# encoding: utf-8 require_relative '../plugin_mixins/rabbitmq_connection' require 'logstash/inputs/threadable' require 'logstash/event' module LogStash module Inputs # Pull events from a http://www.rabbitmq.com/[RabbitMQ] queue. # # The default settings will create an entirely transient queue and listen for all messages by default. # If you need durability or any other advanced settings, please set the appropriate options # # This plugin uses the http://rubymarchhare.info/[March Hare] library # for interacting with the RabbitMQ server. Most configuration options # map directly to standard RabbitMQ and AMQP concepts. The # https://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html[AMQP 0-9-1 reference guide] # and other parts of the RabbitMQ documentation are useful for deeper # understanding. # # The properties of messages received will be stored in the # `[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties]` field if the `@metadata_enabled` setting is checked. # Note that storing metadata may degrade performance. # The following properties may be available (in most cases dependent on whether # they were set by the sender): # # * app-id # * cluster-id # * consumer-tag # * content-encoding # * content-type # * correlation-id # * delivery-mode # * exchange # * expiration # * message-id # * priority # * redeliver # * reply-to # * routing-key # * timestamp # * type # * user-id # # For example, to get the RabbitMQ message's timestamp property # into the Logstash event's `@timestamp` field, use the date # filter to parse the `[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][timestamp]` # field: # [source,ruby] # filter { # if [@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][timestamp] { # date { # match => ["[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][timestamp]", "UNIX"] # } # } # } # # Additionally, any message headers will be saved in the # `[@metadata][rabbitmq_headers]` field. class RabbitMQ < LogStash::Inputs::Threadable java_import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit include ::LogStash::PluginMixins::RabbitMQConnection # The properties to extract from each message and store in a # @metadata field. # # Technically the exchange, redeliver, and routing-key # properties belong to the envelope and not the message but we # ignore that distinction here. However, we extract the # headers separately via get_headers even though the header # table technically is a message property. # # Freezing all strings so that code modifying the event's # @metadata field can't touch them. # # If updating this list, remember to update the documentation # above too. MESSAGE_PROPERTIES = [ "app-id", "cluster-id", "consumer-tag", "content-encoding", "content-type", "correlation-id", "delivery-mode", "exchange", "expiration", "message-id", "priority", "redeliver", "reply-to", "routing-key", "timestamp", "type", "user-id", ].map { |s| s.freeze }.freeze INTERNAL_QUEUE_POISON=[] config_name "rabbitmq" # The default codec for this plugin is JSON. You can override this to suit your particular needs however. default :codec, "json" # The name of the queue Logstash will consume events from. If # left empty, a transient queue with an randomly chosen name # will be created. config :queue, :validate => :string, :default => "" # Is this queue durable? (aka; Should it survive a broker restart?) config :durable, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # Should the queue be deleted on the broker when the last consumer # disconnects? Set this option to `false` if you want the queue to remain # on the broker, queueing up messages until a consumer comes along to # consume them. config :auto_delete, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # Is the queue exclusive? Exclusive queues can only be used by the connection # that declared them and will be deleted when it is closed (e.g. due to a Logstash # restart). config :exclusive, :validate => :boolean, :default => false config :arguments, :validate => :array, :default => {} # Prefetch count. If acknowledgements are enabled with the `ack` # option, specifies the number of outstanding unacknowledged # messages allowed. config :prefetch_count, :validate => :number, :default => 256 # Enable message acknowledgements. With acknowledgements # messages fetched by Logstash but not yet sent into the # Logstash pipeline will be requeued by the server if Logstash # shuts down. Acknowledgements will however hurt the message # throughput. # # This will only send an ack back every `prefetch_count` messages. # Working in batches provides a performance boost here. config :ack, :validate => :boolean, :default => true # If true the queue will be passively declared, meaning it must # already exist on the server. To have Logstash create the queue # if necessary leave this option as false. If actively declaring # a queue that already exists, the queue options for this plugin # (durable etc) must match those of the existing queue. config :passive, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # The name of the exchange to bind the queue to. Specify `exchange_type` # as well to declare the exchange if it does not exist config :exchange, :validate => :string # The type of the exchange to bind to. Specifying this will cause this plugin # to declare the exchange if it does not exist. config :exchange_type, :validate => :string # The routing key to use when binding a queue to the exchange. # This is only relevant for direct or topic exchanges. # # * Routing keys are ignored on fanout exchanges. # * Wildcards are not valid on direct exchanges. config :key, :validate => :string, :default => "logstash" # Amount of time in seconds to wait after a failed subscription request # before retrying. Subscribes can fail if the server goes away and then comes back. config :subscription_retry_interval_seconds, :validate => :number, :required => true, :default => 5 # Enable the storage of message headers and properties in `@metadata`. This may impact performance config :metadata_enabled, :validate => %w(none basic extended false true), :default => "none" def register @internal_queue = java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.new(@prefetch_count*2) @metadata_level = extract_metadata_level(@metadata_enabled) end attr_reader :metadata_level def run(output_queue) setup! @output_queue = output_queue consume! rescue => e raise(e) unless stop? @logger.warn("Ignoring exception thrown during plugin shutdown", error_details(e)) end def setup! connect! declare_queue! bind_exchange! @hare_info.channel.prefetch = @prefetch_count rescue => e # when encountering an exception during shut-down, # re-raise the exception instead of retrying raise if stop? reset! @logger.warn("Error while setting up connection, will retry", error_details(e)) sleep_for_retry retry end # reset a partially-established connection, enabling subsequent # call to `RabbitMQ#setup!` to succeed. # # @api private def reset! @hare_info.connection && @hare_info.connection.close rescue => e @logger.debug("Exception while resetting connection", error_details(e)) ensure @hare_info = nil end def bind_exchange! if @exchange if @exchange_type # Only declare the exchange if @exchange_type is set! @logger.info? && @logger.info("Declaring exchange '#{@exchange}' with type #{@exchange_type}") @hare_info.exchange = declare_exchange!(@hare_info.channel, @exchange, @exchange_type, @durable) end @hare_info.queue.bind(@exchange, :routing_key => @key) end end def declare_queue! @hare_info.queue = declare_queue() end def declare_queue @hare_info.channel.queue(@queue, :durable => @durable, :auto_delete => @auto_delete, :exclusive => @exclusive, :passive => @passive, :arguments => @arguments) end def consume! @consumer = @hare_info.queue.build_consumer(:on_cancellation => Proc.new { on_cancellation }) do |metadata, data| @internal_queue.put [metadata, data] end begin @hare_info.queue.subscribe_with(@consumer, :manual_ack => @ack) rescue => e @logger.warn("Could not subscribe to queue, will retry in #{@subscription_retry_interval_seconds} seconds", error_details(e, :queue => @queue)) sleep @subscription_retry_interval_seconds retry end internal_queue_consume! end def internal_queue_consume! i=0 last_delivery_tag=nil while true payload = @internal_queue.poll(10, TimeUnit::MILLISECONDS) if !payload # Nothing in the queue if last_delivery_tag # And we have unacked stuff @hare_info.channel.ack(last_delivery_tag, true) if @ack i=0 last_delivery_tag = nil end next end break if payload == INTERNAL_QUEUE_POISON metadata, data = payload @codec.decode(data) do |event| if event decorate(event, metadata, data) @output_queue << event end end i += 1 if i >= @prefetch_count @hare_info.channel.ack(metadata.delivery_tag, true) if @ack i = 0 last_delivery_tag = nil else last_delivery_tag = metadata.delivery_tag end end end def decorate(event, metadata, data) super(event) event.set("[@metadata][rabbitmq_headers]", get_headers(metadata)) if metadata_level.include?(:headers) event.set("[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties]", get_properties(metadata)) if metadata_level.include?(:properties) event.set("[@metadata][rabbitmq_payload]", data) if metadata_level.include?(:payload) && !data.nil? nil end def stop @internal_queue.put(INTERNAL_QUEUE_POISON) shutdown_consumer close_connection end def shutdown_consumer return unless @consumer @hare_info.channel.basic_cancel(@consumer.consumer_tag) connection = @hare_info.connection until @consumer.terminated? @logger.info("Waiting for RabbitMQ consumer to terminate before stopping", url: connection_url(connection)) sleep 1 end end def on_cancellation if !stop? # If this isn't already part of a regular stop connection = @hare_info.connection @logger.info("Received cancellation, shutting down", url: connection_url(connection)) stop end end private def get_headers(metadata) metadata.headers || {} end private def get_properties(metadata) MESSAGE_PROPERTIES.reduce({}) do |acc, name| # The method names obviously can't contain hyphens. value = metadata.send(name.gsub("-", "_")) if value # The AMQP 0.9.1 timestamp field only has second resolution # so storing milliseconds serves no purpose and might give # the incorrect impression of a higher resolution. acc[name] = name != "timestamp" ? value : value.getTime / 1000 end acc end end METADATA_NONE = Set[].freeze METADATA_BASIC = Set[:headers,:properties].freeze METADATA_EXTENDED = Set[:headers,:properties,:payload].freeze METADATA_DEPRECATION_MAP = { 'true' => 'basic', 'false' => 'none' } private def extract_metadata_level(metadata_enabled_setting) metadata_enabled = metadata_enabled_setting if METADATA_DEPRECATION_MAP.include?(metadata_enabled) canonical_value = METADATA_DEPRECATION_MAP[metadata_enabled] logger.warn("Deprecated value `#{metadata_enabled_setting}` for `metadata_enabled` option; use `#{canonical_value}` instead.") metadata_enabled = canonical_value end case metadata_enabled when 'none' then METADATA_NONE when 'basic' then METADATA_BASIC when 'extended' then METADATA_EXTENDED end end end end end