# Welcome to the AppOpticsAPM Ruby Gem The appoptics_apm gem provides [AppOptics APM](https://www.appoptics.com/) performance instrumentation for Ruby. ![Ruby AppOpticsAPM](https://docs.appoptics.com/_images/ruby_trace_smaller.png) It has the ability to report performance metrics on an array of libraries, databases and frameworks such as Rails, Mongo, Memcache, ActiveRecord, Cassandra, Rack, Resque [and more](https://docs.appoptics.com/kb/apm_tracing/ruby/support-matrix/). It requires an [AppOptics](https://www.appoptics.com/) account to view metrics. Get yours, [it's free](https://my.appoptics.com/sign_up). [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/appoptics_apm.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/appoptics_apm) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/appoptics/appoptics-apm-ruby.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/appoptics/appoptics-apm-ruby) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/ac7f36241a23a3a82fc5/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/appoptics/appoptics-apm-ruby/maintainability) _Note: The repository is now at https://github.com/appoptics/appoptics-apm-ruby Please update your github remotes with `git remote set-url origin git@github.com:appoptics/appoptics-apm-ruby.git`._ # Documentation * [AppOptics Knowledge Base](https://docs.appoptics.com/kb/apm_tracing/ruby) # Installation _Before installing the gem below, make sure that you have the [dependencies](http://docs.appoptics.com/kb/apm_tracing/ruby/install#dependencies) installed on your host first._ The appoptics_apm gem is [available on Rubygems](https://rubygems.org/gems/appoptics_apm) and can be installed with: ```bash gem install appoptics_apm ``` or added to **the end** of your Gemfile and running `bundle install`: ```ruby gem 'appoptics_apm' ``` # Running Make sure to set `APPOPTICS_SERVICE_KEY` in the environment from where the app or service is run, e.g: ``` export APPOPTICS_SERVICE_KEY=795fb4947d15275d208c49cfd2412d4a5bf38742045b47236c94c4fe5f5b17c7: ``` ## Rails ![Ruby on Rails](https://docs.appoptics.com/_images/rails.png) No special steps are needed to instrument Ruby on Rails. Once part of the bundle, the appoptics gem will automatically detect Rails and instrument on stack initialization. ### The Install Generator The appoptics_apm gem provides a Rails generator used to seed an initializer where you can configure and control `tracing_mode` and [other options](http://docs.appoptics.com/kb/apm_tracing/ruby/configure). To run the install generator run: ```bash bundle exec rails generate appoptics_apm:install ``` After the prompts, this will create an initializer: `config/initializers/appoptics_apm.rb`. ## Sinatra ![Sinatra](https://docs.appoptics.com/_images/sinatra.png) You can instrument your Sinatra application by adding the following code to your `config.ru` Rackup file: ```ruby # If you're not using Bundler.require. Make sure this is done # after the Sinatra require directive. require 'appoptics_apm' ``` Make sure that the appoptics_apm gem is loaded _after_ Sinatra either by listing `gem 'appoptics_apm'` after Sinatra in your Gemfile or calling the `require 'appoptics_gem'` directive after Sinatra is loaded. With this, the appoptics_apm gem will automatically detect Sinatra on boot and instrument key components. ## Padrino ![Padrino](https://docs.appoptics.com/_images/padrino.svg) As long as the appoptics_apm gem is in your `Gemfile` (inserted after the `gem 'padrino'` directive) and you are calling `Bundler.require`, the appoptics_apm gem will automatically instrument Padrino applications. If you need to set `AppOpticsAPM::Config` values on stack boot, you can do so by adding the following to your `config/boot.rb` file: ```ruby Padrino.before_load do # Verbose output of instrumentation initialization AppOpticsAPM end ``` ## Grape ![Grape](https://docs.appoptics.com/_images/grape.png) You can instrument your Grape application by adding the following code to your `config.ru` Rackup file: ```ruby # If you're not using Bundler.require. Make sure this is done # after the Grape require directive. require 'appoptics_apm' ... class App < Grape::API use AppOpticsAPM::Rack end ``` Make sure that the appoptics gem is loaded _after_ Grape either by listing `gem 'appoptics_apm'` after Grape in your Gemfile or calling the `require 'appoptics_apm'` directive after Grape is loaded. You must explicitly tell your Grape application to use AppOpticsAPM::Rack for tracing to occur. # SDK for Custom Tracing The appoptics_apm gem has the ability to instrument any arbitrary Ruby application or script. ```ruby require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' Bundler.require require 'appoptics_apm' ``` You can add even more visibility into any part of your application or scripts by adding custom instrumentation. ## AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace You can instrument any arbitrary block of code using `AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace`. ```ruby # layer_name will show up in the AppOptics app dashboard layer_name = 'subsystemX' # report_kvs are a set of information Key/Value pairs that are sent to # AppOptics dashboard along with the performance metrics. These KV # pairs are used to report request, environment and/or client specific # information. report_kvs = {} report_kvs[:mykey] = @client.id AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace(layer_name, report_kvs) do # the block of code to be traced end ``` `AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace` is used within the context of a request. It will follow the upstream state of the request being traced. i.e. the block of code will only be traced when the parent request is being traced. This tracing state of a request can also be queried by using `AppOpticsAPM.tracing?`. ## AppOpticsAPM::SDK.start_trace If you need to instrument code outside the context of a request (such as a cron job, background job or an arbitrary ruby script), use `AppOpticsAPM::SDK.start_trace` instead which will initiate a new trace based on configuration and probability (based on the sample rate). ### Example ```ruby require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' Bundler.require # Make sure appoptics_apm is at the bottom of your Gemfile. # This is likely redundant but just in case. require 'appoptics_apm' # Tracing mode can be :enabled or :disabled AppOpticsAPM::Config[:tracing_mode] = :enabled # # Update April 9, 2015 - this is done automagically now # and doesn't have to be called manually # # Load library instrumentation to auto-capture stuff we know about... # e.g. ActiveRecord, Cassandra, Dalli, Redis, memcache, mongo # TraceView::Ruby.load # Some KVs to report to the dashboard report_kvs = {} report_kvs[:command_line_params] = ARGV.to_s report_kvs[:user_id] = `whoami` AppOpticsAPM::SDK.start_trace('my_background_job', nil, report_kvs ) do # # Initialization code # tasks = get_all_tasks tasks.each do |t| # Optional: Here we embed another 'trace' to separate actual # work for each task. In the traces dashboard this will show # up as a large 'my_background_job' parent layer with many # child 'task' layers. AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace('task', { :task_id => t.id }) do t.perform end end # # cleanup code # end # Note that we use 'start_trace' in the outer block and 'trace' for # any sub-blocks of code we wish to instrument. The arguments for # both methods vary slightly. ``` Find more details in the [RubyDoc page](https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/appoptics_apm/AppOpticsAPM/SDK) on how to use the Tracing SDK in an independent Ruby script. # Support If you run into a problem, find a bug, or would like to request an enhancement, feel free to contact our tech support [support@appoptics.com](support@appoptics.com). # Contributing You are obviously a person of great sense and intelligence. We happily appreciate all contributions to the appoptics gem whether it is documentation, a bug fix, new instrumentation for a library or framework or anything else we haven't thought of. We welcome you to send us PRs. We also humbly request that any new instrumentation submissions have corresponding tests that accompany them. This way we don't break any of your additions when we (and others) make changes after the fact. ## Layout of the Gem The appoptics gem uses a standard gem layout. Here are the notable directories. lib/appoptics/inst # Auto load directory for various instrumented libraries lib/appoptics/frameworks # Framework instrumentation directory lib/appoptics/frameworks/rails # Files specific to Rails instrumentation lib/rails # A Rails required directory for the Rails install generator lib/api # The AppOpticsAPM Tracing API: layers, logging, tracing ext/oboe_metal # The Ruby c extension that links against the system liboboe library ## Building the Gem The appoptics gem is built with the standard `gem build` command passing in the gemspec: ```bash gem build appoptics_apm.gemspec ``` ## Writing Custom Instrumentation Custom instrumentation for a library, database or other service can be authored fairly easily. Generally, instrumentation of a library is done by wrapping select operations of that library and timing their execution using the AppOpticsAPM Tracing SDK which then reports the metrics to the users' AppOptics dashboard. Here, I'll use a stripped down version of the Dalli instrumentation (`lib/appoptics/inst/dalli.rb`) as a quick example of how to instrument a client library (the dalli gem). The Dalli gem nicely routes all memcache operations through a single `perform` operation. Wrapping this method allows us to capture all Dalli operations called by an application. First, we define a module (AppOpticsAPM::Inst::Dalli) and our own custom `perform_with_appoptics` method that we will use as a wrapper around Dalli's `perform` method. We also declare an `included` method which automatically gets called when this module is included by another. See [`Module#included` Ruby reference documentation](https://devdocs.io/ruby~2.5/module#method-i-included). ```ruby module AppOpticsAPM module Inst module Dalli include AppOpticsAPM::API::Memcache def self.included(cls) cls.class_eval do if ::Dalli::Client.private_method_defined? :perform alias perform_without_appoptics perform alias perform perform_with_appoptics end end end def perform_with_appoptics(*all_args, &blk) op, key, *args = *all_args if AppOpticsAPM.tracing? opts = {} opts[:KVOp] = op opts[:KVKey] = key AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace('memcache', opts || {}) do result = perform_without_appoptics(*all_args, &blk) if op == :get and key.class == String AppOpticsAPM::API.log_info('memcache', { :KVHit => memcache_hit?(result) }) end result end else perform_without_appoptics(*all_args, &blk) end end end end end ``` Second, we tail onto the end of the instrumentation file a simple `::Dalli::Client.module_eval` call to tell the Dalli module to include our newly defined instrumentation module. Doing this will invoke our previously defined `included` method. ```ruby if defined?(Dalli) and AppOpticsAPM::Config[:dalli][:enabled] ::Dalli::Client.module_eval do include AppOpticsAPM::Inst::Dalli end end ``` Third, in our wrapper method, we capture the arguments passed in, collect the operation and key information into a local hash and then invoke the `AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace` method to time the execution of the original operation. The `AppOpticsAPM::SDK.trace` method calls Dalli's native operation and reports the timing metrics and your custom `report_kvs` up to AppOptics servers to be shown on the user's dashboard. Some other tips and guidelines: * You can point your Gemfile directly at your cloned appoptics gem source by using `gem 'appoptics', :path => '/path/to/ruby-appoptics'` * If instrumenting a library, database or service, place your new instrumentation file into the `lib/appoptics/inst/` directory. From there, the appoptics gem will detect it and automatically load the instrumentation file. * If instrumenting a new framework, place your instrumentation file in `lib/appoptics/frameworks`. Refer to the Rails instrumentation for on ideas on how to load the appoptics gem correctly in your framework. * Review other existing instrumentation similar to the one you wish to author. `lib/appoptics/inst/` is a great place to start. * Depending on the configured `:sample_rate`, not all requests will be traced. Use `AppOpticsAPM.tracing?` to determine of this is a request that is being traced. * Performance is paramount. Make sure that your wrapped methods don't slow down users applications. * Include tests with your instrumentation. See `test/instrumentation/` for some examples of existing instrumentation tests. ## Compiling the C extension The appoptics gem utilizes a C extension to interface with a core library bundled in with the gem which handles reporting the trace and performance data back to AppOptics servers. C extensions are usually built on `gem install` but when working out of a local git repository, it's required that you manually build this C extension for the gem to function. To make this simpler, we've included a few rake tasks to automate this process: ```bash rake clean # make sure no old stuff is around rake fetch_ext_deps # download c-files rake compile # Build the gem's c extension ``` To see the code related to the C extension, take a look at `ext/oboe_metal/extconf.rb` for details. You can read more about Ruby gems with C extensions in the [Rubygems Guides](http://guides.rubygems.org/gems-with-extensions/). ## Running the Tests See the README in the test directory. # License Copyright (c) 2018 SolarWinds, LLC Released under the [Librato Open License](https://docs.appoptics.com/kb/apm_tracing/librato-open-license/)