# Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 class TwitterCldr.CodePoint @code_point_fields = [ "code_point" "name" "category" "combining_class" "bidi_class" "decomposition" "digit_value" "non_decimal_digit_value" "numeric_value" "bidi_mirrored" "unicode1_name" "iso_comment" "simple_uppercase_map" "simple_lowercase_map" "simple_titlecase_map" ] decomposition_data_index = 5 decomposition_regex = /^(?:<(.+)>\s+)?(.+)?$/ @indices = ["category", "bidi_class", "bidi_mirrored"] @properties = ["sentence_break", "line_break", "word_break"] @data :-> TwitterCldr.get_data()[@name] constructor : (@fields) -> for i in [0...TwitterCldr.CodePoint.code_point_fields.length] by 1 field = TwitterCldr.CodePoint.code_point_fields[i] unless field is "decomposition" @[field] = @fields[i] decomposition : -> decomp = @fields[decomposition_data_index] match = decomp.match(decomposition_regex) if match? if match[2]? return (parseInt(s, 16) for s in match[2].match(/\S+/g)) else return null else throw "decomposition " + decomp + " has invalid format" compatibility_decomposition_tag : -> decomp = @fields[decomposition_data_index] if (match = decomp.match(decomposition_regex)) if match[1]? then return match[1] else return null else throw "decomposition " + decomp + " has invalid format" is_compatibility_decomposition : -> return @compatibility_decomposition_tag()? @code_points_for_property : (property_name, value) -> property_data = @get_property_data(property_name) if property_data? property_data[value] else throw "Couldn't find property " + property_name # Search for code points wherein at least one property value contains prop_value. # For example, if prop_value is set to "Zs", this method will return all code # points that are considered spaces. If prop value is simply "Z", this method # will return all code points who have a property value that contains "Z", i.e. # spaces as well as line separators ("Zl") and paragraph separators ("Zp"). @code_points_for_property_value : (prop_value) -> if @index_key_cache[prop_value]? return @index_key_cache[prop_value] result = [] for index_key, index_names of @data().index_keys if index_key.indexOf(prop_value) > -1 for index_name in index_names result = result.concat(@get_index(index_name)[index_key]) @index_key_cache[prop_value] = result @index_key_cache = {} @get_index : (index_name) -> return @index_cache[index_name] if @index_cache[index_name]? index_data = @data().index_data[index_name] index_data_formatted = {} for k, v of index_data index_data_formatted[k] = [] for range in index_data[k] index_data_formatted[k].push(new TwitterCldr.Range(range[0], range[1])) @index_cache[index_name] = index_data_formatted @get_regex_for_index_group : (index_name, group_name) -> group_data = @get_index(index_name)[group_name] regex = "" component = new TwitterCldr.Component() for group in group_data regex = regex + "|" + component.range_to_regex(group) regex.slice(1) # get rid of the initial '|' @get_property_data : (property_name) -> return @property_data_cache[property_name] if @property_data_cache[property_name]? property_data = @data().property_data[property_name] property_data_formatted = {} for k, v of property_data property_data_formatted[k] = [] for range in property_data[k] property_data_formatted[k].push(new TwitterCldr.Range(range[0], range[1])) @property_data_cache[property_name] = property_data_formatted @index_cache = {} @property_data_cache = {} @get_block_name : (code_point) -> if @block_cache[code_point]? return @block_cache[code_point] for k, range of @blocks range = new TwitterCldr.Range(range[0], range[1]) if range.includes(code_point) return @block_cache[code_point] = k return null