### Include Text As Comment Use file inclusion to include text (or even code) as a comment. #### File to Be Included Here's a file containing code to be included: ```hello.rb```: ```markdown class HelloWorld def initialize(name) @name = name.capitalize end def sayHi puts "Hello !" end end ``` #### Includer File Here's a template file that includes it: ```includer.md```: ```markdown This file includes the code as a comment. @[:comment](hello.rb) ``` The treatment token ```:comment``` specifies that the included text is to be treated as a comment. #### Include Via markdown_helper
CLI ```sh markdown_helper include --pristine includer.md included.md ``` (Option ```--pristine``` suppresses comment insertion.)
API ```include.rb```: ```ruby require 'markdown_helper' # Option :pristine suppresses comment insertion. markdown_helper = MarkdownHelper.new(:pristine => true) markdown_helper.include('includer.md', 'included.md') ```
#### File with Inclusion Here's the finished file with the included comment: ```included.md```: ```markdown This file includes the code as a comment. ```