#                  Licensing Information                         #
#                                                                #
#  The following code is licensed, as standalone code, under     #
#  the Ruby License, unless otherwise directed within the code.  #
#                                                                #
#  For information on the license of this code when distributed  #
#  with and used in conjunction with the other modules in the    #
#  Amp project, please see the root-level LICENSE file.          #
#                                                                #
#  © Michael J. Edgar and Ari Brown, 2009-2010                   #
#                                                                #

module Amp
  module Core
    module Repositories
      # = CommonVersionedFileMethods
      # These methods are common to all repositories, and this module is mixed into
      # the AbstractLocalRepository class. This guarantees that all repositories will
      # have these methods.
      # No methods should be placed into this module unless it relies on methods in the
      # general API for repositories.
      module CommonVersionedFileMethods
        def unified_diff_with(other_vf, opts = {})    
          Diffs::Mercurial::MercurialDiff.unified_diff(self.data, self.changeset.easy_date, 
                                                       other_vf.data, other_vf.changeset.easy_date,
                                                       self.path, other_vf.path || "/dev/null", 
                                                       false, opts)
        # Compares two versioned files - namely, their data.
        # @param [VersionedFile] other what to compare to
        # @return [Boolean] true if the two are the same
        def ===(other)
          self.path == other.path &&
          self.data == other.data
        # Returns if the file has been changed since its parent. Slow.
        # If your implementation has a fast way of doing this, we recommend
        # you override this method.
        # @return [Boolean] has the file been changed since its parent?
        def clean?
          self === parents.first
        opposite_method :dirty?, :clean?
        # User who committed this revision to this file
        # @return [String] the user
        def user; changeset.user; end
        # Date this revision to this file was committed
        # @return [DateTime]
        def date; changeset.date; end
        # The description of the commit that contained this file revision
        # @return [String]
        def description; changeset.description; end
        # The branch this tracked file belongs to
        # @return [String]
        def branch; changeset.branch; end
        # Working directory has no children!
        def children; []; end