webshims.register('form-number-date-api', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){
"use strict";
webshims.error("you can not call forms-ext feature after calling forms feature. call both at once instead: $.webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext')");
webshims.getStep = function(elem, type){
var step = $.attr(elem, 'step');
if(step === 'any'){
return step;
type = type || getType(elem);
if(!typeModels[type] || !typeModels[type].step){
return step;
step = typeProtos.number.asNumber(step);
return ((!isNaN(step) && step > 0) ? step : typeModels[type].step) * (typeModels[type].stepScaleFactor || 1);
webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache = function(attr, elem, cache){
if (!(attr+'AsNumber' in cache)) {
cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber(elem.attr(attr));
if(isNaN(cache[attr+'AsNumber']) && (attr+'Default' in typeModels[cache.type])){
cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type][attr+'Default'];
var nan = parseInt('NaN', 10),
doc = document,
typeModels = webshims.inputTypes,
isNumber = function(string){
return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1));
supportsType = function(type){
return ($('').prop('type') === type);
getType = function(elem){
return (elem.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase();
isDateTimePart = function(string){
return (string && !(isNaN(string * 1)));
addMinMaxNumberToCache = webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache,
addleadingZero = function(val, len){
val = ''+val;
len = len - val.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
val = '0'+val;
return val;
EPS = 1e-7,
typeBugs = webshims.bugs.bustedValidity
webshims.addValidityRule('stepMismatch', function(input, val, cache, validityState){
if(val === ''){return false;}
if(!('type' in cache)){
cache.type = getType(input[0]);
var ret = (validityState || {}).stepMismatch || false, base;
if(typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].step){
if( !('step' in cache) ){
cache.step = webshims.getStep(input[0], cache.type);
if(cache.step == 'any'){return false;}
if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){
cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val );
if(isNaN(cache.valueAsNumber)){return false;}
addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', input, cache);
base = cache.minAsNumber;
base = typeModels[cache.type].stepBase || 0;
ret = Math.abs((cache.valueAsNumber - base) % cache.step);
ret = !( ret <= EPS || Math.abs(ret - cache.step) <= EPS );
return ret;
[{name: 'rangeOverflow', attr: 'max', factor: 1}, {name: 'rangeUnderflow', attr: 'min', factor: -1}].forEach(function(data, i){
webshims.addValidityRule(data.name, function(input, val, cache, validityState) {
var ret = (validityState || {})[data.name] || false;
if(val === ''){return ret;}
if (!('type' in cache)) {
cache.type = getType(input[0]);
if (typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].asNumber) {
if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){
cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val );
return false;
addMinMaxNumberToCache(data.attr, input, cache);
return ret;
ret = ( cache[data.attr+'AsNumber'] * data.factor < cache.valueAsNumber * data.factor - EPS );
return ret;
webshims.reflectProperties(['input'], ['max', 'min', 'step']);
//IDLs and methods, that aren't part of constrain validation, but strongly tight to it
var valueAsNumberDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsNumber', {
prop: {
get: function(){
var elem = this;
var type = getType(elem);
var ret = (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber) ?
typeModels[type].asNumber($.prop(elem, 'value')) :
(valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget && valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget.apply(elem, arguments));
if(ret == null){
ret = nan;
return ret;
set: function(val){
var elem = this;
var type = getType(elem);
if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].numberToString){
//is NaN a number?
$.prop(elem, 'value', '');
var set = typeModels[type].numberToString(val);
if(set !== false){
$.prop(elem, 'value', set);
} else {
webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11');
} else {
valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset && valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments);
var valueAsDateDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsDate', {
prop: {
get: function(){
var elem = this;
var type = getType(elem);
return (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asDate && !typeModels[type].noAsDate) ?
typeModels[type].asDate($.prop(elem, 'value')) :
valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supget && valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supget.call(elem) || null;
set: function(value){
var elem = this;
var type = getType(elem);
if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].dateToString && !typeModels[type].noAsDate){
if(value === null){
$.prop(elem, 'value', '');
return '';
var set = typeModels[type].dateToString(value);
if(set !== false){
$.prop(elem, 'value', set);
return set;
} else {
webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11');
} else {
return valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset && valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments) || null;
$.each({stepUp: 1, stepDown: -1}, function(name, stepFactor){
var stepDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', name, {
prop: {
value: function(factor){
var step, val, dateVal, valModStep, alignValue, cache;
var type = getType(this);
if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber){
cache = {type: type};
factor = 1;
webshims.info("you should always use a factor for stepUp/stepDown");
factor *= stepFactor;
val = $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber');
webshims.info("valueAsNumber is NaN can't apply stepUp/stepDown ");
throw('invalid state error');
step = webshims.getStep(this, type);
if(step == 'any'){
webshims.info("step is 'any' can't apply stepUp/stepDown");
throw('invalid state error');
webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', $(this), cache);
webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('max', $(this), cache);
step *= factor;
val = (val + step).toFixed(5) * 1;
valModStep = (val - (cache.minAsNumber || 0)) % step;
if ( valModStep && (Math.abs(valModStep) > EPS) ) {
alignValue = val - valModStep;
alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step );
val = alignValue.toFixed(5) * 1;
if( (!isNaN(cache.maxAsNumber) && val > cache.maxAsNumber) || (!isNaN(cache.minAsNumber) && val < cache.minAsNumber) ){
webshims.info("max/min overflow can't apply stepUp/stepDown");
throw('invalid state error');
$.prop(this, 'valueAsDate', dateVal);
} else {
$.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber', val);
} else if(stepDescriptor.prop && stepDescriptor.prop.value){
return stepDescriptor.prop.value.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
webshims.info("no step method for type: "+ type);
throw('invalid state error');
var typeProtos = {
number: {
mismatch: function(val){
return !(isNumber(val));
step: 1,
//stepBase: 0, 0 = default
stepScaleFactor: 1,
asNumber: function(str){
return (isNumber(str)) ? str * 1 : nan;
numberToString: function(num){
return (isNumber(num)) ? num : false;
range: {
minDefault: 0,
maxDefault: 100
color: {
mismatch: (function(){
var cReg = /^\u0023[a-f0-9]{6}$/;
return function(val){
return (!val || val.length != 7 || !(cReg.test(val)));
date: {
mismatch: function(val){
if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;}
var i;
var valA = val.split(/\u002D/);
if(valA.length !== 3){return true;}
var ret = false;
if(valA[0].length < 4 || valA[1].length != 2 || valA[1] > 12 || valA[2].length != 2 || valA[2] > 33){
ret = true;
} else {
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
ret = true;
return ret || (val !== this.dateToString( this.asDate(val, true) ) );
step: 1,
//stepBase: 0, 0 = default
stepScaleFactor: 86400000,
asDate: function(val, _noMismatch){
if(!_noMismatch && this.mismatch(val)){
return null;
return new Date(this.asNumber(val, true));
asNumber: function(str, _noMismatch){
var ret = nan;
if(_noMismatch || !this.mismatch(str)){
str = str.split(/\u002D/);
ret = Date.UTC(str[0], str[1] - 1, str[2]);
return ret;
numberToString: function(num){
return (isNumber(num)) ? this.dateToString(new Date( num * 1)) : false;
dateToString: function(date){
return (date && date.getFullYear) ? addleadingZero(date.getUTCFullYear(), 4) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMonth()+1, 2) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCDate(), 2) : false;
time: {
mismatch: function(val, _getParsed){
if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;}
val = val.split(/\u003A/);
if(val.length < 2 || val.length > 3){return true;}
var ret = false,
val[2] = val[2].split(/\u002E/);
sFraction = parseInt(val[2][1], 10);
val[2] = val[2][0];
$.each(val, function(i, part){
if(!isDateTimePart(part) || part.length !== 2){
ret = true;
return false;
if(ret){return true;}
if(val[0] > 23 || val[0] < 0 || val[1] > 59 || val[1] < 0){
return true;
if(val[2] && (val[2] > 59 || val[2] < 0 )){
return true;
if(sFraction && isNaN(sFraction)){
return true;
if(sFraction < 100){
sFraction *= 100;
} else if(sFraction < 10){
sFraction *= 10;
return (_getParsed === true) ? [val, sFraction] : false;
step: 60,
stepBase: 0,
stepScaleFactor: 1000,
asDate: function(val){
val = new Date(this.asNumber(val));
return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val;
asNumber: function(val){
var ret = nan;
val = this.mismatch(val, true);
if(val !== true){
ret = Date.UTC('1970', 0, 1, val[0][0], val[0][1], val[0][2] || 0);
ret += val[1];
return ret;
dateToString: function(date){
if(date && date.getUTCHours){
var str = addleadingZero(date.getUTCHours(), 2) +':'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2),
tmp = date.getSeconds()
if(tmp != "0"){
str += ':'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 2);
tmp = date.getUTCMilliseconds();
if(tmp != "0"){
str += '.'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 3);
return str;
} else {
return false;
month: {
mismatch: function(val){
return typeProtos.date.mismatch(val+'-01');
step: 1,
stepScaleFactor: false,
//stepBase: 0, 0 = default
asDate: function(val){
return new Date(typeProtos.date.asNumber(val+'-01'));
asNumber: function(val){
var ret = nan;
if(val && !this.mismatch(val)){
val = val.split(/\u002D/);
val[0] = (val[0] * 1) - 1970;
val[1] = (val[1] * 1) - 1;
ret = (val[0] * 12) + val[1];
return ret;
numberToString: function(num){
var mod;
var ret = false;
mod = (num % 12);
num = ((num - mod) / 12) + 1970;
mod += 1;
if(mod < 1){
num -= 1;
mod += 12;
ret = addleadingZero(num, 4)+'-'+addleadingZero(mod, 2);
return ret;
dateToString: function(date){
if(date && date.getUTCHours){
var str = typeProtos.date.dateToString(date);
return (str.split && (str = str.split(/\u002D/))) ? str[0]+'-'+str[1] : false;
} else {
return false;
// ,'datetime-local': {
// mismatch: function(val, _getParsed){
// if(!val || !val.split || (val+'special').split(/\u0054/).length !== 2){return true;}
// val = val.split(/\u0054/);
// return ( typeProtos.date.mismatch(val[0]) || typeProtos.time.mismatch(val[1], _getParsed) );
// },
// noAsDate: true,
// asDate: function(val){
// val = new Date(this.asNumber(val));
// return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val;
// },
// asNumber: function(val){
// var ret = nan;
// var time = this.mismatch(val, true);
// if(time !== true){
// val = val.split(/\u0054/)[0].split(/\u002D/);
// ret = Date.UTC(val[0], val[1] - 1, val[2], time[0][0], time[0][1], time[0][2] || 0);
// if(time[1]){
// ret += time[1];
// }
// }
// return ret;
// },
// dateToString: function(date, _getParsed){
// return typeProtos.date.dateToString(date) +'T'+ typeProtos.time.dateToString(date, _getParsed);
// }
// }
if(typeBugs || !supportsType('range') || !supportsType('time') || !supportsType('month')){
typeProtos.range = $.extend({}, typeProtos.number, typeProtos.range);
typeProtos.time = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.time);
typeProtos.month = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.month);
// typeProtos['datetime-local'] = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.time, typeProtos['datetime-local']);
['number', 'month', 'range', 'date', 'time', 'color'].forEach(function(type){
if(typeBugs || !supportsType(type)){
webshims.addInputType(type, typeProtos[type]);
if($('').prop('labels') == null){
webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty('button, input, keygen, meter, output, progress, select, textarea', 'labels', {
prop: {
get: function(){
if(this.type == 'hidden'){return null;}
var id = this.id;
var labels = $(this)
var hFor = (this.attributes['for'] || {});
return (!hFor.specified || hFor.value == id);
if(id) {
labels = labels.add('label[for="'+ id +'"]');
return labels.get();
writeable: false