module Architect4r module Model class Node # # architect4r extensions # include Architect4r::Model::Connection include Architect4r::Model::Callbacks include Architect4r::Model::Persistency include Architect4r::Model::Queries include Architect4r::Model::Relationships def self.inherited(subklass) super subklass.send(:include, ActiveModel::Conversion) subklass.extend ActiveModel::Naming subklass.send(:include, Architect4r::Model::Properties) subklass.send(:include, Architect4r::Model::Validations) subklass.class_exec do def self.model_root @model_root ||= begin # Check if there is already a model root, query = "start root = node(0) match root-[r:#{model_root_relation_type}]->x where r.architect4r_type and r.architect4r_type = '#{name}' return x" the_root = connection.cypher_query(query).to_a.first the_root &&= the_root['x'] # otherwise create one the_root ||= begin m_root = connection.create_node(:name => "#{name} Root", :root_for => name) connection.create_relationship(0, m_root, model_root_relation_type, { 'architect4r_type' => name }) # Return model root node GenericNode.send(:build_from_database, m_root) end end end end end attr_accessor :raw_data def initialize(properties={}) run_callbacks :initialize do parse_properties(properties) end end def to_s prop_data = @properties_data.collect { |key, value| "#{key}='#{value}'" }.join(' ') "#<#{}:#{object_id} id=#{id} #{prop_data} neo4j_uri='#{@raw_data['self']}'>" end # Create the document. Validation is enabled by default and will return # false if the document is not valid. If all goes well, the document will # be returned. def create(options = {}) run_callbacks :create do run_callbacks :save do # only create valid records return false unless perform_validations(options) # perform creation if result = connection.create_node(self._to_database_hash) self.raw_data = result # Link the node with a model root node connection.create_relationship(,, 'model_type') end # if something goes wrong we receive a nil value and return false !result.nil? end end end # Trigger the callbacks (before, after, around) # only if the document isn't new def update(options = {}) run_callbacks :update do run_callbacks :save do # Check if record can be updated raise "Cannot save a destroyed document!" if destroyed? raise "Calling #{}#update on document that has not been created!" if new? # Check if we can continue return false unless perform_validations(options) # perform update result = connection.update_node(, self._to_database_hash) # if something goes wrong we receive a nil value and return false !result.nil? end end end def destroy run_callbacks :destroy do if result = connection.delete_node( @_destroyed = true self.freeze end result end end def self.model_root_relation_type 'model_root' end end end end