== 0.9.1 / 2008-11-24 Charlie Savage * Support libxml-ruby bindings 0.9.3 and above which has a changed external api. * Remove unused xslt transform wrapper class. == 0.9.0 / 2008-11-18 Charlie Savage * Add back in support for exslt. * Support libxml-ruby bindings 0.9.0. == 0.8.2 / 2008-07-21 Charlie Savage * To use LibXSLT you can either require 'xslt' or require 'libxslt'. The differences is that require 'xslt' mixes the LibXML and LIBXSLT modules into the global namespace, thereby allowing you to write code such as: stylesheet = XSLT::Stylesheet.new(XML::Document.new). Note that this is different from 0.8.0 release and may require updating your code. * Support for libxml-ruby 0.8.2 * Improved Windows support - libxslt-ruby should now work out of the box. == 0.8.0 / 2008-07-10 Charlie Savage * Fix memory errors when reusing a stylehseet * Added support for setting xsl::param values * Updated RDocs. * Moved to LibXSLT namespace == 0.7.0 / 2008-07-10 Charlie Savage * Ability to reuse the same stylesheet multiple times * Simpler api * Compatibility layer for pre-0.7.0 versions * Major rewrite, resulting in significantly less code * Updated RDocs. == 0.6.0 / 2008-07-01 Charlie Savage * Now packaged as a separate gem * Windows support (both lots of memory fixes and binaries) * New libxslt.rb ruby wrapper, so programs can simply say require 'xslt' == 0.5.0 / 2006-02-27 Ross Bamford * Source layout for Rubygem release * Fixed unit tests (set_up to setup, directory handling) * Updated extconf to remove shell-script dependency * Fixed multiple symbol declarations for -fno-common == 0.4.0 / 2003-12-15 Martin Povolny * libxslt.c: added call to exsltRegisterAll to enable exslt extensions * extconf.rb: added -lexslt == 0.3.0 / 2004-02-01 Martin Povolny * libxslt.c: added call to ruby_init_xslt_transform_context() to make it work on ruby1.8