table.attach(task_sum, 4, 5, row, row + 1) row += 1 end #Make empty label to devide the days with one row. table.attach(" "), 0, 5, row, row + 1) row += 1 end if stats[:days_total].empty? table ="No worktimes was found that week.")) end #Remove previous table. if @table @gui["boxContent"].remove(@table) @table.destroy end #Attach and set new table. @gui["boxContent"].pack_start(table) @gui["window"].show_all @table = table end def on_btnNext_clicked @date.days + 7 self.build_week end def on_btnPrevious_clicked @date.days - 7 self.build_week end end