require "rest-client" require "json" require "economic/session" module Economic class BaseRepo URL = "".freeze class << self def save(model) post_or_put = model.id_key.nil? ? :post : :put send_request(method: post_or_put, url: URI.escape(endpoint_url + "/" + model.id_key.to_s), payload: model.to_h.to_json) end def send(model) send_request(method: :post, url: URI.escape(endpoint_url), payload: model.to_h.to_json) end def all(filter_text: "") pagination = {} pageindex = 0 entries = [] # Loop until last page, last page does not have a 'nextPage' while pagination["nextPage"] || response = fetch(pageindex: pageindex, filter_text: filter_text) hash = JSON.parse(response.body) hash["collection"].each do |entry_hash| entries.push end pagination = hash["pagination"] pageindex += 1 end entries end def filter(filter_text) all(filter_text: filter_text) end def updated_after(date) filter("lastUpdated$gt:#{to_iso8601z(date)}") end def find(id) response = send_request(method: :get, url: endpoint_url + "/" + id.to_s) entry_hash = JSON.parse(response.body) end def endpoint_url URL + endpoint_name end private def destroy(id) response = send_request(method: :delete, url: endpoint_url + "/" + id.to_s) JSON.parse(response.body)["message"] == "Deleted #{model.to_s.split("::").last.downcase}." end def model scopes = name.split("::") scopes[1] = scopes[1][0...-1] if scopes.count == 3 Object.const_get("#{scopes[0]}::#{scopes[1].sub("Repo", "")}") end def endpoint_name end_p = name.sub("Economic::", "") if end_p.include?("::") end_p = end_p.gsub("Repo", "") end_p = end_p.gsub("::", "/") else end_p = end_p.gsub("Repo", "s") end end_p = end_p.gsub("Journals", "Journals-Experimental") end_p = end_p.gsub("Selfs", "Self") # PaymentTerms is named with a plural s for a single record, but the end point is still just paymentterms. # Therefore the endpoint gets substituted end_p = end_p.gsub("PaymentTermss", "PaymentTerms") kebab(end_p) end def to_iso8601z(date) date = date.iso8601 date = date[0...-5].tr("+", "Z") if date.include?("+") date end def send_request(method:, url:, payload: "", &block) if payload.strip.empty? RestClient::Request.execute(method: method, url: url, headers: headers, &block) else RestClient::Request.execute(method: method, url: url, payload: payload, headers: headers, &block) end rescue => e raise "#{e}#{e.respond_to?(:response) ? ": #{e.response}" : ""}" end def headers {'X-AppSecretToken': Session.app_secret_token, 'X-AgreementGrantToken': Session.agreement_grant_token, 'Content-Type': "application/json"} end def fetch(pageindex: 0, filter_text: "") url = endpoint_url url << "?skippages=#{pageindex}&pagesize=1000" url << "&filter=#{filter_text}" unless filter_text == "" send_request(method: :get, url: URI.escape(url)) end def kebab(string) string.gsub(/::/, "/") .gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') .gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') .tr("_", "-") .downcase end end end end