# ********** Copyright Viacom, Inc. Apache 2.0 ********** module RokuBuilder # Navigation methods class Navigator < Util extend Plugin def self.commands { nav: {device: true}, navigate: {device: true}, type: {device: true}, screen: {device: true}, screens: {} } end def self.parse_options(parser:, options:) parser.separator("Commands:") parser.on("-N", "--nav CMD", "Send the given command to the roku") do |n| options[:nav] = n end parser.on("--navigate", "Run interactive navigator") do options[:navigate] = true end parser.on("-y", "--type TEXT", "Type the given text on the roku device") do |t| options[:type] = t end parser.on("--screen SCREEN", "Show a screen") do |s| options[:screen] = s end parser.on("--screens", "Show possible screens") do options[:screens] = true end end # Setup navigation commands def init() @commands = { home: "Home", rew: "Rev", ff: "Fwd", play: "Play", select: "Select", left: "Left", right: "Right", down: "Down", up: "Up", back: "Back", replay: "InstantReplay", info: "Info", backspace: "Backspace", search: "Search", enter: "Enter", volumedown: "VolumeDown", volumeup: "VolumeUp", mute: "VolumeMute", channelup: "ChannelUp", channeldown: "ChannelDown", tuner: "InputTuner", hdmi1: "InputHDMI1", hdmi2: "InputHDMI2", hdmi3: "InputHDMI3", hdmi4: "InputHDMI4", avi: "InputAVI" } @screens = { platform: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :ff, :play, :rew, :play, :ff], secret: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :ff, :ff, :ff, :rew, :rew], secret2: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :up, :right, :down, :left, :up], channels: [:home, :home, :home, :up, :up, :left, :right, :left, :right, :left], developer: [:home, :home, :home, :up, :up, :right, :left, :right, :left, :right], wifi: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :up, :down, :up, :down, :up], antenna: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :ff, :down, :rew, :down, :ff], bitrate: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :rew, :rew, :rew, :ff, :ff], network: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :right, :left, :right, :left, :right], reboot: [:home, :home, :home, :home, :home, :up, :rew, :rew, :ff, :ff] } @runable = [ :secret, :channels ] mappings_init end # Send a navigation command to the roku device # @param command [Symbol] The smbol of the command to send # @return [Boolean] Success def nav(options:, device: nil) get_device(device: device, no_lock: true) do |device| commands = options[:nav].split(/, */).map{|c| c.to_sym} commands.each do |command| unless @commands.has_key?(command) raise ExecutionError, "Unknown Navigation Command" end multipart_connection(port: 8060, device: device) do |conn| path = "/keypress/#{@commands[command]}" @logger.debug("Send Command: "+path) response = conn.post path raise ExecutionError, "Navigation Failed" unless response.success? end end end end # Type text on the roku device # @param text [String] The text to type on the device # @return [Boolean] Success def type(options:, device: nil) multipart_connection(port: 8060, device: device, no_lock: true) do |conn| options[:type].split(//).each do |c| path = "/keypress/LIT_#{CGI::escape(c)}" @logger.debug("Send Letter: "+path) response = conn.post path return false unless response.success? end return true end end def navigate(options:) get_device(no_lock: true) do |device| running = true @logger.info("Key Mappings:") @mappings.each_value {|key| @logger.info(sprintf("%13s -> %s", key[1], @commands[key[0].to_sym])) } @logger.info(sprintf("%13s -> %s", "Ctrl + c", "Exit")) while running char = read_char @logger.debug("Char: #{char.inspect}") if char == "\u0003" running = false else Thread.new(char, device) {|character,device| handle_navigate_input(character, device)} end end end end # Show the commands for one of the roku secret screens # @param type [Symbol] The type of screen to show # @return [Boolean] Screen found def screen(options:) type = options[:screen].to_sym unless @screens.has_key?(type) raise ExecutionError, "Unknown Screen" end if @runable.include?(type) nav(options: {nav: @screens[type].join(", ")}) else @logger.unknown("Cannot run command automatically") display_screen_command(type) end end # Show avaiable roku secret screens def screens(options:) logger = ::Logger.new(STDOUT) logger.formatter = proc {|_severity, _datetime, _progname, msg| "%s\n\r" % [msg] } logger.unknown("----------------------------------------------------------------------") @screens.keys.each {|screen| logger.unknown(sprintf("%10s: %s", screen.to_s, get_screen_command(screen))) logger.unknown("----------------------------------------------------------------------") } end private def mappings_init() @mappings = { "\e[1~": [ "home", "Home" ], "<": [ "rew", "<" ], ">": [ "ff", ">" ], "=": [ "play", "=" ], "\r": [ "select", "Enter" ], "\e[D": [ "left", "Left Arrow" ], "\e[C": [ "right", "Right Arrow" ], "\e[B": [ "down", "Down Arrow" ], "\e[A": [ "up", "Up Arrow" ], "\t": [ "back", "Tab" ], #"": [ "replay", "" ], "*": [ "info", "*" ], "\u007f": [ "backspace", "Backspace" ], "?": [ "search", "?" ], "\e\r": [ "enter", "Alt + Enter" ], "\e[5~": [ "volumeup", "Page Up" ], "\e[6~": [ "volumedown", "Page Down" ], "\e[4~": [ "mute", "End" ], #"": [ "channeldown", "" ], #"": [ "channelup", "" ], #"": [ "tuner", "" ], #"": [ "hdmi1", "" ], #"": [ "hdmi2", "" ], #"": [ "hdmi3", "" ], #"": [ "hdmi4", "" ], #"": [ "avi", "" ] } @mappings.merge!(generate_maggings) if @config.input_mappings end def generate_maggings mappings = {} if @config.input_mappings @config.input_mappings.each_pair {|key, value| unless "".to_sym == key key = key.to_s.sub(/\\e/, "\e").to_sym mappings[key] = value end } end mappings end def read_char STDIN.noecho do |io| io.raw! input = STDIN.getc.chr begin if input == "\e" then input << STDIN.read_nonblock(3) rescue nil input << STDIN.read_nonblock(2) rescue nil end end io.cooked! input end end def handle_navigate_input(char, device) if @mappings[char.to_sym] != nil nav(options: {nav: @mappings[char.to_sym][0]}, device: device) elsif char.inspect.force_encoding("UTF-8").ascii_only? type(options: {type: char}, device: device) end end def display_screen_command(type) logger = ::Logger.new(STDOUT) logger.formatter = proc {|_severity, _datetime, _progname, msg| "%s\n\r" % [msg] } logger.unknown(get_screen_command(type)) end def get_screen_command(type) display, count, string = [], [], "" @screens[type].each do |command| if display.count > 0 and display[-1] == command count[-1] = count[-1] + 1 else display.push(command) count.push(1) end end display.each_index do |i| if count[i] > 1 string = string + @commands[display[i]]+" x "+count[i].to_s+", " else string = string + @commands[display[i]]+", " end end string.strip end end RokuBuilder.register_plugin(Navigator) end