# Instances of Response are automatically created by Request, so you do
# not need to make them yourself. This is the object that will be passed
# to each of the callbacks for a Request object. For this reason, this
# object will be created if the request succeeds, or indeed fails.
class Response
  # Private initializer. This handles a native jquery requets object, so
  # this should all probably be private.
  def initialize(request)
    `self.$xhr = request`

  # Returns the numeric status code for the response.
  # @return [Numeric]
  def status
    `return self.$xhr.status;`

  # Returns the string status message for the response.
  # @return [String]
  def status_text
    `return self.$xhr.statusText;`

  # Returns the response text from the request.
  # @return [String]
  def text
    `return self.$xhr.responseText;`

  # Returns `true` if the response represents a successfull request,
  # `false` otherwise.
  # @return [true, false]
  def success?
    `return (self.$xhr.status >= 200 && self.$xhr.status < 300) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;`

  # Returns `false` if the response was the result of an unsuccessful
  # request, `true` otherwise.
  # @return [true, false]
  def failure?