# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "tiktoken_ruby/version" require_relative "tiktoken_ruby/encoding" begin RUBY_VERSION =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/ require_relative "tiktoken_ruby/#{$1}/tiktoken_ruby" rescue LoadError require_relative "tiktoken_ruby/tiktoken_ruby" end module Tiktoken class << self # Returns an encoding by name. If the encoding is not already loaded it will be loaded, but otherwise # it will reuse the instance of that type that was previous loaded # @param name [Symbol|String] The name of the encoding to load # @return [Tiktoken::Encoding] The encoding instance # @example Encode and decode text # enc = Tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base") # enc.decode(enc.encode("hello world")) #=> "hello world" def get_encoding(name) name = name.to_sym return nil unless SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS.include?(name) Tiktoken::Encoding.for_name_cached(name) end # Gets the encoding for an OpenAI model # @param model_name [Symbol|String] The name of the model to get the encoding for # @return [Tiktoken::Encoding, nil] The encoding instance, or nil if no encoding is found # @example Count tokens for text # enc = Tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4") # enc.encode("hello world").length #=> 2 def encoding_for_model(model_name) if MODEL_TO_ENCODING_NAME.key?(model_name.to_sym) return get_encoding(MODEL_TO_ENCODING_NAME[model_name.to_sym]) end _prefix, encoding = MODEL_PREFIX_TO_ENCODING.find do |prefix, _encoding| model_name.start_with?(prefix.to_s) end if encoding get_encoding(encoding) end end # Lists all the encodings that are supported # @return [Array] The list of supported encodings def list_encoding_names SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS end # Lists all the models that are supported # @return [Array] The list of supported models def list_model_names MODEL_TO_ENCODING_NAME.keys end private SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS = [ :r50k_base, :p50k_base, :p50k_edit, :cl100k_base ] # taken from the python library here https://github.com/openai/tiktoken/blob/main/tiktoken/model.py # that is also MIT licensed but by OpenAI MODEL_TO_ENCODING_NAME = { # chat "gpt-4": "cl100k_base", "gpt-3.5-turbo": "cl100k_base", "gpt-35-turbo": "cl100k_base", # Azure deployment name # base "davinci-002": "cl100k_base", "babbage-002": "cl100k_base", # embeddings "text-embedding-ada-002": "cl100k_base", "text-embedding-3-small": "cl100k_base", "text-embedding-3-large": "cl100k_base", # DEPRECATED MODELS # text (DEPRECATED) "text-davinci-003": "p50k_base", "text-davinci-002": "p50k_base", "text-davinci-001": "r50k_base", "text-curie-001": "r50k_base", "text-babbage-001": "r50k_base", "text-ada-001": "r50k_base", davinci: "r50k_base", curie: "r50k_base", babbage: "r50k_base", ada: "r50k_base", # code (DEPRECATED) "code-davinci-002": "p50k_base", "code-davinci-001": "p50k_base", "code-cushman-002": "p50k_base", "code-cushman-001": "p50k_base", "davinci-codex": "p50k_base", "cushman-codex": "p50k_base", # edit (DEPRECATED) "text-davinci-edit-001": "p50k_edit", "code-davinci-edit-001": "p50k_edit", # old embeddings (DEPRECATED) "text-similarity-davinci-001": "r50k_base", "text-similarity-curie-001": "r50k_base", "text-similarity-babbage-001": "r50k_base", "text-similarity-ada-001": "r50k_base", "text-search-davinci-doc-001": "r50k_base", "text-search-curie-doc-001": "r50k_base", "text-search-babbage-doc-001": "r50k_base", "text-search-ada-doc-001": "r50k_base", "code-search-babbage-code-001": "r50k_base", "code-search-ada-code-001": "r50k_base", # open source gpt2: "gpt2" } MODEL_PREFIX_TO_ENCODING = { # chat "gpt-4-": "cl100k_base", # e.g., gpt-4-0314, etc., plus gpt-4-32k "gpt-3.5-turbo-": "cl100k_base", # e.g, gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, -0401, etc. "gpt-35-turbo-": "cl100k_base", # Azure deployment name # fine-tuned "ft:gpt-4": "cl100k_base", "ft:gpt-3.5-turbo": "cl100k_base", "ft:davinci-002": "cl100k_base", "ft:babbage-002": "cl100k_base" } end end