# encoding: utf-8
module ICU
# == Creating Tournaments
# ICU::RatedTournament objects are created directly.
# t = ICU::RatedTournament.new
# They have some optional parameters which can be set via the constructor or by calling
# the same-named setter methods. One is called _desc_ (short for description) the value
# of which can be any object but will, if utilized, typically be the name of the
# tournament as a string.
# t = ICU::RatedTournament.new(:desc => "Irish Championships 2010")
# puts t.desc # "Irish Championships 2010"
# Another optional parameter is _start_ for the start date. A Date object or a string that can be
# parsed as a string can be used to set it. The European convention is preferred for dates like
# "03/06/2013" (3rd of June, not 6th of March). Attempting to set an invalid date will raise an
# exception.
# t = ICU::RatedTournament.new(:start => "01/07/2010")
# puts t.start.class # Date
# puts t.start.to_s # "2010-07-01"
# Also, there is the option _no_bonuses_. Bonuses are a feature of the ICU rating system. If you are
# rating a non-ICU tournament (such as a FIDE tournament) where bonues are not awarded use this option.
# t = ICU::RatedTournament.new(:desc => 'Linares', :start => "07/02/2009", :no_bonuses => true)
# Note, however, that the ICU system also has its own unique way of treating provisional, unrated and
# foreign players, so the only FIDE tournaments that can be rated using this software are those that
# consist solely of rated players.
# == Rating Tournaments
# To rate a tournament, first add the players (see ICU::RatedPlayer for details):
# t.add_player(1, :rating => 2534, :kfactor => 16)
# # ...
# Then add the results (see ICU::RatedResult for details):
# t.add_result(1, 1, 2, 'W')
# # ...
# Then rate the tournament by calling the rate! method:
# t.rate!
# Now the results of the rating calculations can be retrieved from the players in the tournement
# or their results. For example, player 1's new rating would be:
# t.player(1).new_rating
# See ICU::RatedPlayer and ICU::RatedResult for more details.
# == Error Handling
# Some of the above methods have the potential to raise RuntimeError exceptions.
# In the case of _add_player_ and _add_result_, the use of invalid arguments
# would cause such an error. Theoretically, the rate! method could also throw an
# exception if the iterative algorithm it uses to estimate performance ratings
# of unrated players failed to converge. However an instance of non-convergence
# has yet to be observed in practice.
# Since exception throwing is how errors are signalled, you should arrange for them
# to be caught and handled in some suitable place in your code.
class RatedTournament
attr_accessor :desc
attr_reader :start, :no_bonuses
# Add a new player to the tournament. Returns the instance of ICU::RatedPlayer created.
# See ICU::RatedPlayer for details.
def add_player(num, args={})
raise "player with number #{num} already exists" if @player[num]
args[:kfactor] = ICU::RatedPlayer.kfactor(args[:kfactor].merge({ :start => start, :rating => args[:rating] })) if args[:kfactor].is_a?(Hash)
@player[num] = ICU::RatedPlayer.new(num, args)
# Add a new result to the tournament. Two instances of ICU::RatedResult are
# created. One is added to the first player and the other to the second player.
# The method returns _nil_. See ICU::RatedResult for details.
def add_result(round, player, opponent, score)
n1 = player.is_a?(ICU::RatedPlayer) ? player.num : player.to_i
n2 = opponent.is_a?(ICU::RatedPlayer) ? opponent.num : opponent.to_i
p1 = @player[n1] || raise("no such player number (#{n1})")
p2 = @player[n2] || raise("no such player number (#{n2})")
r1 = ICU::RatedResult.new(round, p2, score)
r2 = ICU::RatedResult.new(round, p1, r1.opponents_score)
# Rate the tournament. Called after all players and results have been added.
def rate!
players.each { |p| p.init }
players.each { |p| p.rate! }
if !no_bonuses && calculate_bonuses > 0
players.each { |p| p.rate! }
# Return an array of all players, in order of player number.
def players
@player.keys.sort.map{ |num| @player[num] }
# Return a player (ICU::RatedPlayer) given a player number (returns _nil_ if the number is invalid).
def player(num)
# Set the start date. Raises exception on error.
def start=(date)
@start = ICU::Util.parsedate!(date)
# Set whether there are no bonuses (false by default)
def no_bonuses=(no_bonuses)
@no_bonuses = no_bonuses ? true : false
# Create a new, empty (no players, no results) tournament.
def initialize(opt={})
[:desc, :start, :no_bonuses].each { |atr| self.send("#{atr}=", opt[atr]) unless opt[atr].nil? }
@player = Hash.new
# Calculate performance ratings either iteratively or with just one sweep for bonus calculations.
def performance_ratings(max)
stable, count = false, 0
while !stable && count < max
@player.values.each { |p| p.estimate_performance }
stable = @player.values.inject(true) { |ok, p| p.update_performance && ok }
count+= 1
raise "performance rating estimation did not converge" if max > 1 && !stable
# Calculate bonuses for all players and return the number who got one.
def calculate_bonuses
@player.values.inject(0) { |t,p| t + (p.calculate_bonus ? 1 : 0) }