require 'spec_helper' require 'albacore/unzip' describe Unzip, "when providing configuration" do let :uz do Albacore.configure do |config| config.unzip.file = "configured" end uz = end it "should use the configured values" do uz.file.should == "configured" end it "should not 'force' by default" do uz.instance_variable_get(:@force).should be_nil end it "should enable 'force' by calling the force() method" do uz.force uz.instance_variable_get(:@force).should be_true end end describe Unzip, "when executing the task" do let :uz do zipped_file = mock('foo.txt') zipped_file.stub(:name).and_return('foo.txt') zip_file = mock('') zip_file.stub(:each).and_yield(zipped_file) zip_file.stub(:extract) Zip::File.stub!(:open).and_yield(zip_file) FileUtils.stub(:mkdir_p) File.stub!(:file?).and_return(true) uz = uz.file = '' uz.destination = '/tmp' uz end it "should delete the destinationfile if forced" do File.should_receive(:delete).with('/tmp/foo.txt') uz.force uz.execute end it "should keep the destination file if not forced" do File.should_not_receive(:delete) uz.execute end end