package Moose::Util::MetaRole; our $VERSION = '2.2206'; use strict; use warnings; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use List::Util 1.33 qw( first all ); use Moose::Deprecated; use Moose::Util 'throw_exception'; sub apply_metaroles { my %args = @_; my $for = _metathing_for( $args{for} ); if ( $for->isa('Moose::Meta::Role') ) { return _make_new_metaclass( $for, $args{role_metaroles}, 'role' ); } else { return _make_new_metaclass( $for, $args{class_metaroles}, 'class' ); } } sub _metathing_for { my $passed = shift; my $found = blessed $passed ? $passed : Class::MOP::class_of($passed); return $found if defined $found && blessed $found && ( $found->isa('Moose::Meta::Role') || $found->isa('Moose::Meta::Class') ); local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1; throw_exception( InvalidArgPassedToMooseUtilMetaRole => argument => $passed ); } sub _make_new_metaclass { my $for = shift; my $roles = shift; my $primary = shift; return $for unless keys %{$roles}; my $new_metaclass = exists $roles->{$primary} ? _make_new_class( ref $for, $roles->{$primary} ) : blessed $for; my %classes; for my $key ( grep { $_ ne $primary } keys %{$roles} ) { my $attr = first {$_} map { $for->meta->find_attribute_by_name($_) } ( $key . '_metaclass', $key . '_class' ); my $reader = $attr->get_read_method; $classes{ $attr->init_arg } = _make_new_class( $for->$reader(), $roles->{$key} ); } my $new_meta = $new_metaclass->reinitialize( $for, %classes ); return $new_meta; } sub apply_base_class_roles { my %args = @_; my $meta = _metathing_for( $args{for} || $args{for_class} ); throw_exception( CannotApplyBaseClassRolesToRole => params => \%args, role_name => $meta->name, ) if $meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role'); my $new_base = _make_new_class( $meta->name, $args{roles}, [ $meta->superclasses() ], ); $meta->superclasses($new_base) if $new_base ne $meta->name(); } sub _make_new_class { my $existing_class = shift; my $roles = shift; my $superclasses = shift || [$existing_class]; return $existing_class unless $roles; my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($existing_class); return $existing_class if $meta->can('does_role') && all { $meta->does_role($_) } grep { !ref $_ } @{$roles}; return Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class( superclasses => $superclasses, roles => $roles, cache => 1, )->name(); } 1; # ABSTRACT: Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Moose::Util::MetaRole - Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class =head1 VERSION version 2.2206 =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyApp::Moose; use Moose (); use Moose::Exporter; use Moose::Util::MetaRole; use MyApp::Role::Meta::Class; use MyApp::Role::Meta::Method::Constructor; use MyApp::Role::Object; Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods( also => 'Moose' ); sub init_meta { shift; my %args = @_; Moose->init_meta(%args); Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles( for => $args{for_class}, class_metaroles => { class => ['MyApp::Role::Meta::Class'], constructor => ['MyApp::Role::Meta::Method::Constructor'], }, ); Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_base_class_roles( for => $args{for_class}, roles => ['MyApp::Role::Object'], ); return $args{for_class}->meta(); } =head1 DESCRIPTION This utility module is designed to help authors of Moose extensions write extensions that are able to cooperate with other Moose extensions. To do this, you must write your extensions as roles, which can then be dynamically applied to the caller's metaclasses. This module makes sure to preserve any existing superclasses and roles already set for the meta objects, which means that any number of extensions can apply roles in any order. =head1 USAGE The easiest way to use this module is through L, which can generate the appropriate C method for you, and make sure it is called when imported. =head1 FUNCTIONS This module provides two functions. =head2 apply_metaroles( ... ) This function will apply roles to one or more metaclasses for the specified class. It will return a new metaclass object for the class or role passed in the "for" parameter. It accepts the following parameters: =over 4 =item * for => $name This specifies the class for which to alter the meta classes. This can be a package name, or an appropriate meta-object (a L or L). =item * class_metaroles => \%roles This is a hash reference specifying which metaroles will be applied to the class metaclass and its contained metaclasses and helper classes. Each key should in turn point to an array reference of role names. It accepts the following keys: =over 8 =item class =item attribute =item method =item wrapped_method =item instance =item constructor =item destructor =item error =back =item * role_metaroles => \%roles This is a hash reference specifying which metaroles will be applied to the role metaclass and its contained metaclasses and helper classes. It accepts the following keys: =over 8 =item role =item attribute =item method =item required_method =item conflicting_method =item application_to_class =item application_to_role =item application_to_instance =item application_role_summation =item applied_attribute =back =back =head2 apply_base_class_roles( for => $class, roles => \@roles ) This function will apply the specified roles to the object's base class. =head1 BUGS See L for details on reporting bugs. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Stevan Little =item * Dave Rolsky =item * Jesse Luehrs =item * Shawn M Moore =item * יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) =item * Karen Etheridge =item * Florian Ragwitz =item * Hans Dieter Pearcey =item * Chris Prather =item * Matt S Trout =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut