module Lookout::Rack::Utils module Subroute HTTP_METHODS = %w(DELETE GET HEAD OPTIONS LINK PATCH POST PUT TRACE UNLINK).freeze def subroute!(relative_path, options={}) # Create a copy of our App instance to preserve the state of the # caller's env hash subserver = dup request_opts = {'PATH_INFO' => relative_path} request_opts['REQUEST_METHOD'] = options.delete(:request_method).upcase if options[:request_method] http_verb = request_opts['REQUEST_METHOD'] || subserver.request.request_method raise ArgumentError, "Invalid http method: #{http_verb}" unless HTTP_METHODS.include?(http_verb) # modify rack environment using Rack::Request- store passed in key/value # pairs into hash associated with the parameters of the current http verb options.each { |k,v| subserver.request.send(http_verb)[k] = v } # Invoking Sinatra::Base#call! on our duplicated app instance. Sinatra's # call will dup the app instance and then call!, so skip Sinatra's dup # since we've done that here. subcode, subheaders, body =!(env.merge(request_opts)) return [subcode, body.first] end # Returns true if the status given is 20x # # @param [Integer] status def succeeded?(status) status.is_a?(Fixnum) && (200..299).include?(status) end # Returns false if the status given is 20x # # @param [Integer] status def failed?(status) !succeeded?(status) end end end