# value-keyword-case Specify lowercase or uppercase for keywords values. ```css a { display: block; } /** ↑ * These values */ ``` This rule ignores [``](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/custom-ident) of known properties. Keyword values which are paired with non-properties (e.g. `$vars` and custom properties), and do not conform to the primary option, can be ignored using the `ignoreKeywords: []` secondary option. The [`fix` option](../../../docs/user-guide/usage/options.md#fix) can automatically fix all of the problems reported by this rule. ## Options `string`: `"lower"|"upper"` ### `"lower"` The following patterns are considered violations: ```css a { display: Block; } ``` ```css a { display: bLoCk; } ``` ```css a { display: BLOCK; } ``` ```css a { transition: -WEBKIT-TRANSFORM 2s; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a { display: block; } ``` ```css a { transition: -webkit-transform 2s; } ``` ### `"upper"` The following patterns are considered violations: ```css a { display: Block; } ``` ```css a { display: bLoCk; } ``` ```css a { display: block; } ``` ```css a { transition: -webkit-transform 2s; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a { display: BLOCK; } ``` ```css a { transition: -WEBKIT-TRANSFORM 2s; } ``` ## Optional secondary options ### `ignoreKeywords: ["/regex/", /regex/, "non-regex"]` Ignore case of keywords values. For example, with `"lower"`. Given: ``` ["Block", "/^(f|F)lex$/"] ``` The following patterns are considered violations: ```css a { display: bLoCk; } ``` ```css a { display: BLOCK; } ``` ```css a { display: fLeX; } ``` ```css a { display: FLEX; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a { display: block; } ``` ```css a { display: Block; } ``` ```css a { display: flex; } ``` ```css a { display: Flex; } ``` ### `ignoreProperties: ["/regex/", /regex/, "non-regex"]` Ignore case of the values of the listed properties. For example, with `"lower"`. ```js ["/^(b|B)ackground$/", "display"]; ``` The following patterns are considered violations: ```css a { text-align: LEFT; } ``` ```css a { text-align: Left; } ``` The following patterns are _not_ considered violations: ```css a { display: bloCk; } ``` ```css a { display: BloCk; } ``` ```css a { display: BLOCK; } ``` ```css a { display: block; } ``` ```css a { background: Red; } ``` ```css a { Background: deepPink; } ```